
The king cobra belongs to the cobra family, a huge amount of detoxification, enough to poison 19 people first, cobra broadly refers to the cobra family, narrowly refers to the Chinese common cobra two, the king cobra is fierce and highly venomous three, the attack mode of each cobra is similar to four, why can the Indian cobra perform?

author:Pet knowledge is not too cold
The king cobra belongs to the cobra family, a huge amount of detoxification, enough to poison 19 people first, cobra broadly refers to the cobra family, narrowly refers to the Chinese common cobra two, the king cobra is fierce and highly venomous three, the attack mode of each cobra is similar to four, why can the Indian cobra perform?

king cobra

A previous article about the silver ring snake "How poisonous is the silver ring snake?" After being bitten, you will be sleepy but will not scream for a life without pain" Introduced to the silver ring snake is a cobra family, and also mentioned that the king cobra is also a cobra family, many friends commented that the king cobra is not a cobra family, is a king cobra genus. In fact, about 362 species have been recorded worldwide, and there are currently 3 subfamilies. Since cobras are distributed in Asia and Africa, there are many different genera, and the cobra family is mainly classified in China as ring snakes, cobras, king cobras, and coral snakes. Therefore, the king cobra is a genus of king cobras, which is also of the cobra family, but there is also a separate cobra genus under the cobra family.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >, cobras refer to the cobra family in a broad sense, and common Chinese cobras in a narrow sense</h1>

1. Ordinary cobra

The king cobra belongs to the cobra family, a huge amount of detoxification, enough to poison 19 people first, cobra broadly refers to the cobra family, narrowly refers to the Chinese common cobra two, the king cobra is fierce and highly venomous three, the attack mode of each cobra is similar to four, why can the Indian cobra perform?

Zhoushan cobra

There are Zhoushan cobras and Bengal cobras under the genus, and what we usually call cobras usually refers to Zhoushan cobras, that is, common Chinese cobras. It is 100-170 cm long and is widely distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River all the way to South China. The Bengal cobra is similar in size, color spots, habits, toxicology, etc. to the Zhoushan cobra, and the pattern of the main back neck is different. It is mainly distributed in western Yunnan, Sichuan, Tibet and other regions.

Cobras are species of snakes that move day and night, usually more during the day. Not many people may have seen cobras in the wild, often basking in the sun near wintering caves on the slopes of the sun, and in the dense and wet woods, it is difficult to encounter cobras. It preys on frogs, lizards, snakes, birds, fish and small mammals.

2. King Cobra

The king cobra belongs to the cobra family, a huge amount of detoxification, enough to poison 19 people first, cobra broadly refers to the cobra family, narrowly refers to the Chinese common cobra two, the king cobra is fierce and highly venomous three, the attack mode of each cobra is similar to four, why can the Indian cobra perform?

King cobra with pillow scales

The king cobra genus is a king cobra with a body length of 300-400 cm, and the largest individual recorded is 6 meters long. The king cobra has a pair of larger occipital scales directly behind it, which is the biggest feature that distinguishes it from other snakes. In China, it is distributed in the area south of the Yangtze River, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and so on.

The king cobra is the longest venomous snake in the world. King cobras have a special habit among their close relatives: they practice monogamy during mating. They move in undisturbed woods and bushes. It is a diurnal animal that feeds mainly on snakes and also preys on lizards.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, the king cobra is fierce and highly venomous</h1>

King Cobra venom is mainly nerve venom, and after being bitten, there will be symptoms such as body pain and swelling. An adult snake detoxifies more than 300 milligrams at a time, which is 19 times the dose of death. And aggressive, extremely sinister. If the antivenom is not injected in time after being bitten, the person will die within 6-12 hours. Large Asian elephants die within 3 hours, and elephants walk around when they see king cobras. The venom that sprays from the cobra's mouth into the victim's eyes can cause permanent or temporary blindness if not cleaned in time. The king cobra likes to eat other snakes, and it is not afraid of the snake venom of other snakes, because the king cobra has an antivenom in its body, which is enough to resist any venom of its kind.

The king cobra belongs to the cobra family, a huge amount of detoxification, enough to poison 19 people first, cobra broadly refers to the cobra family, narrowly refers to the Chinese common cobra two, the king cobra is fierce and highly venomous three, the attack mode of each cobra is similar to four, why can the Indian cobra perform?

Grey badger vs cobra

The king cobra belongs to the cobra family, a huge amount of detoxification, enough to poison 19 people first, cobra broadly refers to the cobra family, narrowly refers to the Chinese common cobra two, the king cobra is fierce and highly venomous three, the attack mode of each cobra is similar to four, why can the Indian cobra perform?

