
"Laziness" is actually a sign of physical weakness! Learn these five tricks to get you energized!

author:Science and education news channel

There are many people in life who are very "lazy": sit on the sofa and don't want to move, even lying in bed all day, usually listless, weak to speak, tired of doing a little work;

However, sometimes it's really not that people are too lazy, but that their bodies are too weak! It is precisely because the physical deficiency cannot be improved, which causes many people to be in a sub-healthy state all year round!

Whether it is false or lazy, the four types of false evidence should be clearly distinguished;

"Laziness" is actually a sign of physical weakness! Learn these five tricks to get you energized!

1. Do not love activities: blood deficiency

Blood is an important carrier for the human body to transmit nutrients and excrete metabolites, but when blood production is insufficient or nutrient is deficient, it will weaken the nourishing function of blood to the body, forming a state of blood deficiency loss.

People with blood deficiency are prone to dizziness, numbness of hands and feet, anemia, irregular menstruation, muscle weakness and other symptoms, so that they usually do not like to move.

2. Listless: Deficiency of qi

Qi is the essence, qi and spirit of the human body, and it is easy to damage the qi machine due to low mood, staying up late, and reducing the quality of sleep.

People with qi deficiency will obviously feel lack of energy, drowsiness and fatigue, and are not interested in anything, and will affect the level of endocrine hormones and the function of various organs, which is easy to reduce immunity.

3. Fear of cold and cold: yang deficiency

In early spring, the temperature is low, there is little sunlight, and many people are prone to symptoms of insufficient yang, such as cold intolerance, sore waist and knees, joint pain, frequent colds, etc.

Yang deficiency also tends to weaken the digestive function of our spleen and stomach, resulting in indigestion, diarrhea and bloating, which is not conducive to maintaining the health of the body.

4. Upset and insomnia: yin deficiency

Yin deficiency is often accompanied by excessive yang qi and insufficient fluid, which can easily make people feel dry mouth, bitter mouth, upset heart, or have symptoms of sore throat, loss of appetite, insomnia, night sweats or constipation.

Look in the mirror and see the false evidence in a minute;

"Laziness" is actually a sign of physical weakness! Learn these five tricks to get you energized!

Blood deficiency: pale complexion and lips, pale tongue, nails can not immediately restore rosiness, cold palms with less blood, increased hair loss.

Qi deficiency: long facial spots, yellowish palms, cloudy and yellow whites of the eyes, dry and heavy eyes.

Yang deficiency: dull complexion, blue lips, pale tongue.

Yin deficiency: dry skin, red cheeks, red tongue, less tongue, dry lips, yellow hair.

Internal and external nourishment to improve physical fitness

"Laziness" is actually a sign of physical weakness! Learn these five tricks to get you energized!

Qi and blood run throughout the body and are closely related to the health of the five internal organs, so many times body weakness will also be manifested as abnormal functions of organs such as the spleen, stomach, lungs and so on.

If we can detect these symptoms in time, and then recuperate the internal organs, it will help improve various weak physiques.

"Laziness" is actually a sign of physical weakness! Learn these five tricks to get you energized!

1. Lung deficiency

When the lungs have insufficient qi and blood and blood pressure, the blood and nutrients pumped from the heart are also affected, and it becomes more difficult to supply them to the whole body.

People with lung deficiency, one is lung yin deficiency, mostly manifested as throat thirst, hoarseness, easy inflammation and fire. One is lung yang deficiency, not only small lung capacity, but also easy chest tightness, shortness of breath, cough and phlegm.

Suggestion: Sand ginseng wheat winter tea

Ingredients: 10 grams each of sand ginseng and wheat dong, boiled and drinking.

Efficacy: Can quench thirst, nourish lung qi.

"Laziness" is actually a sign of physical weakness! Learn these five tricks to get you energized!

2. Stomach deficiency

The stomach repairs itself every day, and a healthy stomach rarely has ulcers, flatulence, acid reflux, etc. But if you suffer from a deficiency of stomach qi, then the ability of the stomach to repair itself is weak, and it is easier to develop stomach problems.

For example, insufficient stomach gas will cause indigestion, abnormal gastric acid secretion, bloating diarrhea, etc., and many old stomach diseases may be stomach deficiency that is not replenished, resulting in repeated conditions.

Recommendation: lean porridge with tangerine peel peanuts

Ingredients: 10g tangerine peel, 100g rice, 50g lean pork, 20g peanuts, 10g goji berries, 20g avocado, a little green onion and ginger.

Efficacy: It has the effect of creating humidifying phlegm, strengthening the spleen and benefiting the stomach.

"Laziness" is actually a sign of physical weakness! Learn these five tricks to get you energized!

3. Liver deficiency

The liver has a certain hematopoietic function, and also undertakes the work of decomposition, digestion and absorption of nutrients. People with liver qi deficiency often have a bad complexion and are prone to symptoms such as stains, wrinkles, and rough skin.

Impaired liver function will also affect the eyes, long-term liver blood deficiency, will also bring a variety of problems to the eyes, and even develop into presbyopia in advance.

Suggestion: Getaway soup

Ingredients: 12 grams each of angelica, white peony, poria and fried baiju, 9 grams of chaihu, 6 grams of licorice, 3 pieces of ginger, and fried water.

Efficacy: It has the effect of thinning the liver and nourishing blood, and the specific usage needs to consult a doctor.

"Laziness" is actually a sign of physical weakness! Learn these five tricks to get you energized!

4. Spleen deficiency

When the spleen is deficient, people have heavy moisture and weak yang, and may experience chills, insomnia, headache, loss of appetite, etc. Humid weather is more likely to cause spleen deficiency, and if the moisture is not discharged, it is easy to get sick when it encounters wind and cold.

Recommendation: Spleen Tea Protection

Ingredients: Codonopsis, stir-fried white art, tangerine peel, licorice take 10 grams of each medicine, decoction in water instead of tea.

Efficacy: It can aromatize and awaken the spleen, dissolve phlegm and dampness, and eliminate food retardation. Consult a physician before use.

"Laziness" is actually a sign of physical weakness! Learn these five tricks to get you energized!

5. Kidney deficiency

The kidney is an important source of yang energy in the human body and has the function of storing essence and solid elements. People with healthy kidneys are energetic and energetic, but once the kidneys are weak, they will first have low energy, drowsiness and fatigue.

Kidney deficiency is divided into kidney qi deficiency, kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency, and it is necessary to distinguish the symptoms clearly in order to be targeted to recuperate.

Suggestion: Right Gui Maru

Ingredients: Contains aconite, cinnamon, deer antler gum, cooked ground, goji berry, yam, dodder seed, eucommia and angelica.

Efficacy: It has the effect of warming the kidney and aphrodisiac, please use it under the guidance of a physician.

Source: Encyclopedia of Folk Medicine