
May Day party: The handover of the old and the new, Long Yang's partner Ren Luyu hosted the former sister Li Sisi back to her mother's house

author:Xiaojin Entertainment


Focus on the latest developments of artists and deliver mainstream voices in the circle.

【Xiaojin Entertainment】The whole network provides the exclusive premiere of "Today's Headlines", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint


[This article is original by Xiaojin Entertainment, welcome to pay attention and take you to long knowledge together! ] 】

CCTV's new sister Long Yang partnered with brother Ren Luyu to host CCTV's 2023 May Day Gala!

May Day party: The handover of the old and the new, Long Yang's partner Ren Luyu hosted the former sister Li Sisi back to her mother's house

At 20:06 on the evening of May 1, 2023, CCTV Comprehensive Channel broadcast "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty - 2023 May Day International Labor Day "Heart to Heart" Special Program".

May Day party: The handover of the old and the new, Long Yang's partner Ren Luyu hosted the former sister Li Sisi back to her mother's house

As a prescribed action on May Day every year, CCTV's May Day Gala has always been loved by the majority of TV audiences, what are the highlights of this year's May Day Gala? How are the artists? How about the host? Everything deserves our attention:

May Day party: The handover of the old and the new, Long Yang's partner Ren Luyu hosted the former sister Li Sisi back to her mother's house

Focus on the 2023 May Day Gala of China Central Radio and Television Station - 21 programs are rich and colorful, and big artists such as Zhang Jietanjian and Zhou Shen are all present

The first thing we will pay attention to is the overall overview of CCTV's 2023 May Day Gala, this year's CCTV May Day Gala has a total of 21 programs, mainly song singing, including a dance, an acrobatics, 2 sitcoms and a violin solo. Artists are also star-studded, such as Ma Jia, Sun Nan, Huang Ling, Wang Qi, Zhou Bichang, Tan Jianci, Shi Peng, Ayunga, Wang Xi, Zhou Shen, Sarina, Zhang Jie, Wang Baoqiang, Huang Xiaolei, Yu Kewei Lingchen, Liao Changyong, Zhang Yingxi, Mo Hong, Xue Haoyin, Wang Kai and so on.

May Day party: The handover of the old and the new, Long Yang's partner Ren Luyu hosted the former sister Li Sisi back to her mother's house

Focus on the 2023 May Day Gala of China Central Radio and Television Station - CCTV's first sister officially formed a handover of new and old, and Long Yang hosted the Labor Day Gala on May Day and Li Sisi returned to her mother's home

Secondly, we are concerned about the host lineup of the 2023 CCTV May Day Gala. CCTV's 2023 May Day Gala enabled 2 hosts, namely Ren Luyu and Long Yang. CCTV 2021 May Day Gala is five hosts, 2022 May Day Gala is four hosts, from the number of hosts, CCTV 2023 May Day Gala is undoubtedly the first time in recent years that CCTV has sent such a small lineup of host teams, this number is in sharp contrast with CCTV's huge host team, and Hunan Satellite TV variety show host lineup is in sharp contrast.

May Day party: The handover of the old and the new, Long Yang's partner Ren Luyu hosted the former sister Li Sisi back to her mother's house

As a newcomer, Long Yang presided alone with Ren Luyu this time, which undoubtedly highlighted Long Yang's status even more.

May Day party: The handover of the old and the new, Long Yang's partner Ren Luyu hosted the former sister Li Sisi back to her mother's house

The biggest highlight of CCTV's 2023 May Day Gala is the female host Long Yang. If the host of the 2023 Spring Festival Gala and the 2023 Lantern Festival Gala as Li Sisi's successor highlights Long Yang's current status in Taili, then this partner Ren Luyu hosted the May Day Gala undoubtedly raised Long Yang's status to a new height and level, that is, Long Yang will also officially become the fifth generation sister of CCTV, officially obtaining Li Sisi's status in CCTV.

May Day party: The handover of the old and the new, Long Yang's partner Ren Luyu hosted the former sister Li Sisi back to her mother's house

Also on May Day, when Long Yang partnered with his brother Ren Luyu as a new sister to host the May Day party, Li Sisi went to his hometown in the northeast to make up for his grandmother's birthday. Although Li Sisi first appeared on April 23 to host the live broadcast program of CCTV new media on April 23, it did not make a big splash, and so far there is no program hosted by Li Sisi on the three sets of CCTV.

May Day party: The handover of the old and the new, Long Yang's partner Ren Luyu hosted the former sister Li Sisi back to her mother's house

Above: The 2021 CCTV May Day Gala hosted by Ren Luyu and Li Sisi

Below: The 2023 CCTV May Day Gala hosted by Ren Luyu and Long Yang

May Day party: The handover of the old and the new, Long Yang's partner Ren Luyu hosted the former sister Li Sisi back to her mother's house

May Day in 2023 has also become a very iconic day in the history of CCTV's development, because on this day, the new and old sisters have achieved the official handover, one returns to their hometown in the northeast and the other hosts an important party. It is foreseeable that at the next important time node parties such as the National Day Gala, it will be the era of Long Yang.

May Day party: The handover of the old and the new, Long Yang's partner Ren Luyu hosted the former sister Li Sisi back to her mother's house

Bless Long Yang!

May Day party: The handover of the old and the new, Long Yang's partner Ren Luyu hosted the former sister Li Sisi back to her mother's house


Focus on the latest developments of artists and deliver mainstream voices in the circle.

【Xiaojin Entertainment】The whole network provides the exclusive premiere of "Today's Headlines", and it is strictly forbidden to reprint


[This article is original by Xiaojin Entertainment, welcome to pay attention and take you to long knowledge together! ] 】

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