
The hottest crayfish in summer, many rumors are true or false, how to burn is the most delicious?

author:Chiheido Kotei

Old-school grandpa

Abstract: Now in the summer, the hottest delicacy is naturally crayfish. However, there are many rumors about crayfish, is it true or false? The crayfish method can be described as varied, only you can't think of it, there is nothing you can't do. So which is the most delicious?

The hottest crayfish in summer, many rumors are true or false, how to burn is the most delicious?

Now in the summer, the hottest delicacy is naturally the crayfish. However, there are many rumors about crayfish, is it true or false? The crayfish method can be described as varied, only you can't think of it, there is nothing you can't do. So which is the most delicious?

Crayfish is really called "Procrayfish", also called red crawfish, freshwater crayfish, scientific name "Procambarus clarkii", the shape is like a shrimp but the carapace is much harder than the shrimp, the adult length is about 10 cm or so, the shell is dark red, the hardest part of the carapace is darker in color, similar to black, and there are wedge-shaped stripes on the back of the abdomen. It is a kind of freshwater shrimp that is like a fake bag. The name is crayfish, and indeed a little related to lobsters, in biology the same crustacean Millipedes, but lobsters belong to the lobster family, orthogonal crawfish family, and crayfish are crawfish family or cockroach family, in some areas of northern China crayfish is called "cockroach".

Regarding crayfish, there are many rumors, the most widely spread of which is that the Japanese army introduced it in order to dispose of the corpse during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and even said that the Japanese army also genetically modified the crayfish for this purpose. This idea of genetic modification is obviously wrong, because in 1953 Watson and Crick discovered the double helix structure of DNA in genetic sequencing, and it was not until the 1970s that humans began to apply research on recombinant gene technology, and genes did not even appear during the War of Resistance.

The origin of the crayfish is in North America in the southeastern United States and is a purely natural species. In the United States, crayfish have been eaten for hundreds of years and are a very common ingredient, often boiled with potatoes and corn, and seasoned with cajun powder. Louisiana is a large state that eats crayfish, so in 1983 the crayfish was selected as the representative animal of Louisiana, and the "Crayfish Festival" is held every year.

The hottest crayfish in summer, many rumors are true or false, how to burn is the most delicious?

Crayfish came to Asia from North America, and indeed Japan was the first to introduce them, in 1927, Japan introduced 20 protocell shrimp from the United States, originally intended to breed as feed for bullfrogs. And crayfish in Japan has never attracted the favor of consumers as much as in China, after all, Japan is an island country, rich in aquatic products, and compared with a wide variety of seafood, crayfish meat quality and taste are no advantages at all.

There are four native species of native crayfish in China, namely the Northeast black crayfish, the Nanjing black crayfish, the Shi's crayfish and the Korean black crayfish. But these native crayfish are obviously not as brutal as the exotic protocrayfish. It should be around 1930 that the original crawfish was introduced to China, and the earliest breeding site was near Nanjing, where xuyi, now the most famous crayfish town, is near Nanjing. The original introduction of protocellfish was introduced as much as in Japan and was also used as feed. However, I did not expect that the protocrayfish of Krei's was fierce, fast breeding, and strong environmental adaptability, so it quickly flooded, anti-customer-oriented, and almost squeezed China's native crayfish to no living space. Moreover, in recent years, it has been accepted by diners and has become the number one hot ingredient in summer, and it is also unlimited in the land of China.

The second rumor about crayfish is that crayfish live in sewage and eat garbage, so they carry a lot of toxins and heavy metals.

Crayfish are omnivorous animals, the main food is organic matter in the water, aquatic plants, algae, aquatic insects and organic detritus, of course, also eat small fish, shrimp, shellfish and other living animals, even in the lack of food will be cannibalism. Because crayfish have a very mixed diet, they are very adaptable to the environment and can survive in polluted water bodies. But now the crayfish that can be bought in our restaurants and vegetable farms are basically not wild, they are all artificially farmed. The reason is simple, the demand for crayfish is so large now, there will naturally be a farming industry that is commensurate with the demand. In the artificial breeding environment, according to the growth needs of crayfish, animal and plant feeds, such as wheat bran, bean cake, aquatic insect larvae, etc. should be fed. Definitely not eating anything messy anymore.

Crayfish can indeed live in polluted water, but they do not like that environment, after experiments found that crayfish like clean water quality, so living in sewage is purely in the world of helplessness, had to do it. Moreover, the tolerance of crayfish to water quality is also limited, if the water quality is too poor, the crayfish not only has difficulty breeding, but also grows very slowly. Under artificial breeding conditions, crayfish density is large, if the water quality is not clean, then there will be a large number of deaths, and the growth rate is slow, increasing the cost of feeding, so farmers will definitely pay attention to water quality maintenance.

The hottest crayfish in summer, many rumors are true or false, how to burn is the most delicious?

Crayfish can adapt to the polluted environment, thanks to the body has a good detoxification and detoxification mechanism, so it itself in the living body pollutant content is high, crayfish can transfer heavy metals to the shell, and then through continuous molting, and then completely transfer the toxins out of the body, which is one of the reasons why it can tolerate heavy metal pollution. According to relevant studies, most of the heavy metals in the crayfish are concentrated in the gills, offal and shrimp shells that we do not eat, and the heavy metal content of the shrimp meat we eat is not high, so the possibility of eating crayfish leading to heavy metal poisoning is very small. In addition, the problem of parasites does not need to be worried too much. Aquatic organisms such as shrimp, crabs, fish, shellfish and other aquatic organisms will more or less carry parasites, and thorough cooking under high temperature conditions can basically solve the problem of parasites.

