
It's so stressful! True events based on the character poster of Hotel Mumbai

author:Ranger Net

The movie "Hotel Mumbai", which is based on the real event of 2008 "Mumbai Serial Terrorist Attack Case", has recently released the latest character poster, which is scheduled to be released in North America on March 29, and the film is expected to be introduced into China.

Dave Patel's character poster corresponds to "Escape"

It's so stressful! True events based on the character poster of Hotel Mumbai

The Mumbai serial terrorist attacks occurred on November 26, 2008, when almost simultaneous explosions occurred in 12 places in the southern district of Mumbai, India's financial powerhouse, and the attackers shot at the crowd with guns and detonated timed grenades, killing 168 people and shocking the world.

Most of the 12 explosion sites are Mumbai's landmarks and tourist attractions, including India's busiest railway station, Shivaji Railway Station, the famous restaurant Leo Pad Cafe, and Taj Mahal Hotels.

The character poster of Nazanin Boniati corresponds to "Cherish"

It's so stressful! True events based on the character poster of Hotel Mumbai

"Hotel Mumbai" is set in the Taj Mahal, through the perspective of the trapped hotel travelers and hotel staff, to tell a group of victims from all walks of life who have never met, from all walks of life, when they are in a terrorist crisis, show the noblest spirit of mutual help.

At the time of the Mumbai attacks, actor Dave Patel had just taken his "Slum Millionaire" to the Toronto Film Festival with his India film. Patel recalled that on the day of the attack, he returned to his home in London and found that his parents were in tears watching the news, and it was difficult to imagine that the attack really happened.

Coincidentally, the dancing at the end of "Slumdog Millionaire" was filmed at the attacked Shivaji railway station, which touched him deeply, and when he heard that director Anthony Maas planned to bring the terrorist attack to the big screen, he mainly asked for a performance, and after the premiere of the film in Toronto last year, he also said: "I am proud of the results of the film, he shows the perseverance and kindness of people, this is a story that must be told to everyone." ”

Dave Patel also revealed that during the filming of the film, he often talked about the terrorist attack with locals and hotel staff, and he learned that after the case, although everyone was in grief, the Taj Mahal Hotel resumed normal operations immediately three weeks after the incident, "the purpose is to convey the message of their perseverance that they will not be defeated by the terrorist attack." ”

It is said that although "Hotel Mumbai" is set in the Taj Mahal Hotel in India, many of the interior scenes were actually filmed in Australia. During the shooting, the director will play real gunshots and blast sound effects in pursuit of realism.

Jensen Isaac's character poster corresponds to "Persistence"

It's so stressful! True events based on the character poster of Hotel Mumbai

Anupan Kyle's character poster corresponds to "Protection"

It's so stressful! True events based on the character poster of Hotel Mumbai

Amy Hammer's character poster corresponds to "Survivor"

It's so stressful! True events based on the character poster of Hotel Mumbai

This poster corresponds to "sacrifice"

It's so stressful! True events based on the character poster of Hotel Mumbai

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