
He Ying inspects pre-holiday food safety work

author:Market Weekly
He Ying inspects pre-holiday food safety work
He Ying inspects pre-holiday food safety work

Inspect the site

On September 17, Deputy County Governor He Ying led the County Market Supervision Bureau to conduct a special inspection of the pre-holiday food safety work in Sanyuan County.

He Ying successively went to the county's Rongfa City Square and the Sunshine Fruit and Vegetable Agricultural Products Trading Market to learn more about the supply of grain, oil, meat, vegetables and other daily necessities, food safety and epidemic prevention and control through on-site inspection and listening to reports. She demanded that all relevant departments and business units should strictly implement epidemic prevention and control measures, strengthen the protection of daily necessities and the inspection and management of food purchases, strictly control food safety, strengthen daily supervision, do a good job in risk prevention and control, and ensure market and price stability while meeting the people's food needs.

Subsequently, He Ying came to Weiquan Gas Filling Station, inspected the operation of the gas filling station and safety protection measures, and consulted the relevant information such as enterprise inspection accounts, emergency plan drills and employee safety education. He Ying demanded that the gas filling station should firmly establish a sense of safety responsibility, do a good job in safety supervision, increase the frequency of inspections, further consolidate the safety awareness that the pipe industry must manage safety and implement the main responsibility of enterprise safety production, resolutely build a gas safety protection network, and make every effort to ensure the safety of people's lives and property. (Li Ling)

(Source: Sanyuan County People's Government website) [Submission, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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