
Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

author:Z flower take a break

Summer is here, mosquitoes are infested, and the active season is frequent, and people hate to gnash their teeth, but they can't do it. Hanging mosquito nets is troublesome, lighting mosquito coils or insect repellent is too harmful to the respiratory tract, what more environmentally friendly and healthy way to repel mosquitoes dry? Here are some effective mosquito repellent plants sorted out by small flowers, you may wish to plant them around - some, for your reference! #夏天如何驱蚊 #

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

Lavender of mosquito repellent plants

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is a common perennial herb belonging to the family Lamiaceae.

The light aroma of the whole plant with a slight woody sweetness is released by the fact that the flowers, leaves, and stems are covered with oil glands, which break when lightly touched. Its aroma can refresh the mind, make people comfortable, and can also repel mosquitoes and flies, and can prevent viral and infectious diseases. Therefore, it is widely used in products such as aromatic detergents and insect repellents.

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

Marigold of mosquito repellent plants

Marigold, known in Africa, is a common perennial or annual herb in the Asteraceae family.

It is commonly hung under indigenous huts to repel swarms of flies. It is also planted between tomatoes, potatoes and roses to prevent the grown flowers and fruits from becoming a feast for small nematodes, suggesting that marigold should be an effective insecticide.

Marigold orange yellow flowers are rich in natural lutein, pigment has antioxidant, strong stability, non-toxic, high safety and other characteristics, widely used in food, cosmetics, tobacco, medicine and poultry feed, as a natural mosquito repellent plant is very safe.

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

Mint of mosquito repellent plants

Mentha is a commonly used perennial herb belonging to the Lamiaceae family.

Peppermint is a representative of aromatic plants, there are many varieties, each with a cool fragrance. "Compendium of Materia Medica" believes that peppermint is spicy, cool, and non-toxic. The peppermint oil and menthol content in peppermint is higher in full sunlight. If it is a continuous sunny day, placed in a sunny place, the leaves become thick, the edges are rolled and drooping, the leaf surface has blue light, emits a unique strong aroma, and the mosquito repellent effect at this time is the best.

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

Pelargonium of mosquito repellent plants

Pelargonium is a commonly used perennial herb belonging to the geranium family.

Geranium is commonly cultivated all over the world, is a good flower for decorating window sills in the West, and is also an aromatic type of insect repellent. THE HEIGHT OF THE PLANT IS 30CM-60CM, THE WHOLE PLANT IS COVERED WITH FINE HAIRS AND GLANDULAR HAIRS, WITH PECULIAR SMELL, MOSQUITOES ARE EXTREMELY AFRAID. From the user's point of view, it can provide your bedroom with the temperament of a rose garden, but also provide hormonal regulation, stimulate lymphatic drainage, balance skin oil production, and is an aromatic insect repellent, affordable and romantic effect.

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

Citronella of mosquito repellent plants

Cymbopogon is a perennial herb belonging to the grass family.

In terms of pharmacology, citronella is also believed to have many medicinal properties. The leaves and stems of citronella are rich in essential oils, which have antibacterial, antioxidant, calming and pain relief effects, improve digestive function, deodorize and other effects. Citronella essential oil can also be used to regulate mood and promote sleep.

At the same time, citronella also has the effect of repelling mosquitoes. Because of the lemon aroma, it is also known as lemongrass, and its smell can repel mosquitoes and fleas.

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

Rosemary of the mosquito repellent plant

Rosemary (scientific name: Rosmarinus officinalis) is a common herbaceous plant belonging to the family Lamiaceae.

It is an evergreen shrub with elongated leaves and small flowers of light blue to purple, fragrant and has many medicinal and flavoring uses.

The flowers and leaves of rosemary can extract antioxidants and rosemary essential oil with excellent antioxidant properties. Rosemary antioxidant. Widely used in medicine, fried food, oil-rich food and all kinds of oil and fat preservation; Rosemary flavor is used in fragrances, air fresheners, ant repellents, sterilization, insecticide and other daily chemical industries.

