
Grass long warblers fly on February days, whisking willows drunk spring smoke village residence


<h1>Village residence</h1>

Gao Ding

Grass warblers fly on February days, whisking willows drunk with spring smoke.

Children return from school early and are busy taking advantage of the east wind to release paper kites.


Gao Ding , literally one , lived around the time of the Xianfeng Dynasty in the Qing Dynasty. A native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Most of his works are poems describing natural scenes.

Grass long warblers fly on February days, whisking willows drunk spring smoke village residence


"Grass warblers fly on February days, whisking willows drunk with spring smoke." [In early spring and February, the weather turned warmer, the mountains, by the stream, the wilderness, the grass all drilled out, and the earth was replaced with tender green spring clothes.] The warblers of spring, in the mountains and fields of the grass, on the branches of the first blooming of spring flowers, crisply shout, flying freely and cheerfully. The willows on the hung long branches, pulling out petite pale yellow leaf buds, and the willows fluttered against the banks of the stream, and the shyness seemed to revel in the smokey scenery of spring. 〕

"Grass long warbler flying", it is written that February is the most beautiful season of the year. "Long", the vitality of the writing grass and the lush shape of growth. "Flying", the dance posture of the warbler, writes the image beauty of the warbler flying in the mountains and woods. "Grass length" is a dynamic description, but under the background of "warbler flying", it is a static scene and provides a vibrant green background for the song and dance of "warblers". "Long" helps "fly" potential, and the "warbler" is more moving. The beauty of the "February Day" in the "Spring Festival" came to the "village residence" in the "grass long warbler flying".

The "willow" of the second sentence reflects the "grass", "warbler", "willow" and "grass warbler" in the first sentence are specific depictions of "February day". "Whisk", writing a long willow wire rubbing the embankment swing light and graceful dynamic, it closely follows the words "long" and "fly" in the first sentence. "Willows" lightly "whisk" on the embankment, "grass" grows "long" on the earth, and "warblers" "fly" in the sky. In this way, there are flying "warblers" on the top, "willows" on the embankment, and long "grass" on the bottom, forming a perfect three-dimensional painting and silent poetry. "Spring smoke" refers to the faint haze in the spring air. "Grass warblers" and "willows" constitute the beauty of Yangchun, and "spring smoke" sets off "grass warblers" and "willows". At the same time, "Spring Smoke" also takes care of "February Day", which means that only in Yangchun and February, there is a beautiful scenery of "Spring Smoke". The poetry of Shanglian is mainly concentrated on the word "drunk", and "drunk" is the meaning of intoxication and intoxication. A "drunk" word is fascinating, and it is not only "willow" who is intoxicated by "spring smoke", why not be "drunk" because of "spring smoke"!

Shanglian pointed out the title, wrote a piece of melting spring light at the "village residence", and wrote about the natural beauty of the mountains and greenery.

"Children return from school early and are busy taking advantage of the east wind to release paper kites." [February is the most beautiful time in Yangchun, when the children finish their homework early in school and go home happily.] The children reveled in the beauty of yangchun, taking advantage of the "east wind" to blow happily, hurriedly carrying kites to the wild, running into the embrace of nature, and letting go of the "east wind" to send the "paper kites" to a very high, very far place. The children stared intently, cheering and jumping. 〕

Grass long warblers fly on February days, whisking willows drunk spring smoke village residence

"Child" is an extremely cute image in "Spring Smoke Drunken Willow Figure". "Children" in the "grass long warbler flying" background, appear more childish, naughty, as lively as warblers, like warblers singing and dancing, free. "Return early" to "February day", the children are intoxicated by the beauty of Yangchun and February, and only then do they leave school to return "early". "Early" means that the book is read early, and it means that the time is still early in the evening. "Early" and "drunken spring smoke" are compatible, "willow" and "drunk", children are more "drunk", looking forward to school, eager to return "early". "Early" is "early" by "grass long warbler flying", "early" is "early" by "willow spring smoke", "early" contains interest, hobbies and joy. "Early" realistically writes the "return" on the road, bouncing, stepping on the grass, shaking willow branches - smart and naughty child figures.

The "East Wind" is the first of the four monsoons, and it is a symbol of prosperity and prosperity here. "East Wind" inherits the "grass warbler" and "willow" of the upper link, and without "East Wind" there is no nature's "grass warbler" and "willow". The three verbs of "long", "flying" and "whisk" are also interspersed with "east wind", "grass long", "warbler flying", and willow "whisking embankment" are meant to dance "east wind". "East Wind", and calls for the "paper kite" in the following text. "Paper kite" closely follows the word "child" in the third sentence. Through the description of different perspectives, the poet makes the image of the protagonist of the poem" "child" more and more vivid and vivid. The fourth sentence of "busy taking advantage" is the most poetic, and the children are afraid of losing the "east wind" and for fear of wasting a little precious time before dusk, so they return "early". "Early" means "busy". "Busy" writes the nervous situation of children "putting paper kites" in the wild vividly. The word "take advantage" vividly writes out the images and spirits of the children who concentrate on capturing the "East Wind". The word "put" conveyed the joy in the hearts of the children after the kite was on the kite. In the concluding sentence of the poem, the words "busy", "take advantage" and "put" depict the inner world of "children" delicately and realistically, so that the lively and lovely "children" image in the poem has a touching power. We seem to hear the childish cries of the children who "put paper kites", smell the fragrance of spring grass, and the mellow smell of earth.

Grass long warblers fly on February days, whisking willows drunk spring smoke village residence


The poem depicts the bright scenery of the early spring in the countryside and the interesting scene of the children "busy taking advantage of the east wind to release paper kites", expressing the poet's love for the beautiful spring, the idyllic village life, and the innocent children.

The language of the poem is fresh and the style is clear, highlighting the characteristics of early spring "grass long warblers flying", willow "blowing embankment", and smoke mist, outlining a beautiful "spring scene of the village residence".

The poet observes meticulously, the brushstrokes are delicate, and he deliberately portrays the image of a group of innocent and lovely rural children. The word "busy" is particularly evocative, drawing a lively mood of playful children.

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