
Four types of fish that naturally taste bad, the meat quality is poor and the roast is not good, so the knee is offered to the chef who can cook

author:Rush it daddy

It stands to reason that as long as it is an edible ingredient, it should be able to be cleaned up by Chinese. The problem is that the world is so wonderful, there are always some ingredients that naturally taste bad, and they still taste bad after being cooked, such as the following 4 kinds of fish, it is too difficult to make them delicious!

Four types of fish that naturally taste bad, the meat quality is poor and the roast is not good, so the knee is offered to the chef who can cook


There are actually different classifications of long-bearded catfish, and our most common catfish is called "leather-bearded catfish", which is a tropical fish native to Africa. Originally introduced to the mainland as an economic species, it grows fast, is inexpensive, and can live in dirty water without oxygen.

Four types of fish that naturally taste bad, the meat quality is poor and the roast is not good, so the knee is offered to the chef who can cook

Two of the scariest problems with catfish are that they are dirty and have a strong earthy smell. Many people think that catfish grow in mud puddles, sewage, and even dung pits, and the earthy smell of catfish also makes many people shy away. However, if the catfish grown in clean water is still edible, there is a saying in the northeast that "catfish stewed eggplant, support the old man".

Four types of fish that naturally taste bad, the meat quality is poor and the roast is not good, so the knee is offered to the chef who can cook


Almost no one in China is willing to eat scavengers, and I am afraid that only Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand and Indonesia, and rural areas living in poverty, will choose to eat scavengers. Their way of eating is to put the scavenger on the fire and grill, the scavenger's hard fish skin can withstand the high temperature, grill until the skin is charred black, remove the skin, and eat the fish inside.

Four types of fish that naturally taste bad, the meat quality is poor and the roast is not good, so the knee is offered to the chef who can cook

The reason why scavengers are rejected by everyone is that the meat quality is not good, and it is easy to breed bacteria and parasites. It is called "scavengers" for a reason, this fish always likes to eat the excrement of other fish, but it lives well in the sewage area, which leads to the scavenger always "unclean" hooked, even if it is grilled fish, not many people want to eat it.

Four types of fish that naturally taste bad, the meat quality is poor and the roast is not good, so the knee is offered to the chef who can cook

Trout perch

This looks like salmon, but it is a mackerel-shaped fish. As a fierce predator in the sea, trout perch can grow up to 1 meter most often, and often uses its appearance to confuse people, people who are not familiar with this fish, will always be deceived, especially cut trout perch, see light pink fish meat, and think that raw is the most delicious.

Four types of fish that naturally taste bad, the meat quality is poor and the roast is not good, so the knee is offered to the chef who can cook

In fact, trout perch tastes nothing like a fish in the sea, with rough meat and a pungent fishy smell. The funniest thing is that this fish is mainly distributed in Australia and New Zealand, and it is also called "Australian salmon", which has tricked many people into trying, and this name is the name given by early European colonists, so that many people have fallen down.

Four types of fish that naturally taste bad, the meat quality is poor and the roast is not good, so the knee is offered to the chef who can cook


This is a small trash fish native to China known as "natural forage fish", which has two main functions, one is ornamental and the other is used as feed. The salmon looks very good, the appearance is colorful, the luster is very high, the body is as flat as the lens, northeasterners call it "gourd piece" or "colorful little Wuchang", or value its appearance.

Four types of fish that naturally taste bad, the meat quality is poor and the roast is not good, so the knee is offered to the chef who can cook

This fish is very unpalatable, has a sour taste, and does not grow much. Finally, a big fish came out, probably in the palm of the hand, it was already the top. Therefore, the biggest role of salmon is to watch, and there are some salmon lovers, specializing in raising fish to show off, called "those who have not raised salmon dare not say that they play native".

Four types of fish that naturally taste bad, the meat quality is poor and the roast is not good, so the knee is offered to the chef who can cook

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