
The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?

As the saying goes: autumn wind rises, crab feet itch, chrysanthemums bloom, smell crabs come, September umbilicus October tip. One of the best times of the year in the hearts of foodies is the yellowing of crabs in autumn and winter. As a qualified foodie, in addition to hairy crabs, how many crabs in the sea can you recognize and call names? This article starts with the most common crab on the east side of Jiaodong Sea.

The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?

Pike crab, alias gun crab, sea crab, sea crab, three-wart pike crab. Because the cephalothorax is in the shape of a shuttle, it is called a shuttle. In Jiaodong is a very common crab, usually everyone shouts to eat crab, generally refers to the pike crab. To sum up the selection of the pike crab is "one pinch two look three ti liu", with two fingers up and down to pinch the crab up and down, a little force, the meaty crab is as hard as the feeling of pinching a stone, the second look at the crab cover at both ends of the tip will be faint yellowing, indicating that there is a paste. Three mentions, one is to weigh the weight of the crab, the heavier the better, and the other is to observe that the crab foot does not slacken and sag as well.

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Stone sandwich red (officially known as Japanese crab) is a large sea crab, especially in the lunar calendar around August 15th of the individual fat taste, especially the coastal abundant stone sandwich red is famous, adult crabs are large overweight, small is also half a pound weight. The main features are: the back of the crab is red, and the crab claws are significantly larger and harder than the crab.

The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?

This is the last time I went back to Haiyang to catch the sea to pick up the stone sandwich red, now it is difficult to catch the sea to pick up more than half a pound of stone sandwich red. There is still a difference in the appearance of the stone crab and the general pike crab, the two crab claws of the stone sandwich red are thick and strong, and the pike crab is much thinner. In addition, their living areas are also different, wild pike crabs generally live in the deep sea, while stone sandwich red prefers to be in shallower waters close to the reef.

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Red line dawn crab, the local name is called "nourishing crab". This is a very common small crab living in the sand in Jiaodong, I remember when I was a child, I brought a small net twenty or thirty meters long, two people randomly dragged a net on the beach to the shore, which was full of this crab, although small, but the taste was exceptionally delicious. The classic way to eat it is to mash it with stone mortar, filter out the shell residue, and use the remaining juice and diced potatoes, leeks, and eggs to make brine strips, and the taste is only known to Jiaodong people.

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The biggest feature of the tide crab is a pair of claws of great size, and the large claws on the front chest resemble the shield of a samurai. The tide crab will make the action of dancing large claws, so it is called the tide crab. Only the male crab has one large claw, and the female crab has both small claws. In addition, the tide crab has a pair of matchstick-like protruding eyes, which is very special. There are many small crabs along the jiaodong coast, the taste is a little bitter, and they are generally not eaten.

The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?

Sand crab, which is a very common small crab in Jiaodong, burrows in the deep hole of the beach, and the tide cannot reach the beach. I have to say that the sand crab is the bolt of the crab class, and the running speed is quite fast. It is also generally not eaten.

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Bean-shaped fist crab, common name: ghostly, thousand people pinch. After saying the fastest sand crab, this is definitely the slowest crab to swallow, because the shell is too hard, generally there is no danger, so the action is very slow, and will pretend to be dead, very funny. This kind of crab also has a characteristic of always like a large cart with a small, slow and leisurely climb in the shoal, they do not run rampant like other crabs, but walk straight, which is considered to be an outlier among crabs. Jiaodong is very common.

The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?

Guan Gong crab, commonly known as samurai crab, grimace crab, etc., has a large wart-like protrusion and many grooves on the back, resembling the Guan Gong face in the ancient drama in the old times. This is also a common crab in Jiaodong, the fourth and fifth pairs of short feet, turning to the back, often used to top a shell when walking, covering the body. Generally in the shallows with deep neck of the foot, you will see a piece of clam shell walking, pick it up and you will find a ghost-faced crab under the shell, which is very interesting.

The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?

Haizhi, also known as sea throttling, sea festival (dialect), was very common in Jiaodong when I was a child, and now it is relatively rare, and there are more in Rizhao, which belongs to the specialty of Rizhao. Shaped like a young cicada on land, the body is divided into two segments, multi-legged, and the shell is thin. It is mainly produced in the coastal beaches of Anjia Village in the two towns, and the range is extremely small, so the output is small and rare and expensive. After the cicada shrimp is fried in a pan, the entrance is crisp and delicious, and it is rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus and potassium.

The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?

Bean crab, which is actually a parasitic crab, is called the crab in the Confucian, the size of the soybean is similar, so it is called bean crab. They often parasitize shellfish (oysters, clams, scallops, mussels, etc.).

The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?

Hermit crabs, often inhabit the shells of dead mollusks to protect their soft abdomen, also known as "white houses", "dry houses", mainly with snail shells as parasites, the largest snail body in the hermitage can reach a maximum diameter of more than 15 cm. Jiaodong is more common, sometimes when you see a large snail on the beach and are surprised, pick it up and look at it as a hermit crab, and turn very disappointed, because it is basically inedible.

The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?

