
The "moon" that fell into the sea

author:Zhejiang Daily

2018-07-25 14:44 | Zhejiang news client reporter | Yan Tingting sorted out Mao Junbo drawing

Moon fish, this name is beautiful just to hear.

It's not a fish on the moon, or it looks like the moon.

This fish lives in the deep sea, can not be seen during the day, only around the fifteenth day of the lunar calendar, surfaces at the full moon, and mostly between 12 o'clock at night and 1 o'clock the next day. In addition, it belongs to the family Ofemonaceae, with a little stripe on its body, like a star in the sky, thus creating its good name.

Morphological characteristics 〉〉

Moonfish, the family Moonfish, the genus Moonfish, and the order Perciformes, are collective names for the filament-fined ploughshares of the triliss family, and the spectacled fish of the spectacled fish family.

It is thin and particularly tall , with a slender caudal base , a bifurcated caudal fin , and a sickle-shaped elongated pectoral fin. The upper side is blue, the lower side is light rose red, with silver spots, and the fins are crimson. Up to 2 meters long, uncommon, for precious edible fish. Juveniles are characterized by tapered and elongated fins in the dorsal and ventral fins.

It is widely distributed in warm seas, prefers tropical and subtropical warm waters, mainly distributed in the western Atlantic, and likes to eat mollusks such as squid and octopus.

Classic 〉〉

(1) Tempeh steamed moon fish

Clean up the fish; cut a few knives on the back of the fish, sprinkle with salt; add ginger and green onions, then put tempeh; bring to a boil over medium heat, put the fish on high heat, and steam for 10 to 15 minutes; after cooking, pour out the excess soup, pick up the ginger and green onion and throw it away, drizzle with steamed fish soy sauce; place the shredded shallots and drizzle with piping hot oil.

(2) Steamed moon fish

Moon fish meat tastes good. If you don't like the tempeh flavor, you may wish to try the steamed taste.

Wash the fish, cut a few knives on the back to taste, add some ginger and garlic, soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, chicken essence, etc. to taste, then pour on the fish; steam for 10 minutes.

(3) Braised moon fish

Wash the moon fish, add the right amount of salt, chicken essence, cooking wine, garlic and ginger, stir well, marinate for 15 minutes; oil the pot, heat, put the marinated moon fish into the pot, low heat and slow frying, when it is slightly charred, pour in the appropriate amount of water, and then slowly cook it; when you start cooking, you can put in other condiments to re-season, the taste will be better.

Magic 〉〉

Unlike other fish, moonfish can generate heat by constantly stirring up their wings-like pectoral fins, and muscle temperatures are on average 4°C to 5°C higher than the surrounding seawater. This unique body structure ensures that the moon fish will not lose its temperature even if it is in the cold waters.

Tuna and some other sharks can also maintain the temperature of certain parts of the body while hunting in the deep sea, but they must surface from time to time or vital organs like the heart will be eroded by cold water. Moonfish do not need to return to the surface of the sea regularly, they generally live in an area of about 50 meters to 1000 meters underwater.