
Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed

author:Cyprus Island Homestead

Hello everyone, I'm stuffed, the last issue took you to "taste" a little, Lefkara village. Speaking of rural tours, we do have some small villages in Cyprus that are worth exploring. Check out which "village" :P you visit

Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed

A small village belonging to the capital of Cyprus

Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed

Kalopanagiotis is geographically part of Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, but it is not far from Trodos, the highest mountain in Cyprus. This small village, although there is no handmade lace embroidery and silverware, but it is really not inferior due to the natural beauty produced by its geographical location. Especially the small streams and churches in the small villages have a unique taste.

Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed

Creeks, bridges

Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed


Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed

See the countryside scenery from afar

Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed

Country roads

Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed

The small village also has a magical climbing artifact - small elevator lol modern touch

There is a treasure hotel hidden inside the small village

Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed

Haha, this small village introduced today, in addition to the characteristic natural scenery, focuses on a treasure hotel hidden in the village.

Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed
Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed

This equivalent to a four-star hotel is called, Casale Panayiotis, in fact, it is different from the general perception in everyone's mind, this hotel, there is no palatial lobby, no majestic building, even a hotel parking location is far away, haha, do you think this hotel is something? Nothing.

The feature of this hotel is that it is not a hotel at all, but a small villa and a small house that was originally in this village, so don't be disappointed too early, show you the room in this hotel

Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed
Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed
Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed

After the renovation of the hotel, the original old houses have been renewed, with modern comfort and warmth, and the original stone, wood elements, complement each other.

Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed

All the rooms are located in different locations in the village, some with a high view of the mountains, some close to the hotel service center, some with a courtyard, some with a large balcony, according to different preferences, book different rooms, each with its own characteristics.

Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed

The room we chose was with a courtyard

It's a good place to rest or have a drink or two

Do you think that's the end of it? The real treasure of this hotel is the spa where there is a god who comes and can get a rest:)

Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed

So what's so amazing about this SPA?

It turns out that the village of Kalopanayiotis has been famous for its sulfur spring water since history, and many people come here to bathe. Sulfur spring, with softening the skin, dissolving keratin, sterilization, insecticidal effects, has a good therapeutic effect on various skin diseases; It can make the autonomic nervous system excitable active for patients who need to be excited, such as nerve damage, neuritis, muscle paralysis, etc.; It can promote the absorption of joint infiltrates, relieve the tension of joint ligaments, and is suitable for various chronic joint diseases; Because the colloidal sulfur molecules contained in the spring water are small, easy to enter the body tissues, play a similar catalytic effect, so that the waste in the body is excreted by the skin and kidneys, so the sulfur spring also has a certain effect on metabolic diseases.

Cyprus capital country hotel where you can bathe in hot springs - stuffed

When you get to this village, remember to order this fish

It is a very characteristic river fish trout

Remember to pay attention to the daily video number of "Sai Island Home",

The video number takes a look at the stuffed countryside tour

Well, this issue of Kalopanayiotis Capital Village is introduced here, if you have been to this small village, you can leave a comment. Haven't been there, very recommended to try. Let's not say what diseases sulfur springs can cure, but it does feel a lot easier, hehe.

Thank you for reading, I wish you all, love in your eyes, light in your heart, and three meals slowly :P

About the Cyprus Home columnist:

Stuffed, or the middle-aged girl in the video who likes to stroll around and eat and take you to explore Cyprus in depth. Chinese ability needs to be improved urgently, and I always think about the author who nags codewords. Occasional columns, and written and casual.

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