
Getting Rich by Birds and Maintaining the Ecological Habitat of Birds: Visiting the "Stone Ladder Experience" on the Southwest Silk Road


Central Broadcasting Network Dehong July 7 news (reporter Wang Hongxia) in the China-Myanmar border of Shiti Village, from street lamps to house construction, everywhere can see the decoration of hornbill elements. Shiti Village was an important passageway out of the ancient Silk Road in the south, but now it has started a bird business. Relying on the "bird watching economy", the villagers of Shiti Village have not only achieved poverty alleviation and prosperity, but also have a stronger awareness of ecological protection.

Getting Rich by Birds and Maintaining the Ecological Habitat of Birds: Visiting the "Stone Ladder Experience" on the Southwest Silk Road

Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, has become a paradise for hornbills due to suitable natural conditions and local ecological protection. (Photo by Wang Hongxia, a reporter of the Central Broadcasting Network)

Shiti Village is located in Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province, which is known as the "Museum of Living Birds". It is understood that the total area of The Hornbill Valley in Yingjiang County is 49588.05 mu, which is a typical rain forest, monsoon rain forest, evergreen broad-leaved forest, broad-leaved broad-leaved forest vegetation, with an altitude of less than 240-1700 meters, a large altitude gradient, and an extremely rich biodiversity in the region.

Getting Rich by Birds and Maintaining the Ecological Habitat of Birds: Visiting the "Stone Ladder Experience" on the Southwest Silk Road

Pictured here is a creased hornbill with a corolla. (Photographed by Yin Yihu, issued by CCTV)

In Hornbill Valley, flagship species include the double-horned hornbill, the corolla creased hornbill, the crowned hornbill, the clouded leopard, the protofowl, the white stork, and the black stork. In addition, it also includes grate-tooth cycads, calyx-winged vines, Yunnan blue fruit trees, other national Grade 1 protected plants, and national Grade II protected plants such as staghorn fern, sishu wood, and qianguo olive kernel.

Based on the rich natural ecological resources, Shiti Village has adopted the model of "government + association + cooperative", built a characteristic village for bird watching, standardized bird monitoring points, stipulated the ecological rest period, carried out transnational joint protection of birds, held an "International Bird Watching Festival", and formed a "bird watching tourism" environment.

Getting Rich by Birds and Maintaining the Ecological Habitat of Birds: Visiting the "Stone Ladder Experience" on the Southwest Silk Road

The picture shows the red-legged falcon. (Photo by Jia Xiang, Issued by CCTV)

Bai Zhonghua, secretary of the party branch of the Shiti Villagers Group of the Sydney Village Committee, told the Central Broadcasting Network reporter that there are now 7 households of Lisu and 45 Jingpo families in the entire Shiti Village, a total of 216 people, and the young people in the village are basically engaged in the business of birds, and they have a very stable income without going out to work, which is enough for the family to spend.

Pai Zhonghua revealed to reporters that the source of income of villagers is mainly to open restaurants, build homestays, rent observation points and do "bird guides", and the annual net income of a family can reach about 60,000 yuan. "My family is now buying new cars and motorcycles and building new buildings because of 'birds', and the days are getting better and better." Pai Zhonghua said happily.

Getting Rich by Birds and Maintaining the Ecological Habitat of Birds: Visiting the "Stone Ladder Experience" on the Southwest Silk Road

The picture shows the giant squirrel. (Huang Guohui photo issued by the Central Broadcasting Network)

Pai Zhonghua said that protecting the habitat of hornbills has now become a part of the villagers' lives. In order to better protect the bird habitat and provide them with a "livable" environment, Shiti Village has set up a forest ranger team to carry out regular patrols to build a solid ecological protection defense line.