
What is Wellness Living? Ancient people's concept of health preservation VS modern people's scientific health preservation?

author:Kiss Qian'er

What is Wellness Living?

Wellness refers to a lifestyle that maintains physical and mental health and prevents disease through a range of healthy lifestyles and behaviours. The core concept of wellness life is balance, including a balanced diet, proper exercise, good sleep, psychological balance, etc. Specifically, a wellness lifestyle can include eating fresh, natural, less processed foods, avoiding excessive alcohol and smoking, maintaining adequate exercise and exercise, adjusting your mindset, avoiding excessive tension and stress, and more. Through wellness living, we can improve physical function, improve immunity, reduce stress, and improve quality of life, thereby preventing the occurrence and further deterioration of diseases.

What is Wellness Living? Ancient people's concept of health preservation VS modern people's scientific health preservation?

Ancient people's concept of health:

In ancient China, wellness has always been an important topic of concern because maintaining health and longevity is something that everyone aspires to. The ancient people's pursuit of health preservation life widely involved diet, exercise, psychological adjustment and other aspects.

1. In terms of diet, the health preservation life of ancient people preached "food therapy", that is, by selecting specific ingredients to adjust body functions to achieve the purpose of health preservation. For example, the "Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon" contains many chapters on dietary maintenance, advocating the concept of "five grains for nourishment, five fruits for help, and five animals for benefit", that is, cereals, fruits, and meat as the main source of nutrition.

2. In terms of sports, ancient people also paid great attention to maintaining good health. For example, traditional fitness programs such as Tai Chi and Qigong are one of the ancient health exercises, which can promote blood circulation, enhance body flexibility, and soothe emotions, so as to achieve the effect of health preservation.

3. In terms of psychological adjustment, the health care life of ancient people also paid great attention to psychological adjustment, because emotional stability plays a vital role in the health of the entire body. Ancient people often used meditation, meditation and other methods to regulate emotions and calm the mind. For example, the Taoist concept of health preservation includes the saying of "inner and outer treatment", that is, to regulate one's emotions through meditation to achieve the purpose of physical health.

What is Wellness Living? Ancient people's concept of health preservation VS modern people's scientific health preservation?

Scientific health preservation for modern people:

Modern people are increasingly concerned about health and wellness, so the way of wellness living is constantly evolving and changing. Here are some of the ways modern people pursue a healthy lifestyle:

1. Healthy eating: Modern people pay more attention to eating healthy, tend to consume fresh, organic, natural foods, and avoid overly processed foods and foods high in sugar. Many people opt for a vegetarian, low-calorie, or gluten-free diet to improve their physical health.

2. Exercise and fitness: Modern people generally recognize the importance of exercise to physical health, so they will regularly exercise or participate in fitness classes to maintain a strong body and a good mental state.

3. Relax and relax: Modern people are also becoming more aware of the importance of relaxing and relaxing for health to reduce stress and promote sleep. They use yoga, meditation, massage, and other methods to relieve tension.

4. Stay social: Modern people also recognize the importance of socializing for physical and mental health, so they often gather with family and friends or participate in organized events.

5. Healthy home: Modern people also pay more attention to the health and cleanliness of the home environment, so they will choose to install air purifiers, filters, etc. to improve indoor air quality and maintain a good living environment.

What is Wellness Living? Ancient people's concept of health preservation VS modern people's scientific health preservation?

The difference between ancient people and modern people's health preservation:

It is mainly reflected in two aspects: one is the change of living environment and lifestyle, and the other is the evolution of health preservation concepts and methods.

1. First of all, in terms of living environment and lifestyle, ancient people and modern people face different challenges.

1) The challenges faced by ancient people were mainly due to natural disasters, diseases and wars. Therefore, the ancients paid more attention to understanding the laws of nature, astronomical astrological signs, climate change, etc. in order to adapt to the environment, while also seeking spiritual tranquility to reduce stress.

2) Modern people live in the age of urbanization, industrialization and informatization, and problems such as tight work rhythm, environmental pollution, a large number of entertainment and sedentary conditions bring great pressure and challenges to physical and mental health. Therefore, modern people need to pay more attention to exercise, good work and rest habits, reasonable nutrition and pay attention to protection work.

2. Secondly, in terms of health preservation concepts and methods, with the passage of time, people's lifestyles, food production, medical development and other aspects have undergone tremendous changes, and health preservation concepts and methods have also changed accordingly.

1) Ancient people paid attention to nature and harmony in health preservation, and pursued the principle of "the unity of nature and man". For example, Chinese medicine theory emphasizes balancing the operation of yin and yang and the five elements, and using traditional Chinese medicine made of herbs and minerals to cure diseases and maintain health.

2) Modern people's health care pays attention to science and practicality, and pays more attention to nutritional balance, sports science, mental health and other aspects. At the same time, modern health preservation methods are also more diverse, such as aerobic exercise, Pilates, yoga, food safety and other emerging knowledge in people's daily life has been applied.

What is Wellness Living? Ancient people's concept of health preservation VS modern people's scientific health preservation?

In short, the difference between ancient people and modern people is mainly due to the difference in environment and culture caused by the change of lifestyle and concept of health preservation, but the common point is the desire to pursue a long and happy life by maintaining physical and mental health and preventing the occurrence of diseases.

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