
In September, the fruit tree pest peach moth outbreak, reasonable control of insect pests can not be ignored, master the technology is very important What is the peach moth? What are the hazards to fruit trees? How to identify the peach moth? Causes of occurrence of peach moth The occurrence of peach moth Occurrence law Peach moth control measures

author:Three rural planting passes

Now has entered September, in the southern region of our country and the northern region is also the fruit of the fruit tree is also into the harvest period, like now apples, dates, pears, grapes, persimmons and other fruits are also about to reach the harvest season, in our countryside there are July walnuts, August pears, September persimmons rushed to the market, it can be seen that after entering September, the fruits of the south and the north are also ripe in this season, and it is also time to market, this time in addition to the usual disease management of fruit trees, Also be careful of pest infestation, today we will understand a pest peach moth that many fruit trees are afraid of, I hope that after you read it, you can really let the fruit farmers get effective treatment methods and preventive measures.

In September, the fruit tree pest peach moth outbreak, reasonable control of insect pests can not be ignored, master the technology is very important What is the peach moth? What are the hazards to fruit trees? How to identify the peach moth? Causes of occurrence of peach moth The occurrence of peach moth Occurrence law Peach moth control measures

<h1>What is the Peach Moth? What are the hazards to fruit trees? </h1>

One. Peach moth is also a common pest of our planting fruit trees, a kind of moth pest, for the moth pest is also distributed a lot, this peach moth is also called jujube peach six-point moth, is a moth pest that specializes in attacking fruit trees, from the name point of view, you can see that the peach moth is the most harmful to jujube trees and peach trees, in fact, in addition to these two fruit trees, peach moth for apple trees, pear trees, vines, cherries and other fruits are very fond of attack, but also these fruit trees are the most feared insect pests.

In September, the fruit tree pest peach moth outbreak, reasonable control of insect pests can not be ignored, master the technology is very important What is the peach moth? What are the hazards to fruit trees? How to identify the peach moth? Causes of occurrence of peach moth The occurrence of peach moth Occurrence law Peach moth control measures

Two. Once the fruit tree insect infestation, mainly the larvae in the fruit tree to erode the leaves of the fruit tree, and then endanger the branches of the fruit tree, especially the growing fruit tree, after being eroded by the peach moth, the leaves of the fruit tree will be slowly eaten by the pest, and then the leaves of the fruit tree are also full of holes, some old fruit trees and weak fruit trees are eroded by pests, basically belong to the state of elimination, after the fruit tree is attacked by the peach moth, because the nutrient supply of the fruit tree is cut off, directly affecting the yield of the fruit, Severe ones can cause fruit trees to wither and die, and are currently one of the most serious pests.

In September, the fruit tree pest peach moth outbreak, reasonable control of insect pests can not be ignored, master the technology is very important What is the peach moth? What are the hazards to fruit trees? How to identify the peach moth? Causes of occurrence of peach moth The occurrence of peach moth Occurrence law Peach moth control measures

<h1>How to identify the peach moth? </h1>

The pest of the peach moth is generally divided into four stages of growth, mainly from the adult insect body of the pest, insect eggs, larvae, pupa four growth stages to start, so as to facilitate us in the early stage of time to find the identification of pests in time, timely prevention and treatment, so as to achieve the effect of early prevention.

One. Adult insects: Adult peach moths and general moth pests are similar in appearance, but the color of the peach moth is darker than other moth pests, dark yellowish brown, the eyes are black brown, the adult body length is about 35-48 mm, about 83-130 mm when flying, the pest top horn is dark gray, curved, the wings on both sides are divided into two colors, the inside of the wings is dark brown, the outside is light brown, the wings are covered with water ripples, the head is triangular, and the hind wings are pink. There are 2 black spots in the posterior horn, the abdomen and wings of the insect are similar in color, dark gray, and there is a light black line from the back to the tail.