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

Mosquito repellent plant patchouli

Agastache rugosa is a perennial herb. A plant belonging to the family Lamiaceae.

In traditional Chinese medicine, lotus is widely used to treat colds, headaches, coughs, indigestion and other diseases, and can calm the mind, strengthen the spleen and improve immunity. In addition, it is considered a very good aromatic plant and is often used in aromatherapy and cosmetics.

Lotus has a bactericidal function, and a leaf in the mouth can remove bad breath, prevent infectious diseases, and can be used as a preservative. Since the lotus itself is a plant with an aromatic smell, mosquitoes are most afraid of this smell. In summer, boiling porridge or making tea with lotus is effective for severe summer humidity, spleen and stomach damp obstruction, spleen and abdomen fullness, limb weight sleepiness, nausea and vomiting.

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

Catnip of mosquito repellent plants

Catnip (scientific name: Nepeta cataria) is a perennial erect herb belonging to the family Lamiaceae.

It is similar to plants such as rosemary and patchouli, and is also a herb with a strong aroma, and is called catnip because its fragrance can arouse great interest in cats.

For medicinal purposes, catnip is widely used to treat headaches, anxiety, insomnia, neuralgia and other diseases, and can promote digestion and anti-inflammatory pain. Catnip can also be used to make aromatics, teas and herbal spices. The smell of catnip mosquitoes don't like to smell either.

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

Star anise fennel of the mosquito repellent plant

Illicium verum (scientific name: Illicium verum), also known as aniseed and eight-pointed star fennel, is a plant in the genus Illicium of the magnoliaceae family.

Star anise, a special spices and traditional Chinese medicine produced in mainland China, is also an essential seasoning for home, and is widely used in the food processing industry and spice industry. In terms of mosquito repellent, it mainly uses star anise trans anipetol, anivaldehyde, and a small amount of eucalyptus, limonene, α-pinene and other natural volatile compounds special odor. Although star anise plants are tall in the wild, there are also cultivated bonsai in many garden shops.

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

White orchid of the mosquito repellent plant

White orchid (Phalaenopsis) is a perennial orchid native to Southeast Asia, also known as "Phalaenopsis".

White orchids are white and fragrant, open in summer and autumn, long flowers, white or slightly yellow, thick petals, long lanceolate, with strong fragrance. These flowers contain ingredients such as linalool, phenethyl alcohol, methyleugenol, etc., which can effectively repel mosquitoes.

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

Nepenthes insecticide

Nepenthes is a carnivorous plant in tropical rainforests , belonging to the carnivorous plant.

At the end of the young green leaves, a main vein as thick as a pin, is connected to a "bottle" (insect trap) about 10 cm long with a red tinge in green. Insect trap sacs are somewhat like pig cages, so they are called pitcher plants. The "lips" of the bottle mouth are sexily turned outward, and there is a small green-red leaf above, which is like the lid of the bottle - when the bug is attracted by the sweet mucus in the patching sac, the lid will automatically close, and Nepenthes will drown the little bug with the digestive juice in the worm sac, and break down the nutrients in the worm body, slowly digest it, and supply its own nutrients. It is worth noting that " Nepenthes " is produced in tropical regions of Asia , and it is necessary to hang it in a bright and direct sunlight place for home maintenance.

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

Mosquito repellent grass of mosquito repellent plants

Pelargonium citrosum, also known as mosquito repellent, is a perennial herb native mainly to southern Africa.

The active ingredient of mosquito repellent grass contains lemon citronellal, which emits lemon fragrance all year round, which not only has mosquito repellent effect, but also purifies the air. Mosquito repellent grass can survive above -3 °C, the higher the temperature, the stronger the fragrance, the better the mosquito repellent effect, and can also be cultivated in bonsai. Mosquito repellent grass can be used indoors and outdoors, almost will not cause harm to the human body and pets, is a green ecological mosquito repellent product.

