
Hearst's contribution to the Soviet Union was enormous: on 27 March 1958 Khrushchev became Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Hearst's contribution to the Soviet Union was enormous: on 27 March 1958 Khrushchev became Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Author: Sasha

This article is Sasha's original and will not be reprinted by any media

Sasha today in its history.

Hearst made a great contribution to the Soviet Union: on 27 March 1958, Khrushchev succeeded Bulganin as Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

Hearst's contribution to the Soviet Union was enormous: on 27 March 1958 Khrushchev became Chairman of the Council of Ministers

"He bald" made a very great contribution to the Soviet Union.

It can even be said that Khrushchev was one of the most contributing leaders in the history of the Soviet Union.

From today's point of view, Khrushchev maintained the Yangshou of the Soviet Union for 30 years.

Without Khrushchev's efforts, the Soviet Union would have collapsed long ago.

Khrushchev's contribution to the Soviet Union probably includes the following points:

First, Khrushchev insisted on collective leadership.

The first thing Khrushchev did when he came to power was to criticize Stalin's autocracy.

One of the simplest logics is that Khrushchev should not criticize Stalin.

Everyone knows that the so-called Stalin system is also a system in which one person has the final say.

During the Stalin period, the major affairs of the state were generally Stalin's words, and others could only suggest, not make decisions.

Because making suggestions can also be risky, over time, no one is willing to talk more.

Unfortunately, even if a person is good, there are still areas that he is not good at or mistakes.

It is almost impossible for a man to take control of a country as big as the Soviet Union.

Hearst's contribution to the Soviet Union was enormous: on 27 March 1958 Khrushchev became Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Before the outbreak of the Soviet-German War, Stalin mistakenly massed a large number of Soviet troops near the border.

This led to a series of heavy defeats for the Soviets: in 1941 the Soviets suffered irreparable losses of more than 3.1 million men, of whom nearly 2.4 million were captured and missing, and many officers and men were captured because they were caught in a siege and ran out of food. The backbone of the army suffered heavy losses, and the newly formed corps generally lacked experienced officers and men and was relatively hasty to train. You know, at the outbreak of the war, the regular army of the Soviet army plus the reserve troops still in training, the total was only about 2.9 million people.

If it were not for the amazing mobilization mechanism, the Soviet Union would have almost collapsed.

At that time, Zhukov and other generals pointed out the mistakes of this deployment. They demanded that the main forces be gathered near Moscow, using only some of the army to slow down and deplete the German troops that had broken into the border. In the end, as they had done with Napoleon, the Soviets fought a decisive battle near Moscow, crushing the exhausted German army in one fell swoop.

Even Lin Biao, a comrade of a foreign party, said something similar when he met Stalin.

Unfortunately, Stalin did not adopt it, and Zhukov and Lin Biao's words were not even farts.

Hearst's contribution to the Soviet Union was enormous: on 27 March 1958 Khrushchev became Chairman of the Council of Ministers

From the point of view of their own administration, who does not like to be Stalin? Who wants to give power to someone else, to have them dictate to you or even go against you?

Obviously, Khrushchev should have supported Stalin precisely just for his own sake.

The opposite is true.

In 1958, Khrushchev expanded the number of meetings of the Central Committee to hundreds of officials.

In 1962, Khrushchev divided the provincial party committees into two parallel mechanisms, one responsible for agriculture and one for industry. This, to some extent, brings about administrative confusion and avoids excessive concentration of power.

The purpose of Khrushchev's criticism of Stalin was not to have any grudge against him.

In fact, until Stalin's death, Khrushchev had a very good relationship with him.

Khrushchev's aim was to reformulate the system of collective leadership for the Soviet Union in order to ensure the long-term stability of the country.

Chinese often said that three stinky cobblers had raced Zhuge Liang, and the fool must have one of his worries, and this is the truth.

From the time of Khrushchev until the fall of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union did not make any major decision-making mistakes.

Even the invasion of Afghanistan only maintained a small army of 100,000 troops, and resolutely withdrew if it could not win.

Ironically, this allowed the Soviet Union to maintain political soundness, but it led to the overthrow of Khrushchev himself.

When Khrushchev was overthrown by everyone and forced to retire, he complained loudly: If it were not for me, you would not have been able to overthrow me!

Hearst's contribution to the Soviet Union was enormous: on 27 March 1958 Khrushchev became Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Second, economic reform.

During Khrushchev's administration, he tried to reform the Soviet economy, especially agriculture.

His agricultural reform had many problems, and his achievements were obvious.

Between 1951 and 1955 during the Stalin era, the soviet union produced an average of 38.5 million tons of grain per year.