In September, the fruit tree pest peach moth outbreak, reasonable control of insect pests can not be ignored, master the technology is very important What is the peach moth? What are the hazards to fruit trees? How to identify the peach moth? Causes of occurrence of peach moth The occurrence of peach moth Occurrence law Peach moth control measures

Two. Eggs: The eggs are flat barrel-shaped, the length of the eggs is about 1.5-2 mm, dark green, the initial eggs are transparent, they become grass-green when they hatch, and the lower part of the body of the egg has segments.

Three. Larvae: The larvae of the peach moth are relatively large, generally similar to the green bean worm, the body length is 82-84 mm, larger than the adult insect body, the body green has diagonal lines, the body wall has a light yellow granular shape, the head is small, triangular, and the tail has a long antennae.

In September, the fruit tree pest peach moth outbreak, reasonable control of insect pests can not be ignored, master the technology is very important What is the peach moth? What are the hazards to fruit trees? How to identify the peach moth? Causes of occurrence of peach moth The occurrence of peach moth Occurrence law Peach moth control measures

Four. Pupae: The pupae have a smooth head, dark brown nodular parts on the lower part, and dark brown short spines at the tail end of the body, which are about 35-46 mm long.

<h1>Causes of occurrence of peach moths</h1>

Peach moth generally rarely active during the day, mainly at night, the adult of the peach moth is not the culprit of the harm to the fruit tree, the culprit of the harm to the fruit tree is the larvae of the peach moth, the peach moth feathers into an adult, the main thing is to appear in the wheat field, or other crop fields, the peach moth is mainly around the fruit tree to lay eggs, the eggs laid by the peach moth will parasitize around the fruit tree, wait until the right temperature, the eggs will become larvae after 3-5 days, the larvae will crawl through the trunk to the branches, nibble on the leaves of the fruit leaves, Until the leaves of the fruit tree have been eaten, the larvae climb into the soil around the base of the fruit tree and feather into adult pupae.

In September, the fruit tree pest peach moth outbreak, reasonable control of insect pests can not be ignored, master the technology is very important What is the peach moth? What are the hazards to fruit trees? How to identify the peach moth? Causes of occurrence of peach moth The occurrence of peach moth Occurrence law Peach moth control measures

The adult insects of the peach moth generally survive for 5-7 days, and then according to the previous pathogenesis law, the main thing is that the larvae cause relatively large harm to the leaves and branches of the fruit tree, the fruit tree is generally in May-June and August and the beginning of September The harm is the greatest, 5-6 months is the time when the young leaves of the fruit tree are young, this time the larvae will invade the fruit tree, resulting in slow growth after the onset of fruit trees, and even the early fruit trees due to the inability to resist the insect infestation, the fruit trees dry up and die, 8-9 months is the fruit ripening period, At this time, the larvae are relatively violent, and the speed of nibbling on the leaves of fruit trees is also very fast, so the onset of the disease in these four months is relatively serious.

In September, the fruit tree pest peach moth outbreak, reasonable control of insect pests can not be ignored, master the technology is very important What is the peach moth? What are the hazards to fruit trees? How to identify the peach moth? Causes of occurrence of peach moth The occurrence of peach moth Occurrence law Peach moth control measures

<h1>Occurrence of the peach moth</h1>

Peach moth pests are related to temperature, for temperature is also more sensitive, generally in the cold areas like the northeast region is a generation a year, like China's East China and Central China, the northwest region is two generations a year, the southern tropical region will also appear three generations, it can be seen that the occurrence of second-generation pests and three generations of areas suffered from diseases are still relatively serious, the occurrence of the second generation of areas of the pupa will be dormant in the soil near the fruit trees for wintering, to the next April when the peach moth adult insects began to recover activities, The first generation of larvae begins to be active in May, this time climbing up the tree with the help of a strong body and nibbling on the leaves, and the second generation of adults occurs in August and September.

