
Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

author:Zhang Xinmin ate the conversation
Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

Sand shrimp are extremely vigorous in life, and can still jump around alive after leaving the water.

The meat of sand shrimp is sweet and crisp, and its vitality is also extremely strong. Common vendors in the wet market do not need oxygen, only use bamboo utensils, covered with some aquatic weeds, sand shrimp are always alive. Even if you buy it in the morning and don't have time to cook it, put it in the refrigerator to keep the fresh, most of the time you are still alive at night. In terms of aquatic science, sand shrimp Chinese close relative to neopresum, which belongs to the "broad salinity shrimp", whether it is a deep sea with high salinity or a brackish water estuary can survive. This is very important, Chaoshan is bordered by the sea, and there are many rivers in the territory of the Han River, Rong River, Lian River, Longjiang River, Huanggang River, etc., of which the Han River alone has 19 outlets in history (only 5 remain in modern times). Before the mouth of these rivers and rivers was surrounded by large-scale sea reclamation, there were vast tidal flats and waters, which were the survival paradise of wild sand shrimp. Chaoshan's rich and colorful sand shrimp culture was conceived in this situation.

Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

Dried shrimp (dried radish), known as agave anchovy soup by the Chaoshan people, is a very delicious chaoshi dish.

Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

Hanging melon stir-fried sand shrimp, hanging melon is cucumber, and stir-fried sand shrimp with winter vegetables is a god-level dish.

The delicacy of sand shrimp, first of all, is often seen in folk songs.

"Peach Blossoms in the First Moon" is an ancient Chaoshan folk song about a woman who pretends to be pregnant and wants to eat the food most in various months of the year, and one of the passages says:

April is the summer of Lixia, and the mother has a pregnant disguise to be sick;

Junda asked the mother to eat the goods, and wanted to eat the hanging melon and fried sand shrimp.

In another song called "Crying Under the Tree", the husband accuses his wife of eating and lazy:

Tight (hurry) marry mamma (wife) to break the family, three meals with me four pounds of red sand shrimp, three days and four days spinning yarn.

In "Marrying Mama to Break My House", the husband also counts the lazy and unfilial wives:

Marry malay to break my house, spinning a single yarn for ten days, and ploughing (weaving) a piece of cloth for seven or eight months.

Listed for sand shrimp, in exchange for it, there is no one to respect everyone (mother-in-law).

The "Fish Song" circulating on the seashore uses an anthropomorphic techniques to tell the fresh rivers and rivers of each month, and May sings like this:

In May, the Dragon Boat Festival, crucian carp fell into the river pool, sand shrimp bent down to greet, flower fairy (mackerel) eyes red look at Yi.

Judging from the content of the lyrics, these folk songs should have originated in ancient times when men and women weaved. At that time, the moral requirements for women were first to be diligent and not to spin a single yarn for several days; second, to be frugal and not to eat too much food at once. Here, as an important edible shrimp in ancient Chaozhou, sand shrimp has become the object of repeated chanting of folk songs; the third is to perform filial piety, especially to deal with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. If it is not handled well, the marriage will definitely break down, commonly known as the broken family.

Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

In early summer, sand shrimp are newly produced, cooked with tofu and autumn melon, and seasoned with Puning bean paste, which is much better than the Miso soup made in Japan.

The second is the food customs related to cooking.

In Chaoshan Province, the homely practice of sand shrimp is "blazing", that is, cooking with a small amount of salt water, so that the cooked sand shrimp is more flavorful than "white burning" with a large amount of boiling water. According to folklore, the cover cannot be uncovered halfway when the shrimp is cooked, otherwise the shrimp meat will become "strong" and not strong. The famous sand shrimp dishes are also fried with hanging melon and dragon tongue soup, the former using cucumber slices to fry shrimp balls, which should be seasoned with winter vegetables, and the latter first boiling the dried vegetables (dried radish) strips to taste the taste, and then adding sand shrimp balls to make a soup dish.

Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?
Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

The middle of the white-seared sand shrimp cannot be uncovered, otherwise the shrimp meat is not strong.

Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

There are pockmarks on the sand shrimp, so some places are also called hemp shrimp.

Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

Buy sand shrimp in the morning, put it in the refrigerator to keep fresh, and basically live at night.

Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

It is best to use bamboo skewers to beat the hot pot with sand shrimp, otherwise it is dangerous to jump around after the pot.

Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

Dried shrimp can also be boiled without being made into a soup dish, so it is more suitable for serving wine.

Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

Sand shrimp with shrimp paste.

Finally, let's talk about the legend of sand shrimp aphrodisiac.

Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

Fried leeks with sand shrimp are a famous dish that tonifies kidneys and aphrodisiacs.

Sand shrimp has tenacious vitality, stir-fried with leeks, and is a famous dish that tonifies kidneys and aphrodisiacs. The following folktale blows the effect of sand shrimp to the sky: it is said that in the old days, a woman (one said to be a widow) invited a mason to repair the leak. The mason saw that there were sand shrimp on the roof and stole a few. This is not good, the original is the boiled sand shrimp soaked in rice vinegar, folklore aphrodisiac holy relics! The poor mason ate it and almost burst a pair of loose shorts. At this time, the women below repeatedly urged Master to come down to eat, and the mason squatted on the roof and did not dare to go down until dark, until dark when there was no one to bend down and slip away.

Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?
Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?
Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

Sand shrimp, Chinese famous shrimp, is also commonly classified as sand shrimp.

Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

Raw sand reed shrimp.

Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?
Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

Raw sand shrimp (sashimi), the meat is more crisp and sweet than raw lobster, the green name in the picture is shrimp paste, if cooked, it will turn red.

Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

Sand shrimp soaked in rice vinegar marinade are aphrodisiac holy relics in folklore!

Chaoshan people value sand shrimp, in addition to delicious but also because it can help sex?

After pickling, it is used directly to serve wine without drying, and it is said that it can even overturn the table when it suddenly stands up.

In the past, I posted this story with a sand shrimp picture on Weibo. Netizens reacted enthusiastically, and there were many opinions, and Chen Xiaoqing, the general director of "China on the Tip of the Tongue", simply commented on and forwarded it with "Indian god shrimp".