
Tian Rui, a national first-class actor: Virtue and art are both good in front of people, and the animals and animals after people are not as good as he shows in front of people. His bestiality has to start with the indecent assault case in September last year. Afterwards, Tian Called the Beast did not apologize, but thought about how to beautify himself in the name of "love". This cunning old fox pushed his bestiality out of the wine, and sure enough, the old treacherous giant fox thought about it carefully. In addition to that, he is also a man of disguise. There is another person who may have been accompliced in this incident, and that is the alumnus who accompanied the female graduates. conclusion

author:Shi Kefa

Recently, actor Tian Rui was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for molesting female graduates.

Tian Rui, a national first-class actor: Virtue and art are both good in front of people, and the animals and animals after people are not as good as he shows in front of people. His bestiality has to start with the indecent assault case in September last year. Afterwards, Tian Called the Beast did not apologize, but thought about how to beautify himself in the name of "love". This cunning old fox pushed his bestiality out of the wine, and sure enough, the old treacherous giant fox thought about it carefully. In addition to that, he is also a man of disguise. There is another person who may have been accompliced in this incident, and that is the alumnus who accompanied the female graduates. conclusion


This vicious incident, which caused great physical and mental harm to the victimized woman, lasted for nearly a year before the dust settled.

The scum got the end it deserved, and for a moment the voice boiled over. Everyone thinks that if the sentence is good, it is a little slower.

It's just that Tian Rui is not familiar with this person, he is an actor, or a national first-class actor.

The national level actor is amazing, equivalent to a full professor in the field of education. It is reasonable to say that such a title should be superior in acting skills and people, but it is a pity that this Tian Rui is talented and virtuous.

Tian Rui, a national first-class actor: Virtue and art are both good in front of people, and the animals and animals after people are not as good as he shows in front of people. His bestiality has to start with the indecent assault case in September last year. Afterwards, Tian Called the Beast did not apologize, but thought about how to beautify himself in the name of "love". This cunning old fox pushed his bestiality out of the wine, and sure enough, the old treacherous giant fox thought about it carefully. In addition to that, he is also a man of disguise. There is another person who may have been accompliced in this incident, and that is the alumnus who accompanied the female graduates. conclusion

Tian Rui

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > but what he shows in front of people is outstanding acting and academic excellence. </h1> and have commented that he is a powerful actor with great personality. Although it is not very well-known, its acting skills are absolutely leveraged, and there are countless awards.

He has taught at the Shanghai Theater Academy, one of the top three in China, and is also a visiting professor at Shanghai Normal University. Although visiting professors generally only have a name, it can also be seen that Shanghai Normal University, a key domestic university, recognizes Tian Rui's ability.

He was once known as a performing artist. He has acted in a drama of "Human-Like Dog", and now it seems that it is really a drama like life, which may be in the dark, with its own fixed number.

Tian Rui was blinded by fame and lust, and did not think about self-cultivation, but just indulged. He began to sneak up on young actresses, and later even did not let go of female students.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right> his bestiality has to start with the indecent assault case in September last year. </h1>

Female students and alumni who are about to graduate from the drama have a script that they want tian Rui to play.

Although Tian Rui also graduated from the opera and also served as a teacher of the opera, the female students and Tian Rui were not familiar with each other.

Not knowing how Tian Rui learned the news, he took the initiative to invite them to the house to talk about the script. Suddenly reminded me of the meme of learning English, so you should know that there is no good thing.

Just in time for dinner, I had a meal at the tian call beast's house, I was not afraid to eat lightly, and the key problem was to pour you wine...

When it comes to alcohol, I think of the Ali female employee assault case and the Wu Yifan case... These victims were all out of the way because they had drunk alcohol.

Yes, the victimized woman herself was not good at drinking, and was unconscious after a drunken drink.

Later, according to the victim's recollection, she drank wine and fell asleep on the table, while the alumni discussed the script with Tian Lingbeast.

Everything looked normal, but it wasn't long before she was helped to the couch to rest.

After a while, Tian Called the Beast came up to her and asked her if she wanted to sign a company and become an actress.

The female graduate was confused at the time, but she still remembered what she said at that time that she had never thought about becoming an actor.

But no matter how she answered, the Tian Wei Beast would not let her go, let go of this lamb in hand.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > incident, Tian Mingbeast did not apologize, but thought about how to beautify himself in the name of "love". </h1>

He asked the female graduates on the phone if they liked him? Do you like kissing him? The shamelessness of the Tian Wei Beast really refreshed my three views...

And the female student's answer was, "I just met you for the first time, only respect, where to talk about liking..."

Before she could finish speaking, she couldn't cry.

Tian Mingbeast found that sweet words no longer worked, so he changed his move. With his shameless experience over the years, he still had two shots against female students.

He began to help female students plan their futures, trying to make girls compromise in this way.

He first said that whether the girl was studying for graduate school or employment, he could help contact and try his best to help.

In addition to that, he offered to perform and seemed sincere...

No matter how Tian Mingbeast coaxed the female students, the female students did not agree.

