
What species of grouper is 1,000 yuan per kilogram?

author:Smallholder fruit

In daily life, many people in the seafood market procurement, will be to a variety of "name" grouper "halo", consumers in the restaurant ordering often for those complex and nuanced names confused, such as: green spotted fish, red spotted fish, tabby fish, mouse spot, east star spot, pearl gentian grouper, dragon barra and so on. They are all groupers, what is different? Let's take a look at it with small farmers.

Grouper is a general term for groupers, groupers, gill perch and other fish in the family Bass. It has a large number of species, has a fairly complex ecological stratigraphy, and has a territorial and mimetic behavior, generally inhabiting multi-rocky reef caves and coral areas, mainly feeding on fish, shrimp, crabs, endpods, etc. Groupers are mostly hermaphrodites with sexual conversion characteristics, with all-line females at first sexual maturity and then males a few years later. Grouper is rich in nutrients, tender and white flesh, and is a low-fat, high-protein high-quality edible fish.

Let's take a look at the common grouper and the approximate sales price:

What species of grouper is 1,000 yuan per kilogram?


Erythra, scientific name red spotted grouper, is mainly distributed in the western Pacific Region, including the South China Sea, Taiwan, East China Sea, South Korea and Japan. Northern, eastern and southern Taiwan produces abundantly.

The pectoral fin of the erythema is rounded , with the central fin longer than the upper and lower fins , and longer than the ventral fin , but shorter than the posterior orbit ; the caudal fin is rounded. The body is grayish brown ; small orange-yellow , red, or orange spots are scattered on the head , side , and odd fins ; and there are six inconspicuous dark transverse bands on the side of the body. The base of the dorsal fin has a dark spot and a maximum body shape of 50 cm.

Erythra is a valuable economic fish, and the production is relatively large, and the price is quite high everywhere. At present, there are more red spotted fish farmed, and the price of wild and standard red spotted grouper can reach 800 yuan / catty.

What species of grouper is 1,000 yuan per kilogram?

Green spotted fish

The blue spotr, i.e. spot bander, is mainly distributed in the Indo-Western Pacific, west to the east coast of Africa, the Red Sea, the east to the western Pacific, north to southern Japan, and south to Australia. The western and southern parts of Taiwan have the most waters.

The pectoral fin of the green spot is rounded , with the central fin longer than the upper and lower fins , and longer than the ventral fin ; the caudal fin is rounded. The head and dorsal side of the body are yellowish brown and the ventral side is pale white; the head, body side and odd fin are scattered with many orange or reddish brown dots; and the body side has five inconspicuous, irregular, oblique and ventral bifurcated dark transverse bands, the first at the anterior edge of the dorsal fin hard spines, and the last on the caudal stalk. It can grow up to 100 cm and more than 150 kg.

The size of the green spotted fish is larger, the catch production is more, the aquaculture production is also quite large, and the price is relatively cheap, generally 80 yuan / catty. The most common thing consumers see in restaurants is the green spotted fish.

What species of grouper is 1,000 yuan per kilogram?

Tiger spot

Tiger spotted, refers to brown spotted grouper, widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific region. From the east coast of Africa in the west, to Samoa and the Fenix Islands in the east, from southern Japan in the north to Australia in the south. The pectoral fin is rounded, the central fin is longer than the upper and lower fin, and longer than the ventral fin, but shorter than the posterior orbital length; the caudal fin is rounded. The body is pale yellowish brown ; many large irregular brown spots are scattered on the head and side of the body ; a black saddle-like spot on the tail stalk ; and many small dark brown spots on the head , body sides and fins , up to 120 cm long.

Tiger spot is an economical edible fish species, can also be used for aquarium display, thanks to its domineering name, the price is often not cheap, can reach 300 ~ 400 yuan / catty.

What species of grouper is 1,000 yuan per kilogram?

Mouse spots

Mouse spots, also known as humpback bass, sharp-billed salmon, Guanyin salmon, are mainly distributed in the western Pacific region, including Japan, Taiwan, the South China Sea, the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, Guam and other regions. The body is pale to greenish brown , with many distinct round black spots of varying sizes on the head , body sides , and each fin ; some spots on the body side and the base of the odd fin are covered by a large dark spot. Juveniles have fewer black spots than adults, are the same size as or even larger than the eyes, and can reach a maximum body length of 71 cm.

Rat spot is a valuable economic fish, in high demand, but rare in the market. Although there is also breeding, the price is still high, and the wild rat spots that meet the specifications can reach 1000 yuan / catty.

Long Zhao (dǔn)

Dragon barn actually refers to the saddle band grouper. The fish is mainly distributed in the Indo-Pacific region, from the east coast of Africa and the Red Sea in the west, to southern Japan in the north, and to northwestern Australia in the south.

The pectoral fins of the dragon are rounded , with the central fin longer than the upper and lower fins , and longer than the ventral fins , but shorter than the posterior orbital length ; the caudal fins are rounded. Juvenile fish are yellow with three irregular black spots, and as they grow, they are scattered with irregular white or yellow spots, as well as black spots on each fin; large adults are dark brown, with darker fins. It is a giant of groupers, growing up to 270 cm and 400 kg.

The most common use of dragons is actually often used in aquarium displays, because of their huge size, there are often news reports on the Internet about their exaggerated prices, in fact, more for the purpose of bo eyeballs.

What species of grouper is 1,000 yuan per kilogram?

Pearl gentian

Pearl gentian grouper, also known as dragon tabby or pearl spot, is a new hybrid species of grouper bred by tiger spotter (female) and dragon barracuda (male). Its flesh is tender, fast growth, strong disease resistance, with tabby head, gentian tail appearance, showing hybrid advantages, due to the pearl gentian growth rate, strong disease resistance, quickly occupy 70% of the Hainan grouper aquaculture, becoming the first species of grouper culture. At present, the aquaculture output is relatively high, and the market price is 40 to 50 yuan / catty.

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