The Chinese tiger-headed crab, with a peculiar appearance and rounded cephalothorax, indicates that there are granular bulges that are particularly prominent in the anterior and central parts. Each gill area has a dark purple round spot, like a tiger's eye. It is distributed in the southeast coast of China, the mouth of the Yangtze River, the Shandong Peninsula, the Bohai Bay, the Liaodong Peninsula and other seas. I have to say that this crab has been seen and eaten when I was a child, but unfortunately I have never seen it again.

The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?

Monk crab, also known as sea monk, sea pearl, soldier crab, pounding rice crab, Jiaodong has never seen. Belonging to the tropics, Guangxi Hainan is more, "China on the Tip of the Tongue 2" has an episode to introduce the cuisine of Guangxi Andhai, the red sand crab juice is mashed with short-fingered monk crab and marinated.

The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?

Frog-shaped crabs, commonly known as sea bugs, shrimp and maggot heads, and its shape resembles frogs, but also frog crabs, tiger crabs (crab cover texture and color like tiger skin patterns), Garfield crabs (because of the shape of Garfield), retrogressive purr (Hokkien) and so on. Jiaodong has not seen it, do not know what the taste.

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Zodiac crab is a crab found in the North Sea, North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea. They are stout , reddish brown , with rounded carapaces and black pincer ends. They are up to 25 cm wide and weigh 3 kg. Common zodiac crabs are abundant in the northeast Atlantic, north to Norway and south to North Africa. They inhabit shallow waters at subtims up to 100 depths. They often hide between crevices and caves, and sometimes walk in open areas. Smaller individuals live under the rocks of the waterfront belt. They generally eat benthic animals such as crustaceans and molluscs.

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The saw-edged blue crab is called "cream crab" in southern China. Living in the shallow sea near the shore and in the mud and sand bottom at the mouth of the river, it is fierce and carnivorous, and mainly eats fish, shrimp and shellfish. The meat is delicious, nutritious and has the effect of nourishing and strengthening the body. Especially the female crab that will become pregnant will produce a red or yellow paste in the body, which is rich in nutrients and is known as "sea ginseng". It is mainly distributed in the coastal areas of Zhejiang, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Taiwan in China, especially in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. Jinan seafood market has to sell, the price is 80-100 yuan a catty.

The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?

King crabs, also known as stone crabs or rock crabs, are crustaceans of the stone crab family, not real crabs, and they are mainly distributed in cold seas. Named for its huge size, it is known as the "king of crabs". King crabs belong to the deep-sea crab class, living at a depth of 850 meters and living at a water temperature of 2-5 ° C. The minimum water temperature at which king crabs can survive is 1.4 degrees Celsius. Haven't eaten, who wants to eat can contact me, everyone together to pool money to eat a meal, ha

The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?

Emperor crab, scientific name: giant pseudo-coastal crab. Commonly known as: odd heavy pseudo-back crab, Australian emperor crab, Australian cancer crab. Produced in the Bass Strait of Australia, is the top of the seafood, is the king of crabs, the general weight of the average in 2 kg to 5 kg, to grow for about ten years only seven or eight pounds, the largest weight up to 36 kg, is the largest weight of the existing crabs, multi-cream and succulent, crab meat firm, refreshing. Which big brother wants to shout at me when he wants to eat, because you can't eat it alone.

The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?

The giant crab, also known as the Japanese spider crab, is the largest crustacean in existence, with the largest specimen having a leg extension of 4.2 meters, a body length of 38 cm, a weight of 20 kg, and a lifespan of 100 years. It lives in silt terrain of the Pacific Ocean at a depth of 500-1,000 meters beyond Iwate Prefecture in Japan to the northeastern corner of Taiwan. It was once rumored to be a "killer crab". It can't actually kill humans, but is good at dealing with fish and even has sharks in its recipes.

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Coconut crab, a hermit crab, can grow up to 1 meter long, not only the largest terrestrial crab, but also the largest terrestrial arthropod. Large in size and weighing up to 6 kilograms, coconut crabs have a hard shell and two strong and powerful giant claws, which are masters of tree climbing, especially straight coconut trees, because they can peel off the hard coconut shells with strong double claws, so named after eating the coconut flesh in them.

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It is distributed in Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Singapore, Danlao Islands, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, Taiwan Island and Chinese mainland Guangdong, Hainan Island, Fujian and other places, living environment is seawater, generally inhabited by 30-100 meters of water depth of sand or sediment bottom.

The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?

Integrity loves clean crabs and is able to produce tetrodotoxin. Tetrodotoxin is one of the most toxic neurotoxins found in nature, the toxin has a local stimulating effect on the intestine, and after absorption, it acts rapidly on nerve endings and nerve centers, causing nerve paralysis and death. Honest love clean crab is the crab that poisons the most people, and the cute one is so poisonous.

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Terrestrial red crab, growing on land, has a shell width of about 11.5 cm. It is a kind of land crab that is only found on Christmas Island and Cocoa Island in the Indian Ocean, with short limbs and thick limbs and a lot of meat, which is a superior delicacy, but there are not many local people who eat red crab. Christmas Island red crabs are famous for migrating to the sea to lay their eggs in late spring each year. Red crabs will begin to move in the cool afternoon, after each red crab out of the cave, will automatically form a huge team, at a speed of 600 meters to 800 meters per hour, the stronger male crabs walk in front, passing by a red, very spectacular.

The most complete crab atlas - how many do you know? Seen several? How many have you eaten?