
Ribs potatoes and carobs quilt ~ eat it at night!

author:Pepsi of three-point sugar
Ribs potatoes and carobs quilt ~ eat it at night!

No one doesn't love ribs, no one doesn't love potatoes, no one doesn't love ribs, potatoes, stewed beans, and then cover the quilt, it's too tempting~

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Ribs potatoes and carobs quilt ~ eat it at night!

Ingredients: pork ribs, oil beans, green onion, ginger, garlic, star anise, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, dried chili

Tohoku miso dough

Handling: Potato cubes, long beans, chopped green onion, ginger slices, chopped green onion, minced garlic, ginger slices, two star anise, a small piece of cinnamon, a fragrant leaf, a handful of dried chili peppers

Ribs potatoes and carobs quilt ~ eat it at night!

Noodles: 250g of flour, 2g of salt, 2g of yeast, 1 spoonful of sugar, 70g of warm water, and live for 30 minutes

Wake up the dough, roll it out into a cake, brush it with oil, sprinkle it with flour and salt, cut it on one side of the pie, roll it up like in the video, roll it down again, roll it out again, roll it out into a flatbread

Ribs potatoes and carobs quilt ~ eat it at night!

Blanching: Pork ribs in a pot under cold water, sliced green onion and ginger, boiled in a circle of cooking wine (without buttoning the lid)

Ribs potatoes and carobs quilt ~ eat it at night!

Blanch well to rinse the foam and control the dry water

Ribs potatoes and carobs quilt ~ eat it at night!

Stew: Heat the oil, add green onion, ginger, garlic, star anise, dried chili pepper, stir-fry until fragrant, add to the ribs

Put half a spoonful of thirteen spices stir-fry fragrant in the sauce and pour the sauce

Add boiling water to the ribs and simmer for 30 minutes

Ribs potatoes and carobs quilt ~ eat it at night!

When the time comes, pick out the star anise cinnamon leaves, put the potatoes and beans: put in half a spoonful of salt and half a spoon of chicken essence, stir and mix well, put the dough cake on top is to cut it out and put it out of the soup) Pour the soup over medium-low heat and simmer for 8 minutes

Ribs potatoes and carobs quilt ~ eat it at night!

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