
Bird's Nest "Why" - How to unify individuals, teams and organizations' Why, Bird's Nest "Why" II, IKEA's Bird's Nest "Why" case

author:Model Thinking One Proud Cat Network
Bird's Nest "Why" - How to unify individuals, teams and organizations' Why, Bird's Nest "Why" II, IKEA's Bird's Nest "Why" case

After learning the Golden Circle thinking, many friends have some doubts about the use of the Golden Circle in corporate organizations.

Many friends will ask me: How to unify the "why" of an individual, the "why" of a team or department, and the "why" of a business or organization?

How should a team or department penetrate the "why" of an enterprise or organization?

How do you understand the relationship between the "why" of the individual, the "why" of the team, and the "why" of the organization?

In fact, there is a bird's nest "why" theory, which is used to explain the connection and relationship between the three.

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Bird's Nest "Why" - How to unify individuals, teams and organizations' Why, Bird's Nest "Why" II, IKEA's Bird's Nest "Why" case

1. Model theory:

If an organization is likened to a tree, then its roots and trunk represent its origins and roots. The branches are the various departments of the organization, and the nest is the subculture or team attached to the tree. Inside each nest lives a family, they are members of the department, they belong to each other.

2. Model interpretation:

The whole tree originates from the root of the tree and develops in the trunk, which is the WHY of the organization or enterprise. The branches are departments, and each department can also have its own subculture (bird's nest), which is the value and meaning of the independent existence of this department in the organization. Birds are individuals, and individuals have their own WHOY.

3. WY sources for each part:

The source of the organization's Why is one of two: first, the founder's Why; and second, the most essential part of the organizational culture.

The Whoy of a team or department within an organization is the unique contribution of that team to the organization and can have an extraordinary impact. It will explain the unique values and personality culture of your department. It is also the meaning of the existence of your department.

Bird's Nest "Why" - How to unify individuals, teams and organizations' Why, Bird's Nest "Why" II, IKEA's Bird's Nest "Why" case

For birds (regular employees), knowing your Whoy can reawaken your passion and connect you to your own company's Why. At the same time, find the meaning of your life and the source of happiness. Even if one day you leave the workforce, knowing who you are will be an invaluable tool to help you choose your next job and career.

4. Relationship between the three:

As an organization, having a clear understanding of why you can attract the right birds for you. For each department or team, being clear about your WHOY realizes its unique value to the organization, while ensuring that the right birds are in its nest, that is, those who can most effectively cooperate to contribute to the realization of the goals and ideals of the entire organization. As an individual, clear your own WHO can help you choose the right nest, awaken your passion, and realize your unique life value.

The best state is that the organization, department (or team) and the individual's WHO are effectively unified, and the maximum value can be realized. When the department's WY is not coordinated with the organization's WY, the department or team loses its meaning of existence, which is the root cause of the demise of the department or team. The same goes for individuals.

Bird's Nest "Why" - How to unify individuals, teams and organizations' Why, Bird's Nest "Why" II, IKEA's Bird's Nest "Why" case

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="79" > second, IKEA's bird's nest "why" case</h1>

1. IKEA's "Why"

The relaxed shopping environment reflects IKEA's corporate culture – human, simple, convenient and self-sufficient.

Ikea founder Ingvar Kamprad famously said: "The true spirit of IKEA is based on our passion, our persistent spirit of innovation, our sense of cost, our desire to take responsibility and be helpful, our professionalism, and our simple behavior." ”

IKEA originated in a barren and rocky agricultural region in Sweden where farmers had to make the most of it. IKEA's founder, Ingvar Kamprad, was born and raised in such an environment, so IKEA had to learn from the very beginning to make the most of it.

In his twenties, Ingvar Kamprad often visited sawmills to observe what the most common edges were shaped and to think about what could be made from the scrap for sale.

When he was in his seventies, he stood in an open-air food court in Beijing, looked at the rows of bare chickens, and asked himself where the feathers had gone—and finally he used the discarded raw materials as fillings for cheap bedding.

He keeps telling his employees that making something cheap and durable is the real challenge. And that's exactly the challenge IKEA constantly seeks to design good household items that deserve to be owned in order to change the lives of ordinary people. This is also the true essence of the company's culture.

Bird's Nest "Why" - How to unify individuals, teams and organizations' Why, Bird's Nest "Why" II, IKEA's Bird's Nest "Why" case

2. The "why" of the human resources department

IKEA recruitment designers will have IKEA coffee cups and teaspoons on the table during the interview. IKEA will ask designers to look at these two things and discuss what they notice.

For example, did they find four grooves under the cup that make it easy to stack the cup and save space when packaging? Are they interested in the design of the teaspoon? The spoon handle is not hard, it is made up of two slender, separate handles that use less plastic while reducing heat conduction. Do they inherently like to use ideas to save on material and transportation costs and design products that work well and look good?

Once hired, the company will introduce you to the business goals and related backstory. Each person attends a week of "IKEA Culture" story training at the time of their employment and every year thereafter. In order to gain insight into IKEA's culture and Why, as well as to provide your own stories and Whoy.

Bird's Nest "Why" - How to unify individuals, teams and organizations' Why, Bird's Nest "Why" II, IKEA's Bird's Nest "Why" case

3. Hay's "Why"

Hay, who has worked as a creative director at IKEA and in global marketing and product development strategy planning, was tasked with making a beautiful, durable and profitable table for only 5 euros.

Hay's reaction when he first took over was, "Oh my God! How is it possible to make a table with money from two lattes, but also to make a profit, and to be durable? But soon, Hay took up the challenge because she understood that savings for customers were the value of her work. Next, Hay conducted various explorations, looking for solutions within the company, finding answers in competitors, finding methods across fields, and exploring solutions from major universities.

Eventually, they found the manufacturer of the door, and the solution was to cut a door in half and make it into a table for 5 euros. This table not only allowed them to open up the market at an unprecedented price, but also met the needs of the target consumers, which was a great success.

This is the story of IKEA, IKEA's Why comes from its founder's Why, and the founder's Why has been practiced and tested in his many years of life; IKEA has inherited the founder's Why and loudly spread this Why.

And the Why of the Human Resources Department is to select and cultivate people who are in line with IKEA's Why for IKEA. Therefore, the human resources department designed a different interview process and interview link to ensure that the selected person is a person who meets IKEA Whoy; then, the human resources department set up a series of training mechanisms to ensure that IKEA's Whoy can be well penetrated. These are also how's processes; thus achieving the unification of the HR department Why with the company's Why.

Golden Circle thinking has an extremely important role and significance for the management and development of enterprises. If you are a business owner, you need to clarify the Why of the enterprise, and ensure that the Why of the department is unified with the why of the enterprise, and choose the right individual; if you are the head of the department, you need to clearly know the Why of the enterprise, according to the why of the enterprise to explore the Why of their own department, to ensure the unity of the department and the enterprise, and at the same time to recruit the right people; if you are an individual, clearly know the Why of the enterprise, the Department of The Why, for how you work, how to achieve value has great significance!


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