
Have cancer and can't eat pigeon meat? Reminder: 4 types of "hair objects" really need to eat less

author:Dr. Guanghai talks

Cancer is really a fatal blow for everyone, and many people are really hesitant and afraid at the moment they learn of their disease, and their future time is getting shorter and shorter.

When the patient comes in, he will ask the doctor what foods need to be avoided, and everyone has different statements about cancer after cancer, and there are more folk sayings.

Some people say that you can't eat pigeon meat after cancer, because this food is a kind of hair, which will cause its own cancer to develop more and more seriously, and the speed is extremely fast and affect the health of the body, is this really the case? Let's take a look.

Have cancer and can't eat pigeon meat? Reminder: 4 types of "hair objects" really need to eat less

What is a hair object?

This kind of hair is actually a kind of saying in Chinese medicine, which mainly refers to which nutrients or irritation, especially easy to induce certain diseases, especially old diseases, hangover diseases, which undoubtedly aggravate the problem of existing diseases.

It is actually a kind of food, proper consumption will not bring side effects or discomfort to the human body, but may induce certain problems for a special constitution or related diseases.

More common in life like fish, shrimp and crabs, it itself contains histamine, and this histamine can enhance vascular permeability, microvascular expansion, hyperemia, plasma gradually exudation, and gland hypersecretion and eosinophilic white blood cells are also gradually increasing, may lead to human allergies, induce skin diseases.

Have cancer and can't eat pigeon meat? Reminder: 4 types of "hair objects" really need to eat less

Have cancer and can't eat pigeon meat? Reminder: 4 types of "hair objects" really need to eat less

So pigeon meat is a hair product, so cancer patients may aggravate the metastasis of cancer cells after eating, so is this really the case? Let's take a look.

Pigeon meat contains a lot of protein, a small amount of fat, and most of the sugar and iron, calcium, vitamins, A vitamins, BE vitamin D and other nutrients are also easy to be digested and absorbed by the human body, suitable for patients with weak constitution.

Especially for patients with that malignant tumor, regular use may improve their own resistance and be more beneficial to their own health.

If you interpret it from the aspect of traditional Chinese medicine, then he mainly believes that pigeon meat is delicious and flat, classified into the liver and kidney meridians has a good effect of tonifying the kidney and invigorating qi, and can help improve the fatigue state of the body and help the human body rejuvenate.

Cancer patients should increase the intake of nutrients at ordinary times, not only to eat pigeon meat, other fish, meat, soy products, glycosides, etc. can also be properly intake, and eat more fresh vegetables and melons, which can not only supplement vitamins, but also maintain nutritional balance.

Have cancer and can't eat pigeon meat? Reminder: 4 types of "hair objects" really need to eat less

Reminder: 4 types of "hair objects" really need to eat less

Wind and wind

Gout hair mainly includes goose meat, seafood, chicken pig head contraindications, including headache patients, hypertension patients, epilepsy patients after eating hair, there will be hand and foot fever, dizziness, convulsions, stroke symptoms.

Kinetic hot hair

Dynamic heat hair mainly includes peppercorns, ginger, mutton, contraindicated people are yang heat physique people, ginger, peppercorns and other irritating ingredients are relatively strong, mutton has the effect of warming kidney yang, easy to consume qi and blood, resulting in gastric bleeding.

Move phlegm wet hair

Pork contraindications are people with phlegm in the body, and after eating, they will activate the phlegm in the body, resulting in drowsiness, thick stool, and decreased appetite.

Blood and blood hair

There are mainly mustard, pepper, millet and other foods, contraindications are people with bleeding symptoms and skin disease patients, eating qi blood hair will aggravate the symptoms of physical bleeding, so that skin diseases can not be cured for a long time.

Have cancer and can't eat pigeon meat? Reminder: 4 types of "hair objects" really need to eat less

The diet of cancer patients should listen to the preferences of the body

When cancer patients after surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, then the body of cancer patients may be relatively weak, at this time it is not recommended that everyone supplement a lot, try not to eat some tortoiseshell sea cucumber and other large supplement food.

Because after chemotherapy and radiotherapy, their own good cells and cancer cells are all killed, to a certain extent, will also affect people's appetite decline, their own digestive function is also relatively poor, if blind supplementation, the body not only can not absorb in time, may also further lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction.

Have cancer and can't eat pigeon meat? Reminder: 4 types of "hair objects" really need to eat less

If after chemotherapy and radiotherapy, if you do not supplement, then you may not be able to quickly improve your own resistance, so cancer patients still need to supplement in time after radiotherapy chemotherapy, but pay attention to methods and methods.

Cancer patients in the diet, must achieve a balanced nutrition, extensive intake of various nutritional elements required by the human body, in order to facilitate the recovery of the disease, such as bone marrow transplantation, patients can eat more qi, blood and kidney filling food.

For cancer patients, he does not have any appetite, at this time you can eat some appetizing food, such as hawthorn, tangerine peel, etc., in short, everyone should consult a doctor before supplementing, see if their body is suitable for their own situation and then make relevant adjustments according to their own conditions.

Have cancer and can't eat pigeon meat? Reminder: 4 types of "hair objects" really need to eat less

Dietary advice for cancer patients

Eat more fiber-rich vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits containing dietary fiber can help the body further digest and absorb, and these substances in it can promote intestinal peristalsis, help eliminate waste and toxins from the body, and also provide it with a large number of antioxidants and vitamins.

To improve their own immunity, then we must supplement these foods in time, and we consume about 500 grams of vegetables and fruits a day to help human health.

Moderate intake of high-protein foods

For cancer patients, we may consume more protein during this period to maintain body function and metabolism, to repair their own tissues, appropriate intake of high-protein food, but also can effectively provide their own nutrition and energy, such as fish and poultry, fish, beans, dairy products and so on.

Because cancer patients kill all the beneficial and harmful bacteria in the body after chemotherapy and radiotherapy, it is necessary to supplement these high-protein foods to enhance the body's ability.

Have cancer and can't eat pigeon meat? Reminder: 4 types of "hair objects" really need to eat less

Reduce foods high in fat and sugar

For high-fat and high-sugar foods themselves, it may further aggravate their own obesity and high blood sugar problems, thereby increasing their own risk of cancer.

If the symptoms and side effects of treatment are aggravated in the tumor patient, then the cancer patient should reduce the intake of high-fat and high-sugar foods, such as candy, desserts, chips, fried foods, etc.

Moderate intake of "hair"

I heard that pigeon meat, mutton, dog meat, shrimp and crab, green onions, ginger and garlic are also called hair products, if they are placed in quantitative intake, it will not have adverse effects on the body, so cancer patients appropriate intake of these substances, is everyone or to control the material, not too much, otherwise it will affect the health.

Eat a varied diet

Diet is really crucial for cancer patients, and the condition and the patient's physical condition are different, so the diet should be adjusted according to their own needs and customize their own diet plan.

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