After Khrushchev's reforms, between 1961 and 1965, the average annual output soared to 130.3 million tons, an increase of nearly 50%.

Hearst's contribution to the Soviet Union was enormous: on 27 March 1958 Khrushchev became Chairman of the Council of Ministers

In addition to basic grains, the quality of Soviet food was greatly improved.

The average annual output of meat increased by more than 60% from 5.7 million tons to 9.3 million tons, and the average annual output of milk increased by more than 70% from 37.9 million tons to 64.7 million tons. The life of the farmers improved markedly, with an average monthly income of 25 roubles in 1955 and 51.3 roubles in 1965.

Hearst's contribution to the Soviet Union was enormous: on 27 March 1958 Khrushchev became Chairman of the Council of Ministers

In industry, Khrushchev's progress was also very obvious.

Between 1951 and 1965, the average annual growth rate of Soviet industry reached 10.7 percent. Steel production increased from 38.1 million tonnes to 85 million tonnes, coal from 320 million tonnes to 550 million tonnes, oil from 52.8 million tonnes to 223 million tonnes, and electricity from 134 billion kWh to 459 billion kWh.

The lives of workers improved, with the average monthly wage rising from 76.2 rubles in 1955 to 104.2 rubles in 1965.

Hearst's contribution to the Soviet Union was enormous: on 27 March 1958 Khrushchev became Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Third, reduce the country's military expenditure.

The purpose of Khrushchev's détente with the United States was to downgrade the Cold War confrontation in order to avoid the Collapse of the Soviet Union by a military competition.

From 1955 to 1957, the Soviet Union unilaterally reduced its military strength by 2 million people, and in 1958 it cut 300,000 people.

You know, in 1955 the Soviet army had a size of 5.7 million.

As a country with a population of just over 100 million, so many troops are a heavy burden.

In 1961 Khrushchev announced the continued reduction of 1.2 million troops.

This caused great dissatisfaction among the Soviet military circles, and it was also Khrushchev who lost the support of the army.

However, nearly half of the disarmament greatly reduced military expenditures, giving the Soviet Union the money to develop core weapons.

On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union successfully launched the first artificial satellite of the Earth.

On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin entered Earth orbit aboard Vostok 1, becoming the first human to enter space.

All this shows the soviet union's strong national strength and advanced technology.

Hearst's contribution to the Soviet Union was enormous: on 27 March 1958 Khrushchev became Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Fourth, diplomatic détente.

Khrushchev has visited the United States many times and established relatively friendly diplomatic relations with the United States.

Khrushchev did not hesitate to have dinner with Monroe and asked to go to Disneyland to reduce the antipathy of the American people to the Soviet Union.

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Khrushchev did not hesitate to lose face, took the initiative to surrender, and downgraded for military confrontation.

In Khrushchev's time, the confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union was not very exaggerated.

Khrushchev has publicly hinted that the Soviet Union will not engage in a nuclear war: a nuclear war would destroy all mankind.

This was not a political tactic in which Khrushchev feared the United States, but took into account the national interests of the Soviet Union.

If we clash with the United States, especially when our national strength and military strength are greatly weaker than those of the United States, there will be no benefit to the country and people of the Soviet Union.

During the naval confrontation in Cuba, the Soviet Navy's few ocean-going submarines were almost killed by the U.S. carrier battle group.

It turned out that, at least at sea, the Soviet Navy did not have the strength to confront the United States.

Once the war began, only the Soviets suffered a lot of losses.

Especially in the nuclear age, once the war broke out, the consequences were unimaginable.

In doing so, Khrushchev was responsible to his own people and would not let the people die for him for his own selfishness, as Saddam Hussein did.

Hearst's contribution to the Soviet Union was enormous: on 27 March 1958 Khrushchev became Chairman of the Council of Ministers

And there are many more.

Even Khrushchev has made great contributions to China.

According to russian archives that have been declassified in previous years, Khrushchev decided to provide China with atomic bomb production technology and help build nuclear plants despite the military's resolute opposition.

Hearst's contribution to the Soviet Union was enormous: on 27 March 1958 Khrushchev became Chairman of the Council of Ministers

From the end of 1957, the Soviet Union began to implement the agreement, providing China with the P-2 missile as the earliest sample of China's missile industry.

The following year, the Soviet Union provided China with the necessary nuclear industry equipment and dispatched nearly a thousand experts to build the Hunan and Jiangxi uranium mines, the Baotou nuclear fuel rod factories, the Jiuquan Research and Development Base, and the Xinjiang Nuclear Experimental Field, and China entered a new stage of nuclear industry construction and nuclear weapons development.


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