
Why the breeding rate of "Chihuahuas" is gradually decreasing, and the reasons are inseparable from these points!

author:Warm male little golden retriever

There are so many people who have dogs, so why don't there have many people for dogs like Chihuahuas? The reasons for this are inseparable from these points:

Why the breeding rate of "Chihuahuas" is gradually decreasing, and the reasons are inseparable from these points!

One. Too much temper and love to bark

Don't look at the Chihuahua is a small dog, but the dog's small temper is vividly shown in it, first of all, because the Chihuahua is small and insecure, if the big dog farts around it, it is like a "tornado" for it, every moment will hold a "there is always a snarling people want to harm" psychology, so it will feel that its teeth bark, will appear to be very strong, not easy to mess with, has been adhering to the principle of being able to move its mouth without moving its hands.

Why the breeding rate of "Chihuahuas" is gradually decreasing, and the reasons are inseparable from these points!

Secondly, there are always some people's perverted aesthetics, resulting in the size of the Chihuahua getting smaller and smaller, the small body and the head is small, the head is small and the pressure is high, this piece of pressure brings emotional sensitivity, very easy to excited, you have pressure you can still drink a few cups, although it does not have a car loan mortgage, but the pressure is greater than you every day, can not scold two sentences to vent.

However, it is precisely because of this love to bark that many people do not like to raise it, after all, who does not like a quiet dog.

Why the breeding rate of "Chihuahuas" is gradually decreasing, and the reasons are inseparable from these points!

Two. Looks don't conform to most people's aesthetics

Big-eyed dogs are indeed cute, but Chihuahua belongs to the kind of big eyes and small body, the whole eye is like a bulge, looks like an "alien", so many people can hardly get its appearance, and its hair is short, the touch is not as good as other pet dogs, the feeding rate is naturally low.

Why the breeding rate of "Chihuahuas" is gradually decreasing, and the reasons are inseparable from these points!

Three. Especially fond of provocations

Chihuahua is not only temperamental, but also bold, even if it encounters a dog several times larger than its own size, it dares to rush directly to fight against others, but it can't do people, every time can be pinched by others, or a typical dog fighting situation, so taking it out is really not worry-free, but also has to act as a "peacemaker", such a trouble-loving puppy, no one really wants to raise.

Why the breeding rate of "Chihuahuas" is gradually decreasing, and the reasons are inseparable from these points!

Four. The body is fragile and prone to illness

Chihuahua is a dog with relatively poor physique, afraid of cold and heat, easy to get sick, so it is very troublesome to take care of, especially its big eyes, go out to play in the grass for a while, are easy to be rubbed below the grass, and then there is a problem of inflammation, it is really expensive and laborious, and now many dog owners are office workers, so they are already very tired at work, and when they come back, they have to take care of the dog so much, it is really bald!

Why the breeding rate of "Chihuahuas" is gradually decreasing, and the reasons are inseparable from these points!

The above four points can be said to be one of the reasons for the gradual decline in the breeding rate of Chihuahuas, but if you still want to raise Chihuahuas after reading it, you may wish to take a look at these feeding attention, which may also be a little helpful.

Why the breeding rate of "Chihuahuas" is gradually decreasing, and the reasons are inseparable from these points!

1. Diet

Although Chihuahua has a small amount of rice, but the metabolism is fast, it will be easy to be hungry, so the pet owner can feed it several times a day, but be careful not to feed it too fatty food to eat, it is easy to make it fat.

It is recommended that pet owners can choose a nutrient-rich, low-fat dog food to feed when feeding a Chihuahua, which not only supplements nutrition but is not easy to gain weight. For example, the following ones:

Why the breeding rate of "Chihuahuas" is gradually decreasing, and the reasons are inseparable from these points!

2. Regular training

Shovel poop can take 15 minutes a day to train the Chihuahua, which can relieve its barking problem, and if it refuses to cooperate, you can lure it with a small snack.

Why the breeding rate of "Chihuahuas" is gradually decreasing, and the reasons are inseparable from these points!

Conclusion: Do you like Chihuahuas?

Why the breeding rate of "Chihuahuas" is gradually decreasing, and the reasons are inseparable from these points!

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