
Do you believe in animism? I picked up this sunflower on the side of the road, and one evening I went out for a stroll, and I felt that I had stepped on something while walking, and when I looked down, I didn't know who discarded it

author:Warm and good day

Do you believe in animism? This sunflower was picked up by me on the side of the road, one evening I went out to wander, walking and feeling what I stepped on, looking down, I don't know who discarded a sunflower, I don't know why, I don't know why, looking at this dry sunflower I feel so pitiful, the whole flower is almost finished, that is, there is still a little green on the tip, so I went home and took it home.

The effort paid off, I cut the green part with small scissors, found a flower pot, loosened the soil, inserted the green part into the soil, watered, and after a few days I saw that it seemed to really live, and then I saw that it was getting better and better day by day, and a strange phenomenon is that whenever I look at it, whether it is wind or not, I always feel that it is beckoning to me, and sometimes I can see that its note is indeed moving.

Today it bloomed a beautiful flower, I saw the flower beckoning to me from afar, and I don't know if it is the good luck it brings, my handmade snacks received eighty orders a day, such a good business is also a new high in recent years, there is always an indescribable joy in my heart.

There is also a feeling that everything has spirituality, as long as you can treat every grass and tree around you well, you will also be full of blessings and good luck.

Do you believe in animism? I picked up this sunflower on the side of the road, and one evening I went out for a stroll, and I felt that I had stepped on something while walking, and when I looked down, I didn't know who discarded it
Do you believe in animism? I picked up this sunflower on the side of the road, and one evening I went out for a stroll, and I felt that I had stepped on something while walking, and when I looked down, I didn't know who discarded it
Do you believe in animism? I picked up this sunflower on the side of the road, and one evening I went out for a stroll, and I felt that I had stepped on something while walking, and when I looked down, I didn't know who discarded it

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