Mosquito repellent grass is a Dutch geneticist Dick who uses gene fusion technology to introduce citronellal in citronella into lemongrass and cultivate it into a mosquito repellent grass with mosquito repellent effect. Subsequently, Dick established a genetic company in the United States to promote this technology on a large scale, and later spread it to Japan, Australia and so on. A pot of 20 cm high mosquito repellent grass can effectively repel mosquitoes in a room of 10 square meters. (Little flower tips: mosquito repellent grass smells special, some people will not be used to smell, easy to have headaches, nausea, itchy skin and other adverse reactions.) Therefore, when buying a mosquito repellent plant, you must first test whether you can adapt to its smell)

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

Wormwood of the mosquito repellent plant

Wormwood, also known as wormwood, yellow wormwood, artemisia, etc., is a common herbaceous plant that belongs to the Asteraceae family.

Its stem is erect, three or four feet high; The leaves are alternate, Artemisia-like, with five large indentations on each leaf, three to four small indentations on the large defects, the leaf surface is green, and the stem and the back of the leaf are densely hairy with white hairs, soft and smooth. The folk have long had the custom of "cutting willows in Qingming and planting wormwood at Dragon Lunch", which is to use the strong mosquito repellent effect of wormwood.

Wormwood is divided into two types: medicinal mugwort and edible mugwort, of which medicinal mugwort with its leaves into medicine, spicy and warm, warm and strong stimulating effect, mainly used for qi and pain relief, temperature and menstrual dispersion, insect repellent and sterilization. Edible mugwort is an important source of food additives and seasonings, it contains volatile aroma substances and benzaldehyde and other ingredients, which are widely used in cooking, pastry and other aspects.

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

Mosquito repellent plants come to the night of incense

Night incense, also known as the night incense tree, is native to tropical America. It is a species in the genus Nymphalidae.

The leaves are heart-shaped and fringed with pubescence. Every summer and autumn, clusters of yellow-green hanging bell-shaped flowers will bloom in the leaf axils, and when the moon is on the treetops, it will waft out a burst of fragrance, this fragrance, but make mosquitoes afraid, is a good mosquito repellent.

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

Seven incense of mosquito repellent plants

Qilixiang is an evergreen tree, also known as green swordwood, camphor, belonging to the magnoliaceae,

Qilixiang is a small evergreen shrub with an umbrella-like shape, many branches, small and shiny leaves, white and dense flowers, and red berries after flowering, adding beauty to the Burrow. Touching its leaves, you will feel a strong sweet fragrance, and the mosquito repellent effect is very good.

Because of its rich floral fragrance, it is widely used in landscaping and ornamentation. Its wood is also an excellent furniture and building material, and its essential oils are used to make flavors, fragrances and medicines. In addition, Qilixiang also has certain medicinal value, and it is said that its leaves, flowers, fruits and other parts contain certain medicinal ingredients, which can be used to treat headaches, rheumatism, breast diseases, etc. Therefore, Qilixiang has an important position in the culture of the Chinese nation and is known as the "King of Chinese Gardens" and "Southern Lily".

Summer is coming, the 16 mosquito repellent plants you should know the most

Cordyceps repellent

Cordyceps, also known as Utricularia and Cordyceps, is a class of carnivorous plants that feed on insects and small animals, and is an herbaceous plant in the Asteraceae family

Cordyceps eaters are found mainly in temperate and tropical regions around the world, and some of these species have become endangered due to habitat loss.

The leaves have tiny glands on the surface that secrete sticky fluids that stick to insects that touch them. After the captured insects are sticky, they cannot escape, and the leaves are curled inward, completely enveloping the insects, gradually being digested and absorbed, and providing the plants for nutrient absorption.

Cordyceps can grow up to 1 meter tall, the flowers are small yellow, and there are hundreds of flower heads at a plant, and there is mucus on the periphery of each flower head, like five outstretched little fingers, which is interesting. As long as a small mosquito falls on it, it is sticky, and after that, the worm corpse is slowly digested by it as its growth nutrient. If the dust sticks to it and is digested without a trace after a few days, a potted plant is placed in a pot to catch mosquitoes and vacuum at home.

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