
Alternative Sage Yang Su: The guardian of a severely mentally ill person.

author:New Media Candidates

It is relatively easy to be an official in a peaceful and prosperous era, and the risk of being an official in a troubled time is relatively high. In the recognized perverted Northern Qi Dynasty, there was an official who was willing to carry his head to work for the perverted emperor Yang, which was a model of dedication, and this person was Gao Yang's brother-in-law Yang Su.

After Gao Yang established Northern Qi, he remarried his sister Princess Taiyuan Chang (the empress of the former Emperor Xiaojing of Dongxiao) to Yang Yan, promoted his official position from Shangshu to prime minister, entrusted the entire village with the handling of government affairs, and trusted him 100%. Yang Yu knew the news and tried his best to help Gao Yang manage the imperial government, even to the point of foolishness.

Alternative Sage Yang Su: The guardian of a severely mentally ill person.

As the saying goes, "a companion is like a tiger", especially working for Gao Yang, a perverted emperor, the risk is really not ordinarily high. Yang Yu is a super big fat man, Gao Yang likes to play with his big belly, likes to pinch and tease him when he has nothing to do, and also gave him the nickname "Yang Big Belly", calling him that from time to time.

One day, Gao Yang was in a meeting with Yang Qing, suddenly anxious, and quickly got into the toilet to get Gao Yang conveniently, only to find that he forgot to bring the paper with him, and immediately shouted with his throat: "Yang big belly, hurry up and send the paper to the link!" ("Make it into the toilet", let him pass the toilet, etc.) Toilet chips are wooden strips used to wipe filth after defecation in ancient times. Yang was speechless, and the prime minister had to suspend the business work at hand and quickly send the paper to the toilet.

Not to mention, Yang Yu was almost crippled several times. Once, Gao Yang got drunk and shouted at Yang Xin: "Ouch! Yang big belly, your belly is so big, I don't know what kind of stuff is inside, I am very curious, I have to open your belly and see. You can fulfill this little wish!" Gao Yang did what he said and did what he said, and immediately called his subordinates to press Yang Qing, strip off his clothes, roll up his sleeves and do a vivisection.

Fortunately, the official Cui Jishu next to him was in a hurry, risked death to stand up and laugh and play rounds and said: "The emperor loves to play pranks, this surgical performance is really realistic!" Absolutely international actor. Taking the opportunity to take the knife from Gao Yang's hand, Yang Yan escaped the scourge of disembodiment. Gao Yang didn't feel good enough, and carried a horsewhip to pump Yang Su all over the ground.

Alternative Sage Yang Su: The guardian of a severely mentally ill person.

There is something more terrifying than that. One day, Gao Yang had a whim and wanted to play a funeral game, so he asked his subordinates to throw Yang Su into the coffin, ready to be dragged out by car and buried, he personally raised the hammer to nail the coffin lid, the hammer was raised three or four times, but it did not knock down, Yang Su luckily escaped the doom of being buried alive. In fact, fooling around, Gao Yang knew better than anyone that if this capable brother-in-law was gone, it would be difficult for him to sit firmly, so although he committed homicide several times and almost killed Yang Su, he didn't get his hands on it in the end.

Gao Yang mainly kills as a hobby, and if he doesn't kill a few people one day, he simply can't get by, but it's a pity that the elites around the emperor kill more, in order to solve the problem of "supply" of this high-level sport, Yang Yu proposed some death row prisoners from death row in batches, and put them next to Gao Yang to serve, in case his murderous hiding head came, and he could top it at any time.

Yi Ran's method is not very authentic, but Yang Yu fully pays attention to humanized management and specially sets up a reward system; If any of the dead four could stay by Gao Yang's side for three months without going to the palace, he would be immediately acquitted. However, this tempting reward is useless, because there are not many prisoners who can survive three days around Gao Yang, who can survive three days.

In the face of Gao Yang's evil deeds of often killing innocents, many ministers dare to complain and dare not speak, but since ancient times, there has been no shortage of recipients, and there are still people who dare to hold the beards of tigers. Once, Pei Shizhi, who joined the army in Kaifeng Prefecture, severely criticized Gao Yang's habit of killing people after drinking alcohol. Gao Yang was extremely upset, and asked Yang Su angrily: "Did Pei Zhizhi eat the bear heart leopard gall?" You actually dare to talk to Xu like this, don't die!"

Yang Su knew that Gao Yang's nerves could really slaughter Pei Yuzhi, so he deliberately said: "I think, he just wants to hype, he must be deliberately provoking you to be angry, and wants you to kill him, so that he can make a name for himself in history." Gao Yang was caught when he heard it: It turns out that this bastard wants to use the alliance to become famous! Immediately, he said in a tone of contempt mixed with smugness: "Is that guy crazy to be famous? Cut, don't kill him, don't! Just don't make him famous. ”

Alternative Sage Yang Su: The guardian of a severely mentally ill person.

After the death of the tyrant Gao Yang, the whole country cheered, only Yang Yu was "sad and invincible", perhaps this is the real sadness against the river. Because although Gao Yang was cruel and unkind and repeatedly tortured him to death, he gave him a stage to display his talents, let go and let him manage the dynasty, and finally created an iron barrel that even Southern Liang and Northern Zhou could not shake. It is the kind of "even if the emperor abuses me a thousand times, I treat the emperor like my first love". The so-called "the Lord faints on the top and the government is clear from the bottom", the two are actually the best partners.