
In Order to reduce the number of sika deer in Shizuoka, Japan, to reduce the number of 25,300 to 5,000, the hunting discipline was opened?

author:Wukong Science

In our country, the sika deer is a national protected animal, has been listed as an endangered species, but also need to be artificial breeding, like Vietnam and South Korea, the number of sika deer is smaller, at any time there is a possibility of population extinction. However, the Izu region of Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan, is suffering from the adverse effects of the flood of sika deer, which is not a joke or a false rumor, but what is happening.

In Order to reduce the number of sika deer in Shizuoka, Japan, to reduce the number of 25,300 to 5,000, the hunting discipline was opened?

Judging from public information, there are already about 25,300 sika deer living here in the Izu region of Japan alone, and this statistical number is only as of the beginning of this year, you should know that every Year in May and June, it is the breeding period of sika deer. Although a deer only gives birth to one fawn in most cases, it is not excluded that two fawns will be born, that is, the number of sika deer currently in this area should have exceeded 25,300.

Maybe everyone is a little confused, isn't it just that there are more sika deer, how can it flood? Everyone should also be worried about the recent frequent domination of the Yunnan elephant bar, at present, experts are more suspicious that they may have insufficient food after the population has increased, so they will migrate north for five hundred kilometers. The reason why sika deer will cause adverse effects in the local area is actually because of food problems.

In Order to reduce the number of sika deer in Shizuoka, Japan, to reduce the number of 25,300 to 5,000, the hunting discipline was opened?

To put it simply, this place in the Izu region could have accommodated up to 5,000 or so sika deer, and if this number is exceeded, the food that the sika deer originally ate will not be enough for everyone to share, and since they have not chosen to migrate elsewhere, they need to expand their food range. Therefore, these more than 20,000 sika deer directly ate the bark and grass roots!

Imagine how the weeds can grow in a short period of time when all the grass roots are eaten, and the big trees that are eaten clean bark are also at risk of death, and the surrounding crops are also eaten a lot. At present, the problem of soil erosion has been very obvious, and the balance of the local ecosystem has been broken, and it has reached the point where measures have been forced.

In Order to reduce the number of sika deer in Shizuoka, Japan, to reduce the number of 25,300 to 5,000, the hunting discipline was opened?

If you think that this is after years of breeding, the sika deer have only expanded to more than 20,000, because in 2019, the Izu region also hunted 12,500 sika deer, but it still failed to curb the rapid growth of sika deer, which means that the number of hunting needs to be further expanded. If this matter is placed here, there is certainly no shortage of people to do, but Japan is not the same, the original population is not large, and the hunter groups in the Izu area have a relatively old age, the current dilemma is that there is no successor, so at present, there is a local school is planning to open a bird and beast hunting department, preparing to start a normal course in 2022, only one year can be learned, the content of learning includes hunting skills and hunting laws that need to be followed, etc. They will be experts in helping locals and animals coexist in harmony.

In Order to reduce the number of sika deer in Shizuoka, Japan, to reduce the number of 25,300 to 5,000, the hunting discipline was opened?

Moreover, the large number of sika deer in Japan is not only the performance of individual regions, but also the number of sika deer populations is increasing at a relatively rapid rate, which is why the IUCN only lists sika deer as a low-risk species. Indeed, each animal has its own living environment, they will choose those places that are more suitable for their own reproduction, perhaps some places in Japan are indeed more suitable for the survival of sika deer, so their reproduction speed will be so fast.

In Order to reduce the number of sika deer in Shizuoka, Japan, to reduce the number of 25,300 to 5,000, the hunting discipline was opened?

But at the same time, it is undeniable that the number of sika deer in China has decreased sharply in the past few decades, indeed related to the excessive hunting at that time, when the number of a population becomes small, then the number of offspring they can breed will also decrease, coupled with the destruction of their habitat, many of the former homes are no longer suitable for their survival, which leads to the distribution of sika deer becomes scattered, and then, the number of wild sika deer The entire population will be reduced, and now the artificial breeding of sika deer is relatively large, It is mainly concentrated in Jilin and Liaoning.

In Order to reduce the number of sika deer in Shizuoka, Japan, to reduce the number of 25,300 to 5,000, the hunting discipline was opened?

Fortunately, nowadays, everyone's awareness of the protection of wild animals has become stronger, and there are relevant laws and regulations to regulate, and many protected areas have been set up to protect rare wild animals, so nowadays we often see a certain number of scarce wild animals, and in which nature reserve is photographed by infrared cameras. Harmonious coexistence between humans and animals is something that needs to be persevered, and if we haven't done too well before, then we will make up for it for a longer time later.

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