In September, the fruit tree pest peach moth outbreak, reasonable control of insect pests can not be ignored, master the technology is very important What is the peach moth? What are the hazards to fruit trees? How to identify the peach moth? Causes of occurrence of peach moth The occurrence of peach moth Occurrence law Peach moth control measures

Two generations a year occur in the area of peach moth larvae in May according to the daily physical changes will cause gradual harm to fruit trees, each larvae will generally continue to harm fruit trees for 10-15 days after the beginning of feathering, to June larvae into the soil began to feather, generally 10-15 days after the adults began to appear, August-September after the second generation of larvae endangered fruit trees, to the end of September when the larvae into the soil pupa hibernation. Adults generally appear in areas where generations occur annually in May-June, with larvae beginning to erode fruit trees in July-August, and larvae generally persisting until the end of August when they invade fruit trees in August, and then pupating into adult pupas after descending the tree. Three generations a year occur in the area where larvae begin to harm fruit trees in May-June, second generations appear in July-August, three generations in September-October, and pupate dormancy is not carried out until the end of October.

In September, the fruit tree pest peach moth outbreak, reasonable control of insect pests can not be ignored, master the technology is very important What is the peach moth? What are the hazards to fruit trees? How to identify the peach moth? Causes of occurrence of peach moth The occurrence of peach moth Occurrence law Peach moth control measures

<h1>Control measures for the peach moth</h1>

One. Agricultural control

(1) When entering the winter, the fruit trees carry out a thorough clearance of the garden, for the fruit trees with severe disease and loss of commerciality, they should be eradicated in time, prune the diseased branches and leaves in time, carry out a deep ploughing of the soil, and then find out the overwintering insect pupae, generally one generation and two generations of pests occur in the area where the pupae in the soil depth is about 4-6 cm, the general depth of the area where three generations occur in a year is about 10 cm, and then find out the pupae for elimination, and then sprinkle quicklime or insecticide in the soil.

In September, the fruit tree pest peach moth outbreak, reasonable control of insect pests can not be ignored, master the technology is very important What is the peach moth? What are the hazards to fruit trees? How to identify the peach moth? Causes of occurrence of peach moth The occurrence of peach moth Occurrence law Peach moth control measures

(2) Later can be based on the cycle of larval destruction of fruit trees to find larvae in the soil, timely extermination, for the larvae in the soil when feathering is also relatively easy to detect, when the larvae into the soil, the wormhole is very large, and then the surrounding soil is also relatively soft and convex, with iron hooks directly hooked out, adults can be booby-trapped at night hormones and lights, especially around the orchard there is wheat field or planting alfalfa to pay special attention to the appearance of adult insects.

In September, the fruit tree pest peach moth outbreak, reasonable control of insect pests can not be ignored, master the technology is very important What is the peach moth? What are the hazards to fruit trees? How to identify the peach moth? Causes of occurrence of peach moth The occurrence of peach moth Occurrence law Peach moth control measures

Two. Pesticide control

For pesticides to eliminate pests is still more effective, but for fruit trees, or to choose some less toxic pesticides, control pesticide residues on the fruit, in the ripening period of some fruits, when the pest can also be combined with bagging to spray drug pest control, for the elimination of peach moth is recommended to use the following drugs for spray control:

The larval stage can be tried, 20% bactericidal esters such as 3000 times liquid, 10% Annubao if there is 3000 times liquid, when the occurrence of insect pests is more serious, you can use the optional 20% insecticidal urea suspension 1000 times liquid, 20% bellicidal urea suspension 8000 times liquid, white zombie powder 600 times liquid, 2% ivermectin 2000 times liquid, aldyloxamine, the above agents can be sprayed 1-2 times at the onset of the disease.

In September, the fruit tree pest peach moth outbreak, reasonable control of insect pests can not be ignored, master the technology is very important What is the peach moth? What are the hazards to fruit trees? How to identify the peach moth? Causes of occurrence of peach moth The occurrence of peach moth Occurrence law Peach moth control measures

In summary, the harm of the peach moth can not be ignored, especially in the larval harm is also very large, so we should make corresponding treatment measures according to the incidence of the orchard, when the insect infestation is found in the early stage, it is necessary to spray insects in time to prevent pests from creating greater harm to fruit trees in the later stage, so that the pests are strangled in the cradle in the early stage, so as to ensure that our later fruits can achieve the purpose of harvest and increased yield.

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