
"Song Lark" Anadan's new song "Happy Flowers Flying" MV was first released on CCTV

author:Guizhou hotspot network
"Song Lark" Anadan's new song "Happy Flowers Flying" MV was first released on CCTV

Directed by the CCTV director team, the MV of "Song Lark" Anadan's new song "Happy Flowers Flying" will be broadcast on the "China Music TV" column of CCTV-15 Music Channel next Wednesday, April 14, broadcast time: 8:19 This is the first time that this MV "unveiled the mystery" to meet the audience.

The song is tactful, the lyrics are simple, and it is full of love for home. In the MV, Anadan changed the traditional costume of the Hmong singer and sang a happy and beautiful life with a magnificent singing. For the premiere of the MV of "Happy Flowers Flying" on CCTV, Anadan said: "I am also particularly lucky this time, and I am very grateful to CCTV for affirming me. ”

The songwriter is carefully composed and songs are sung for green waters and green mountains and hard work

"Song Lark" Anadan's new song "Happy Flowers Flying" MV was first released on CCTV

"Happy Flowers Fly" is tailor-made for Anadan by the famous musician Funk. As Anadan's mentor and friend, Fuke has created many works for Anadan, such as "Hundred Flowers" and "Landscape on the Clouds", and this "Happy Flower Flying" is the "pinnacle" after the in-depth communication between the two. 2020 is the final year of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, Guizhou Province has achieved fruitful results in poverty alleviation, as a famous singer rooted in Guizhou, Anadan is also sincerely happy about the changes in her hometown. After a detailed exchange with Mr. Fuke, this song "Happy Flowers Flying", which sings about the green waters and green mountains of the motherland and the happy life of the people, came into being.

The MV of "Happy Flowers Flying" chose Xishui and Guiyang to shoot, and the main attractions in Xishui were Tucheng Ancient Town and Danxia Valley. Tucheng Ancient Town has a thousand years of history, full of "fireworks in the world", Danxia Valley in the mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery, these all together show the happiness and beauty of the hometown. Guiyang is a metropolis where many people work hard and pursue their dreams, carrying the hopes of many people. Choosing "city" and "country" for shooting, Anadan wants to use the lens to tell everyone that no matter where you are, as long as you are working hard for your dreams, everywhere is a happy place.

Four sets of styling new breakthrough Anadan dream "flower fairy"

"Song Lark" Anadan's new song "Happy Flowers Flying" MV was first released on CCTV

In order to match the grand theme of the song "Happy Flowers Flying", Anadan's style in the MV also made a brave breakthrough. The arrangement of the four sets of costumes has its own characteristics, the dress with blue and white on a white background is "graceful and atmospheric", the white suit is "simple and capable", and the green dress is "powerful". What surprised Anadan the most was a beautiful and romantic pink "flower fairy" outfit, because she had a dream of being a "flower fairy" since she was a child. As a Guizhou girl who grew up in the landscape, Anadan has always dreamed of one day being able to take a boat full of flowers to sing in the landscape. This time, with the help of the Propaganda Department of the Xishui County Party Committee and the Cultural and Tourism Bureau, she unexpectedly realized her dream for many years.

The first "apron" framing Aerial photography shows the bustling Guiyang

"Song Lark" Anadan's new song "Happy Flowers Flying" MV was first released on CCTV

In order to show the prosperity of the city, the MV spent a lot of effort on the filming location in Guiyang. After several turns, with the help of friends, everyone finally found a perfect filming location - the tarmac on the roof of the Industrial Bank. Standing on the top of the building, the prosperity of the whole Guiyang is unobstructed, and countless high-rise buildings in the distance form the most real and powerful background in the MV. "The shooting that day was particularly interesting, at first we were waiting for the sun to rise because the sunlight was so harsh that I couldn't open my eyes at all. Later we were waiting for the wind to blow, because without the wind my red silk could not float up. Later, we were waiting for the clouds, and in order to capture the effect of the blue sky and white clouds, we waited until the clouds drifted overhead before we began to shoot. Anadan excitedly introduced. After overcoming the fear of heights, carrying the wind on the roof and trying again and again, the most "tall" and perfect set of shots in the MV was finally successfully completed.

"Good landscape between heaven and earth, happy people between mountains and rivers", "Happy Flowers Fly" vividly interprets the meaning of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains" with plain and simple lyrics, and also interprets the true meaning of happiness, "Bless you more and more beautiful" Anadan also uses the most catchy melody to send sincere blessings to hard-working people. (Source: Anadan Music Studio Editor: Tian Zhujuan Editor: Ding Rui)

"Song Lark" Anadan's new song "Happy Flowers Flying" MV was first released on CCTV

Happy Flowers Fly - Anadan

Lyricist: Hulk

Composer: Hooke

Arrangement: Hooke

Sung by: Anadan

OP/SP: ATD Media

The little river in my dream flowed in my heart

I heard the sound of the countryside

The sky and moon in my hometown sang

Singing the red clouds drifting in the mountains

The high-speed train chases through the clouds of the mountains

The wheels revel in the clouds of bridges

A thousand years of praying dreams have come true

Look forward to the rich and beautiful to knock on the door

Larry Lane Larry Road

Bless you with more and more beauty

The red rose of my hometown

Bless you with a bright future

Happy flowers fly

A good landscape between heaven and earth

Happy people in the mountains and rivers

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