
8 tips to relieve morning sickness in the first trimester, 95% of pregnant mothers say that it is effective

author:Kiyoko childcare
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Some time ago, my girlfriend (Xiaofang) was pregnant, she said that the pregnancy reaction was very strong, she would vomit whatever she ate, and even smell some fishy smells in the market or smell the smell of stir-fry at home and keep vomiting...

Every woman experiences these pregnancy reactions (nausea and vomiting) in the first few weeks of pregnancy, because it is sensitive to various odors, so nausea and vomiting will occur when she smells anything.

8 tips to relieve morning sickness in the first trimester, 95% of pregnant mothers say that it is effective

However, some pregnancy reactions are mild, and some pregnancy reactions are very serious.

It's like when I was pregnant with my second baby before, I would vomit every time I ate anything, vomit until jaundice and blood came out, and even fainted directly on the ground when I couldn't stand the serious pregnancy reaction.

Pregnancy nausea and vomiting onset

Generally, it starts from the 5th and 6th weeks of pregnancy, and it is especially obvious at 9 weeks of pregnancy, but most pregnant mothers will gradually relieve their symptoms and gradually disappear after 12 weeks of pregnancy, but about 10% of pregnant mothers will have morning sickness that will last throughout pregnancy.

Why do I have nausea and vomiting in the early stages of pregnancy?

Because the secretion of chorionic gonadotropin in the body increases significantly in early pregnancy, gastric acid is reduced, and the activity of digestive enzymes is also reduced, thus affecting the normal digestive function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Morning sickness is also a fetal self-protective response.

Studies have found that in the most severe period of pregnancy reaction, it corresponds to the most vulnerable time node of the embryo.

At this time, the period when the embryo is most susceptible to external influences is also the period when cells differentiate major organs.

8 tips to relieve morning sickness in the first trimester, 95% of pregnant mothers say that it is effective

This period also begins at 5 weeks of pregnancy, reaches its peak at 6-12 weeks of pregnancy, and basically ends at 18 weeks of pregnancy.

Pregnant mothers with morning sickness are also much less likely to have a miscarriage in the first trimester than pregnant mothers without morning sickness.

Babies born with pregnant mothers with morning sickness also have a lower risk of congenital diseases.

However, some pregnant mothers do not have morning sickness, but without morning sickness≠ the baby is unhealthy.

Although morning sickness is a self-protective response of the fetus, the absence of morning sickness does not mean that the baby is unhealthy. About 25% of pregnant mothers do not have morning sickness.

Therefore, pregnant mothers do not have to worry about morning sickness, and enjoy a pregnancy without morning sickness!

If the pregnant mother has severe morning sickness in the early stage of pregnancy, the following methods can be used to relieve morning sickness?

First: eat more fresh fruits and vegetables

Fruits can help us replenish vitamins in the body and relieve morning sickness.

For example: apples, kiwis, strawberries, oranges...

Apple: Weakly alkaline fruit, can neutralize stomach acid and relieve morning sickness. The minerals and vitamins contained in apples can regulate the electrolyte balance in the body, which is conducive to good health, and the effect of steaming apples can strengthen the spleen and nourish the stomach.

8 tips to relieve morning sickness in the first trimester, 95% of pregnant mothers say that it is effective

Kiwi: strawberries, oranges: these fruits are rich in vitamin B6 and vitamin C, which can help us relieve morning sickness during pregnancy.

Second: adequate rest to ensure sleep quality

If the pregnant mother is stressed too much, it may also exacerbate the morning sickness reaction.

Therefore, pregnant mothers need to ensure adequate rest and nourish their spirits at this time. Sometimes prolonged exposure to electronic products can also feel stomach upset and should be avoided.

Third: Eat some soda cookies

After pregnancy, hormonal changes in the pregnant mother's body can lead to increased stomach acid, and soda biscuits are alkaline and can neutralize stomach acid, thereby relieving morning sickness.

8 tips to relieve morning sickness in the first trimester, 95% of pregnant mothers say that it is effective

At this time, pregnant mothers can eat some soda biscuits to neutralize stomach acid on an empty stomach, which can not only relieve the feeling of fasting, but also do not increase the burden on the stomach.

Fourth: eat small, frequent meals

Morning sickness is very strong, you can try to change three meals a day to eat 5~6 meals a day, and eat less at each meal, and at the same time you can avoid foods and smells that make you easy to smell nausea, eat some high-protein foods, and avoid some high-fat foods.

Fifth: Exercise appropriately

If you are bedridden all day, the pregnant mother will not be in good spirits, sluggish, and even affect her appetite.

8 tips to relieve morning sickness in the first trimester, 95% of pregnant mothers say that it is effective

Therefore, pregnant mothers can do some pregnant women's exercises and take a walk, which can help digestion and relax the mood.

Sixth: Supplement vitamin B family

For example: vitamin B1 or vitamin B6

Vitamin B1 deficiency can also lead to decreased gastrointestinal function, which can also exacerbate early pregnancy responses, and vitamin B1 supplementation is required.

Vitamin B6 is a good antiemetic effect, and the baby's growth and development cannot be separated from it.

However, under normal circumstances, a person only needs 1-2 mg of vitamin B6 a day to meet the needs.

8 tips to relieve morning sickness in the first trimester, 95% of pregnant mothers say that it is effective

However, pregnant mothers supplement excessive amounts of vitamin B6, which will cause irreparable damage to the baby and themselves. Therefore, vitamin B6 can be obtained on food at ordinary times.

For example: chicken, fish, beans, eggs, and some fresh fruits and vegetables.

Seventh: Pay attention to replenishing water in the body

Pregnant mothers with morning sickness must remember to drink more water.

If you feel dehydrated, you will feel more nauseous, and you should drink about 6-8 glasses of water per day during pregnancy.

If you don't like to drink plain water, you can try lemon slices to drink water is also a good choice, which can have an appetizing effect to promote digestion and relieve morning sickness.

Eighth: Drink some millet porridge

Pregnant mothers with morning sickness can drink millet porridge on the diet, millet porridge has a strong spleen and nourishes the stomach.

8 tips to relieve morning sickness in the first trimester, 95% of pregnant mothers say that it is effective

When nausea and vomiting, pregnant mothers can drink a bowl of light and sweet millet porridge, which can not only suppress vomiting, but also increase appetite.

Finally, I would like to say:

If the following conditions occur, you will need to go to the hospital.

(1) Dehydration symptoms such as: severe thirst, dark yellow urine, inability to ingest liquids, etc

(2) Dizziness, rapid heartbeat, weakness, rapid weight loss in the short term (more than 1 kg)

(3) Frequent vomiting more than 4 times or vomiting blood after severe vomiting

(4) Abdominal pain, fever and other uncomfortable symptoms

In the early stages of pregnancy, every pregnant mother will experience morning sickness, but pregnant mothers do not need to be too nervous, pay more attention to diet, ensure balanced nutrition, try to eat light and easy to digest, absorb nutrients from food. Ensure adequate sleep, do not be too tired, relax the mood, it is good for the development of the fetus and baby.

I am Xiaoqing, also a mother of three children after the 90s, now while learning parenting knowledge, while sharing parenting experience, each article is original with heart, looking forward to your likes, forwards, comments, followers!