
A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

author:Tianfu is intuitive

On October 19, Pengzhou City organized an online centralized observation activity of happiness messengers and citizen observers, and conducted centralized observation of 12 projects in six major projects, such as the Youth Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Employment Dream Building Project, and made arrangements for the annual target tasks. Comrade Mao Gaolin, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, vice mayor of the Municipal Government, and director of the Municipal Happiness Office, Comrade Fu Qizhang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, director of the Organization Department, director of the Social Governance Committee, and director of the Municipal Happiness Office, deputy director of the Municipal Happiness Office, leaders of the working groups within the Municipal Happiness Office, deputy leaders of various special promotion groups, and happiness messengers and citizen observers attended the observation activity.

A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

Centralized observation online

The relevant responsible comrades of the project coordination team briefed the progress of the ten major projects, and the participants watched the videos of 12 project points such as the Chengdu Research Institute of Dalian University of Technology.

01 Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Employment Dream Building Project

A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

Chengdu Research Institute of Dalian University of Technology

A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

Tianfu Chinese Medicine City Incubation Park

02 Smart resilient and safe city construction project

A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

National Hazardous Chemicals Emergency Rescue Chengdu Base

A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

Chengdu Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction Science Popularization Education Base

03 Residents' income level improvement project

A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

Pengzhou Xincheng Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital

A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

Tianfu Vegetable Seedling Breeding Center

04 Cost of living competitiveness improvement project

A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

Neighbors in the south of the city

A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

Anren East Street special commercial

05 Ecological demonstration project for the benefit of the people

A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

Pengzhou municipal domestic waste classification project

A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

100 Mile Landscape Project

06 Urban renewal and renovation and upgrading of old residential areas

A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

Renovation of old residential areas

A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

Longxing Temple area transformation

Live communication

A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

Citizen observer Gong Naibo

It is recommended that during the installation and construction of charging piles in the community, the relevant departments should strengthen communication and coordination with the power industry departments, increase the input and guidance of relevant work; it is recommended to open the broken head road between the east road of Theolu Temple and Hanpeng Road, and open the broken head road of the west road of the tuolu Temple and the broken road of Hanpeng Road.

Citizen observer Qiang Xiao zhu

It is suggested that after the completion of the project, it is necessary to strengthen the operation and maintenance of the later stage; the rigid demand project should be promoted and promoted with priority, and the non-rigid demand project should be steadily advanced.

Citizen observer Hu Xiaolan

It is recommended to improve the hardware facilities of the old community, improve the software construction, establish a community medical service system such as carrying out health care lectures, free clinic activities, etc.; promote home care services, establish a community inclusive public kitchen for the elderly, and solve the problems of the elderly.

Citizen observer Li Weibao

It is recommended to make full use of various new media to strengthen external publicity, highlight the effectiveness of party building, and expand the awareness rate of residents; increase public service facilities to enhance residents' sense of happiness and gain; it is recommended to rely on the national hazardous chemical emergency rescue (Chengdu) base (comprehensive brigade, training base) and Chengdu earthquake prevention and disaster reduction science education base to strengthen the training and publicity of safety knowledge.

Citizen observers to life

It is recommended to strengthen the construction of the deep-level cultural heritage of traditional Chinese medicine, excavate the culture of traditional Chinese medicine, and further develop the traditional Chinese medicine industry.

Citizen observer Liao Xiaoqin

It is recommended to increase the publicity of the effectiveness of engineering projects and improve the awareness rate of residents; it is recommended to introduce more outstanding enterprises and technical personnel, broaden employment channels, increase employment positions, and continuously improve the income level of residents.

Director Fu Qizhang expressed his heartfelt thanks to the citizen observers for their hard work all along, pointing out that it is necessary to implement the citizen observer observation system to ensure that the opinions and suggestions of the observers can be handled and satisfactorily replied to in a timely manner; it is necessary to grasp the progress of the project construction and accelerate the implementation of the results of the implementation of the ten major projects; it is necessary to extensively aggregate the synergistic efficiency and strive to enhance the awareness and satisfaction of the masses; it is necessary to aim at the goal and sprint all the way, and strive for excellence to hand over the satisfactory answer sheets of the ten major projects.

A new experience of a better life - happiness gathered, Pengzhou citizen observers set off again

Director Mao Gaolin emphasized around the annual goals and tasks and the current key work: First, we must adhere to the goal-oriented, tighten the responsibility of compaction, implement various measures, and ensure the high-quality completion of the goals and tasks of the ten major projects of a happy and beautiful life in 2021; second, we must adhere to the project first, promote the project construction with the concept of synergy, improve the element guarantee with problem orientation, promote the progress of the project with quantitative management, and accelerate the construction of the ten major project projects; third, we must adhere to the effect of the people. Based on the changing production and living needs of the masses of the people in the new stage and new situation, we should strive to create a high-quality living environment in which "there is gain from hard work," "excellent education for learning," "good medicine for the sick," "good education for the young," and "old age for the elderly," and earnestly solve the problems of the masses' anxieties, difficulties, and anxieties.

(The picture data in this article comes from Pengzhou Shezhi)

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