
From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)

author:See the world of fish

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Reprinted from The Original Beauty of Shouwang

Today, following a previous tweet, we continue to talk nonsense: My original fish tank culture process (two), in the previous first article, mainly in the memory of my very bad tank, today I will probably recall the beautiful native fish in my tank. All photos are from the iPhone 6, have not been processed in any way, the picture quality is very scummy, please forgive me...

From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)

Tall-bodied salmon: This is the first native fish I raised, and this species is found in all waters across the country, and we are no exception here, which is the largest male tall body I have collected in the wild along the Yangtze River.

From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)

Striped catfish: This is my opening elder, other fish species have been successively changed in batches, only they... From the beginning of my first small tank to the present, the state has been very stable, lively and edible, witnessing my transition from small white to now.

From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)

Dotted silver catfish: This is the third native fish that appears in my tank, we are rich in a small tributary of the Yangtze River here, when I first picked it, I thought it was a stick flower, the elder in the tank, the state has been very stable.

From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)
From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)

Striped cuttlefish: very diligent to eat algae fish, although the original tank is mainly stone, bursting algae is more natural, but with some wild carp subfamily clean fish is still very necessary... The picture above shows the hair color state, especially the dorsal fin, which is very beautiful in red, yellow and black! The following figure shows the state of no color when just entering the cylinder.

From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)

Loach with large spotted flowers + loach in Yunnan: At this stage, I was very interested in the native tool fish and began to make up classes like crazy! Before getting a little striped ink head to remove algae, and then began to enter a little loach family fish, are good at turning sand and filtering food! The picture shows the loach with large spots below and the Loach in Yunnan at the top.

From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)

Guizhou rock loach: Fish of the flat-fin loach family can be collectively referred to as sucker loach, which is very fun and occasionally cleans up some algae. Cute attached to the wall of the cylinder, the flat abdomen is just reflected from the glass, the picture quality is too slag, just look at it.

From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)

Tai slender bream: This is also the elder in my tank, at first I always thought it was a southern wave fish, until later after having a little understanding of the native fish, I found that the fish's mouth and eyes are completely the characteristics of the subfamily Offidae, to check the data, the result is correct with me, this is actually a small bream.

From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)

Like a bream: This fish was accidentally copied by me at the water and grass on the Yangtze River, and it was in very good condition when it first entered the tank! The feeling of being covered with silver and white without a little impurity is not reflected in the photo, but unfortunately, it has not been smart enough to eat, and it has not been able to grab food, and then unfortunately hung up, and never picked this species again. Before I was not sure what kind of species it was, reverse fish, white turtle I thought, until later hung for a long time I was sure that it is like a bream, blunt and round tone in line with the characteristics of the subfamily.

From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)

Meal: There are water systems all over the country, we are the same here, very much, this is my local place called "South Lake" to pick, the side line gloss is very beautiful! There are masters to determine what kind of meal this is?

From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)
From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)

Albacore: In order to pick it up, I accidentally stepped on it the first time I went, and my metacarpal bone was fractured... This species is found in every stream we have here. The fish is in very good condition, the color is very beautiful, but unfortunately my photography skills are really limited, and I can't show it at all.

From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)
From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)

Blunt sturgeon: During the hand recuperation period, I went to the fishing ground to engage in some artificial breeding of the little guy into the tank, but unfortunately this fish is not suitable for the aquarium of complex landscaping, often swimming to the stone crevices can not come out, making me very busy. In addition, sturgeon fish in Chongqing is really difficult to survive the summer, be careful!

Personally summed up that the best set of the original tank should be the stone tank: the stream small sand and gravel paving, go to the natural water to find some stones as the main scene, with large leaves of the negative grass embellishment, the longer the time the more explosive algae the more natural, and then the filter must be forced (recommended drip or bottom filter), and finally remember to cover. If you can't meet the breeding conditions, please let go of these beautiful species, if you like it, you should protect it... Protect China's water resources and watch over China's native beauty!

From Little White to Little Understanding--My Journey of Native Fish Tank Culture (II)

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