As the "poisonous king", the king cobra is also huge, and in the animal kingdom, except for humans who can use tools, they dare to provoke, and other animals basically dare not. But there is a mammal gray badger may be able to fight with one, the gray badger is agile, snakes are one of their food, because the body has a unique antivenom body can help themselves excrete poisonous snake toxins, so the gray badger has become the nemesis of the cobra, and even dares to provoke the king cobra. Because of their talent for catching snakes, they are often introduced to control the number of venomous snakes and rats.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > three, the attack patterns of each cobra are similar</h1>

The king cobra belongs to the cobra family, a huge amount of detoxification, enough to poison 19 people first, cobra broadly refers to the cobra family, narrowly refers to the Chinese common cobra two, the king cobra is fierce and highly venomous three, the attack mode of each cobra is similar to four, why can the Indian cobra perform?

Normal state of the ribs

The king cobra belongs to the cobra family, a huge amount of detoxification, enough to poison 19 people first, cobra broadly refers to the cobra family, narrowly refers to the Chinese common cobra two, the king cobra is fierce and highly venomous three, the attack mode of each cobra is similar to four, why can the Indian cobra perform?

Attack state of the ribs

There are a variety of cobras in the cobra family, which vary in size and habits, but one thing in common is that when they are threatened or attacked, their heads and bodies stand upright, usually one-third of the body upright, and the rest of the body remains coiled together. They spread the skin, the skin folds can reach about 20 centimeters, and the extension on both sides of their neck depends mainly on the opening of the ribs in their necks. This variation makes it appear larger, accompanied by a hissing sound to intimidate the opponent.

Both cobras and king cobras are anterior grooved venomous snakes, and cobras are among the snakes with higher IQs, but king cobras have higher IQs. Cobra can accurately "interact" with the opponent when encountering a threat, rather than blindly attacking or fleeing, it will make different defense measures according to the opponent's reaction, from hiding to intimidation to fleeing in the final attack, it can distinguish different situations more clearly, and can inject different doses of venom according to different opponent sizes.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >4. Why can an Indian cobra perform? </h1>

The king cobra belongs to the cobra family, a huge amount of detoxification, enough to poison 19 people first, cobra broadly refers to the cobra family, narrowly refers to the Chinese common cobra two, the king cobra is fierce and highly venomous three, the attack mode of each cobra is similar to four, why can the Indian cobra perform?

Indians play snake people

1. What is the difference between an Indian cobra and a king cobra?

More than 200,000 people in India are bitten by cobras every year, and 50,000 people die from its venom, but Indians still worship the cobra, calling it "Nurapanbu", which means "good snake". The Indian cobra is somewhat similar in appearance to the king cobra, and although its body length is not as long as the king cobra, it can reach a maximum length of 2.25 meters. One of the most prominent features is the dark broad band stripe under the neck. Indian cobras live in lush vegetation areas close to water sources and in desert areas. Unlike the king cobra, the Indian cobra is a nocturnal animal that climbs trees and swims. It often appears in caves, crevices, termite nests, and other places where you can hide.

2, the Indian cobra relies on strength to perform

Indian cobras also belong to the category of higher IQs, attacking, encountering danger, etc. will also clash with threatening opponents, and Indians use the attack habits of snakes to perform. First of all, indian cobras have different wavelengths from humans, and when they hear the sound of snake people playing with them playing and rhythmic feet hitting the ground, they will enter a state of alertness, lean out to observe the situation, and sway with the rhythm. The snake player controls the distance from the snake to put the snake into a self-protecting offensive state, at which time the cobra will open the sides of its neck and begin to "perform". Secondly, snake players and cobras have been getting along since childhood, so snake players are very familiar with cobra attack methods, in addition to maintaining a safe distance, when the cobra is about to attack, it will also change position or make other actions to divert their attention. Finally, snake players will have anti-venom serums prepared, and even if they are bitten, they can use the antidote immediately. Spectators should not easily come forward when the cobra is performing, because they do not understand its characteristics are likely to become the target of attack.

The cobra and cobra family are easily confused in concept, the king cobra and the Indian cobra are mainly easy to misread in terms of physical appearance, in fact, the king cobra is much larger than the length of the Indian cobra, and the king cobra stands higher in the snake food chain. However, no matter which kind of cobra is a venomous snake of the anterior groove tooth, the general adult cobra detoxification amount is 210 mg, if the bite is not treated in time, it is enough to cause death. If you are not very familiar with the habits of cobras, it is best not to play with them.

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