In the 1980s, there were already crayfish on the market, but there were basically no restaurants and restaurants, because the grade of crayfish at this time was too low, not elegant, not on the table, and at this time, the roadside night stalls were just budding, that is, wonton fried noodles and the like, at most it was fried snails, dried tofu, edamame and other small dishes, and there was no crayfish figure. It is sold in the vegetable market, but the output and sales are very small, that is, to give housewives more than a variety of unpopular ingredients at the summer table, it should be said that most of the crayfish at that time were wild, and farmers caught them by hand when fishing and touching shrimp. Old-school uncle was still a student at that time, when he went to the summer camp in the suburbs, fishing for crayfish was still a very wild project, and there was no technical content at all, and a row of hooks was thrown at the side of the ditch, even the bait was not used, and after ten minutes of lifting the hook, there would be crayfish hooked. Artificial farming has not yet emerged, of course, at that time the water environment was much better than now, heavy metal pollution has not heard of.

The method is also very common, that is, cleaning is more troublesome, you need to brush several times with a brush, and rinse repeatedly with water. When processing, in addition to cutting off the claw claw, especially to cut the tail left and right scissors, but can not be cut, grab the middle of the tail fin and jerk, a large black tendon (commonly known as shrimp line) out, feel is the spine of the crayfish, it is said that this big tendon smells heavy and there are more harmful substances, so it must be extracted. Until now, the old-school uncle eating crayfish will pay attention to whether the store has smoked this big tendon, smoked, indicating that the store is still very authentic, did not smoke, that is sorry, there is no next time. Then start the oil pot, the oil does not need much, the ginger stew pot is fragrant, the washed crayfish is cooked, stir-fried a few times, add cooking wine, soy sauce, sugar, salt, monosodium glutamate and other spices, and then add a small amount of water, cover the pot lid and simmer, until the color of the crayfish turns bright red, sprinkle with green onions to get out of the pot. This practice is actually between braised shrimp and fried shrimp, simple but very flavorful.

The hottest crayfish in summer, many rumors are true or false, how to burn is the most delicious?

After entering the 21st century, somehow, a round of crayfish whirlwind was blown, and almost overnight, the crayfish occupied the tables of large and small restaurants, as if they could be equal to barbecue, becoming one of the two major fist varieties to eat on summer nights, and there was also a food street like Shouning Road that focused on crayfish.

The crayfish practice is also endless, in addition to the most common thirteen spices, incandescent, spicy, dry sautéed, garlic, yellow stew, pepper salt, dry pot, but also appeared ice, salted egg yolk, beer, gin soup, etc., as well as the original secret of each store, and even with staple foods, such as crayfish pickled rice, crayfish noodles, a variety of dazzling.

In contrast, among the many cooking tastes, the old-school uncle's favorite is cooked drunk, drunken crab drunk shrimp is common, but the shell of the crayfish is harder, raw drunk is difficult to taste, and the crayfish is not suitable for raw food, so it is improved, come a cooked drunk - first steamed crayfish, and then with flower carving wine as the base, add rock sugar, soy sauce, ginger slices and other spices, make a dip, put the steamed crayfish into the soaking, must be completely past the crayfish, placed in a sealed jar, before sealing and then sprayed with a little high liquor - This not only has the effect of sterilization and fragrance, but also the finishing touch of the familiar crayfish. Finally, put it in the refrigerator overnight, and then you can take it out and use it.

To say that the familiar drunk crayfish, the old-school uncle felt that Xingnongji was quite amazing. Xingnong Ji is located in Beixinjing subway station next to the Shenya Grand Hyatt Plaza, is a specialty of the gang cuisine and farmhouse cuisine restaurant, not only the gang cuisine is very authentic, and this cooked drunken crayfish is even more addictive, because the store in the immersion is an exclusive secret recipe, it is said that only the use of wine in addition to flower carving wine, liquor and brandy, a variety of different types of wine Perfect combination, so that this cooked drunk crayfish taste rich in layers, but also very mellow, the entrance seems to have no wine feeling, But no matter how carefully you taste it, you can feel the aftertaste of the wine if there is none, and this feeling is difficult to describe in words.

The hottest crayfish in summer, many rumors are true or false, how to burn is the most delicious?
The hottest crayfish in summer, many rumors are true or false, how to burn is the most delicious?

In Xingnongji, the production of mature drunkenness is already a famous signboard, in addition to the mature drunken crayfish, in this season, there is also mature drunken June yellow. That is, the method of cooking June yellow is cooked with drunkenness. The so-called June yellow refers to the fact that the back shell has not turned blue in the sixth month of the lunar calendar, and the child crabs that have just been dehulled three times are usually male crabs weighing about two or two, because the female crabs at this time are smaller and do not have much meat. And Xingnong ji chooses June yellow above two halves, to ensure that the head is strong, the cream is full of yellow, the same drunken method, compared with the cooked drunk crayfish, there is another delicious taste.

The hottest crayfish in summer, many rumors are true or false, how to burn is the most delicious?
The hottest crayfish in summer, many rumors are true or false, how to burn is the most delicious?

In midsummer, at the beginning of the night, the summer is fading, the breeze is blowing, a bottle of aging, holding the claw in hand, the wine taste has been mellow and overcooked, and the crab claw does not need to be frosted!

(The picture of this article is from the network)

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