
Behind the siege of female journalists: "limited" grievances are needed on the football field

In the first home game after returning to the Chinese Super League, Qingdao Manatee beat Beijing Guoan 3-1, washing away the old grievance of losing the work body ten years ago and finally relegating, which made more than 20,000 fans and even all Qingdao fans rejoice, but after the game, a discordant scene occurred. Qingdao fans surrounded a female reporter after the game and shouted in unison: "Roll, Luneng SB." ”

Behind the siege of female journalists: "limited" grievances are needed on the football field

Bullying female journalists from Shandong Taiwan? The water washed the Temple of the Dragon King!

When the incident was just fermented on the Internet, various sources said that the female reporter who was "scolded" by Qingdao fans was from Shandong Sports Channel, but after calming down, it turned out that the female reporter was a reporter from Qingdao's local media - Chengyang District Rong Media (Qingdao Manatee's current new home Qingdao Youth Football Stadium is located in Chengyang District). When it was really a big water that washed the Dragon King Temple.

Behind the siege of female journalists: "limited" grievances are needed on the football field

It is said that the female reporter saw a Shandong fan who came from afar to watch the game, just as the next round will be staged the Jinglu showdown, so she interviewed the fan, but the emotional Qingdao fans after the game did not understand the cause of the matter, and directly classified the reporter into the camp of the derby's mortal enemy.

Revenge national security? The Derby grudge in the same province is particularly strong

Obviously won the ball, how could there be an episode of scolding female reporters after the game? First of all, perhaps the thrill of "revenge" Guoan made Qingdao fans completely excited. After all, the shadow of losing the final round of the 2011 season still does not seem to have completely dissipated from the hearts of Qingdao fans, when Zhongneng, who was scored by Gelong and then lost 1-0, sadly accepted the reality of falling into the Chinese League One, and began a 10-year journey back. Therefore, defeating Guoan 3-1 in the home debut of the return season naturally made the emotions of Qingdao fans hilarious to the extreme.

Behind the siege of female journalists: "limited" grievances are needed on the football field

Secondly, in addition to defeating Guoan to make Qingdao little brothers angry, derby's small flame burned after the game, and there were other direct reasons: during the game, some fans wore Shandong Taishan jerseys and sat in the home team's fan area to watch the game, which triggered unanimous denunance from surrounding Qingdao fans, and finally could only be taken away from the position by security guards (it is not sure whether the Shandong fan interviewed by the Chengyang female reporter).

Finally, fans familiar with Qingdao football are well aware that the derby plot between the two teams is extremely strong, although there has always been an inextricable connection and communication between the two teams over the years, Qingdao fans have always been unconvinced by the big brother in the same province, and Jinan fans are not very welcome to the island city brothers. Old fans should remember Qingdao fans besieging the Luneng bus, Jinan fans besieging Qingdao fans at home, fans of the two teams in the high-speed service area and many other old things.

As a local indigenous writer of Qingdao, I still remember that when I was a child, my parents' fans would talk about the dormitory of several former Qingdao generals of Mount Tai in which unit their parents lived, such as Xiao Li Ming, Li Xiaopeng and Su Maozhen. But when I asked why they understood Derby, I would get this answer: if they played too hard for the Qingdao team, someone would go downstairs to curse the street on the night of the game, and even throw stones at their glass... It can be seen that the incident of Li Xiaopeng's glass being smashed at home after the world wave broke through the door of the hometown team was not just a rumor.

Behind the siege of female journalists: "limited" grievances are needed on the football field

In fact, the popularity of Qilu derby often does not occur in the field, but in the competition between fans outside the field, and the slogans of "Shandong Jinan, China Qingdao" and "Shandong only Luneng Taishan team" in the past have made Qilu fans remember deeply. In the 10th round of this season, Qiluderby will start again in the Chinese Super League, Manatee will sit at home and welcome the challenge of Mount Tai, and the youth football stadium at that time must be particularly hot, right?

Debbies vs fan culture

Derby is one of the most classic and exciting elements in football and even sports culture, the Milan derby in Serie A, the Madrid derby in La Liga, the London derby and Manchester derby in the Premier League... It is the pinnacle matchup that fans look forward to the most every season, and fans compete and compete in various ways on and off the court, which will undoubtedly make the derby more colorful and the derby scene more popular.

Behind the siege of female journalists: "limited" grievances are needed on the football field

After the emotions are ignited, mutual scolding and even shouting and pushing are inevitable, as long as there is no excessive conflict or even bloodshed, and it is not upgraded to the category of football hooligans, in fact, it is completely understandable and acceptable, and it does not conflict with civilized watching, after all, sports events can make people burst with passion.

Finally, again, Qingdao's fans and brothers, it's no problem to compete with Taishan fans, but a group of big men scolded a delicate woman after the game (whether she is a Jinan reporter or a Chengyang reporter), and it was indeed a bit too much.

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