Since the beginning of the haircut, the female students have always remembered those helpless pictures, and their hearts are very painful and tormented.

She had also confided in Tian Mingbest about her helplessness and fear, and Tian Zebeast also wanted to solve this thorny problem privately.

It was not glorious for him to think of such a thing, and because of the influence of traditional ideas, it had a greater impact on girls. He tried to cover up his crimes on the pretext that everyone was drunk.

He told the girl all these thoughts.

However, the development of the matter was far beyond the control of Tian Mingbeast, and the female graduate was diagnosed with severe depression on the twenty-first day after the incident.

Tian Rui, a national first-class actor: Virtue and art are both good in front of people, and the animals and animals after people are not as good as he shows in front of people. His bestiality has to start with the indecent assault case in September last year. Afterwards, Tian Called the Beast did not apologize, but thought about how to beautify himself in the name of "love". This cunning old fox pushed his bestiality out of the wine, and sure enough, the old treacherous giant fox thought about it carefully. In addition to that, he is also a man of disguise. There is another person who may have been accompliced in this incident, and that is the alumnus who accompanied the female graduates. conclusion

Female Graduate Diagnosis Certificate

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > this cunning old fox pushed his animal lusts to the wine, and sure enough, the old treacherous giant was thinking about it. </h1>

He has been an actor and teacher for so many years, and he does not know how many young actresses and schoolgirls have been harmed.

Some students he has taught on the Internet said that he likes to tell female students about yellow paragraphs, and he also uses his hands and feet to insult female students through alcohol and so on.

Tian Rui, a national first-class actor: Virtue and art are both good in front of people, and the animals and animals after people are not as good as he shows in front of people. His bestiality has to start with the indecent assault case in September last year. Afterwards, Tian Called the Beast did not apologize, but thought about how to beautify himself in the name of "love". This cunning old fox pushed his bestiality out of the wine, and sure enough, the old treacherous giant fox thought about it carefully. In addition to that, he is also a man of disguise. There is another person who may have been accompliced in this incident, and that is the alumnus who accompanied the female graduates. conclusion

About the black material of the field beast

Some students said that he was not honest when filming, touching places that should not be touched, and saying meat words that should not be said. And especially interested in beautiful schoolgirls...

It is said that everyone has a heart for beauty, but it is really rare for someone like him to have such ill intentions and show that he shows it...

It can only be said that this Tian Called Beast is outwardly virtuous and artistic, but as soon as he goes deep, he finds that he is a guy who is inferior to the beast.

It's just that most of the victimized girls take care of their own face and future, and most of them choose to calm things down.

If it weren't for the female graduate's severe depression, perhaps Tian Mingbeast would have escaped the disaster again.

On September 2 last year, the female graduate chose to call the police and soon took Tian Weibeast into criminal detention.

At this point, the true face of the Tian Wei Beast was known to everyone.

However, in the face of police interrogation, Tian Mingbeast still insisted that both sides were voluntary.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > he was a man of disguise. </h1>

He set himself a high personality and compared himself to bamboo in Weibo. It can only be said that he really insulted Bamboo.

Tian Rui, a national first-class actor: Virtue and art are both good in front of people, and the animals and animals after people are not as good as he shows in front of people. His bestiality has to start with the indecent assault case in September last year. Afterwards, Tian Called the Beast did not apologize, but thought about how to beautify himself in the name of "love". This cunning old fox pushed his bestiality out of the wine, and sure enough, the old treacherous giant fox thought about it carefully. In addition to that, he is also a man of disguise. There is another person who may have been accompliced in this incident, and that is the alumnus who accompanied the female graduates. conclusion

Screenshot of Tian's beast Weibo

He also praised himself as a good teacher, but he was also a good teacher.

He even set himself up a good person who cares for the family. Thinking of returning to the family and working for another ten years, my daughter was admitted to college. I don't have much of a dream, so I want to do a good job and my family is safe.

No matter how well the human setup is erected, it cannot withstand the realistic punch in the face.

He doesn't see women as sentient beings but as playthings. In his eyes, there is only beauty, and he disregards the law of the land. He does not deserve the title of an actor, let alone the title of a national actor, he only deserves to be called a field beast or a field animal, perhaps this is a bit insulting to the word beast.

Now he deserves it.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > there was another person who may have been accompliced in the incident, and that was the alumnus who accompanied the female graduates. </h1>

When the female graduate was drunk, she should have taken the drunken female graduate away, but she did not.

When Tian Called the Beast stretched out her magic grasp, she still did not stand up.

There are no reports of her testimony, so is she an accomplice?

Perhaps in response to that sentence, it does not matter to oneself and hang high, and human nature really cannot withstand the test.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > conclusion</h1>

We should not only condemn the bestial behavior of tian called the beast, but also pay attention to the harm of the indecent case to the girl. In this case, the girl who was victimized was severely depressed, her life was ruined, and we must speak up for her.

For the so-called good man, we must not only look at his words but also check his deeds.

(Copyright note: This article is original by @ Shi Kefa, the picture comes from the network, if there is infringement, please contact us to inform)

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