
10 pest control techniques for harmful vegetables

author:Li Feng helps farmers
10 pest control techniques for harmful vegetables

Prevention and control points:

A. Focus on chemical control, in order to delay the production of resistance of small vegetable moths, please pay attention to the rotation of medication. B. When spraying, be thoughtful and even, and pay attention to the spray on the heart leaves and the soil gaps around the vegetable plant. C. Organophosphorus and permethrin agents, which are commonly used in cabbage moths, have developed resistance. The following agents are recommended for mixing and rotating: Pyrrinolide (fipronil), Tepperio (5% styroprim), avermectin, chlorpyrifos, ex-exhaustion (10% bromoxonitrile), polycyctomycin, thuringiensis, propyl bromide.

10 pest control techniques for harmful vegetables
10 pest control techniques for harmful vegetables

A. Agricultural prevention and control. Removing weeds and ploughing or irrigating the soil after harvest to destroy or worsen their pupal sites can help reduce the source of insects. B. Physical prevention and control. (1) Lighting to lure moths. Using the phototropism of adult insects, black light is lit to trap in the peak period, and (2) sweet and sour booby traps. Adult chemotaxis are used with sweet and sour (sugar: vinegar: wine : water = 3:4:1:2) plus a small amount of enemy insects to lure moths. (3) Willow branches dipped in 500 times enemy insects to trap moths, WeChat search vegetable farmer circle attention. C. Pharmaceutical prevention and treatment. Alternating sprays of 21% extermination (echinacea), 50% cypermethrin, 2.5% kung fu, 2.5% Uranus emulsion, 20% extermination emulsion, urea, 5% carcame (fiproclamide), 5% nongment (voltoxon), 2 to 3 times, once every 7 to 10 days, spray evenly. The larvae are selected to be used in the morning and evening active period, and the insect disperses after 3 years of age, preferably before 3 years of age.

10 pest control techniques for harmful vegetables

A. In the early stage of the occurrence of young larvae, spray 800-1000 times liquid or vegetable powder butterfly granule virus with 20 larval units per mu, which has a good control effect on vegetable green insects, and the spraying time is best in the evening.

B. In the peak stage of larval occurrence, alternate sprays of 20% urea suspension agent, 10% high-efficiency cypermethrin emulsion, 20% cypermethrin, 21% synergistic cyanopyridine emulsion, insecticide double water agent, 90% dimethoate crystals, etc. can be used alternately sprayed 2 to 3 times.

10 pest control techniques for harmful vegetables

A. Avoid continuous cropping, plough the soil after harvesting, and carry out soil treatment to effectively suppress the insect population base. B. Every day before flowering in the early morning (before 9 a.m.), drill heartworms have not yet drilled into flowers and sprayed before fruit. C. Use strong fumigation touch killing and high permeability of pollution-free agents, such as trizophos, permethrin, chlorpyrifos, methylamino avi salt, orthoprotech, propyl bromide, Akas (quinophos) and so on. At the peak of the adult insects, they are steamed with the soil of the enemy fear.

10 pest control techniques for harmful vegetables

A. Remove the dead leaves of the vegetable field and eradicate the weeds.

B. Deeply plough the soil before sowing to eliminate some pupae.

D. Spraying method from all sides to the center of the surrounding spray to prevent escape. E. Since the current jumping nail medicine mostly contains octyl thion, dichlorvos and other components, pay attention to the use of multiples to prevent burning leaves.

10 pest control techniques for harmful vegetables

A. Focus on the prevention and control of crop seedlings and before flowering, crop leaves appear to be harmful tunnels and immediately use drugs. B. Add an appropriate amount of sweet potato juice or sugar to the liquid to enhance the effect of trapping adult insects. C. Choose a strong infiltration, high fumigation effect of the agent. At present, the better drugs are avermectin, chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos, etc., such as: Lesben emulsion, 25% insecticide double water, 1.5% abadin (Avi) emulsion, 5% antitabol (styrodialoprone) emulsion, 5% cascutine (fiproamide) emulsion

10 pest control techniques for harmful vegetables

A. Aphids like to hide in the shadows such as the back of the heart leaf, and attention should be paid to spraying important parts such as young leaves, young stems and growth points. B, melon and bean crops are sensitive to a variety of pesticides, should choose efficient and safe control agents, generally effective agents to imidacloprid, acetyl immonia, antidovir, kung fu mainly.

10 pest control techniques for harmful vegetables

A. Select the starting period of nymphs and start the application when the population base of the insect is not large. B. When spraying, pay attention to spraying the middle and upper part of the plant and the back of the leaves. If you need to control the hazard for a long time, you need to spray 2 times every 3-5 days, and the surrounding weeds also need to be uniformly controlled, and WeChat search vegetable farmer circle attention. Spraying time should be selected on sunny days and windy evenings. C. Adult insects have a strong tendency to yellow, and adults can be trapped by yellow plates and coated with sticky shellac to kill adults, but they cannot kill eggs and are prone to recurrence. D, it is best to choose insecticides with strong suction resistance, such as: 24.5% aldhiolaline, acetamidine, akta (thiamethoxazine), alenopterazine, chrysanthemum emulsion, exuberance, kung fu permethrin or Uranus.

10 pest control techniques for harmful vegetables

A: Agricultural control: weeding and pest control;

Booby-trapping of adult insects: combined with armyworms to trap adult insects with sugar, vinegar, wine booby-trap liquid or sweet potato, carrot and other fermentation solutions;

Trap larvae: Trap larvae with paulownia or lettuce leaves and go to the field early in the morning to catch them.

B: Chemical control

  For larvae of different ages, different methods of administration should be used. Larvae are controlled before 3 years of age with spray, powder or poisonous soil;

After 3 years of age, there are broken seedlings in the field, which can be booby-trapped by poisonous bait or poisonous weeds.

Octathion, cypermethrin emulsion, 40% methyl isotylphosphate emulsion, 90% crystalline dimethoate, chlorpyrifos emulsion or microcapsule suspension

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