
The amount involved in the case was more than 50 million yuan, and the "Maguo drug lord" was finally arrested

author:Jimu News

On March 29, the Police of Yingshan, Huanggang, announced that starting from an ordinary drug-related case, a drug trafficking case of a special gang of ministers was cracked, a total of 7 drug trafficking suspects were arrested, 24 kilograms of various drugs were seized, 1 imitation pistol was seized, 6 vehicles involved in the case were seized, and the total amount involved in the case was more than 50 million yuan.

The amount involved in the case was more than 50 million yuan, and the "Maguo drug lord" was finally arrested

Chu Tianjin News Photo: Drugs seized by the police at the scene (Courtesy of the police)

The mass drug abuse case led to the drug lords behind the scenes

On the night of August 17, 2014, Yingshan police arrested several drug addicts at a local entertainment venue.

According to the drug provider Ah Fei, the drug was purchased in Wuhan from Jing Ming, a Huangzhou native. The police investigation around Jingming found that Jingming did not frequently trade with drug addicts in Huanggang, but only occasionally bought a small amount of hemp fruit in Wuhan for himself and his friends to smoke. Everything seems to be calm, but the police perceive a different taste from the calm, because as Jingming is concerned by the police, the drug tightening in Huanggang City's Huangzhou, Yingshan, Haoshui, Luotian, Macheng and other counties and urban areas has risen, and the prices have risen all the way, and the hemp nuts purchased by drug addicts have risen from 80 yuan per piece to 120 yuan, and most of the trading places are outside Huanggang.

After a meticulous investigation, in May 2015, Ge Lin, a man from Huanggang Who lives in Wuhan, entered the police's sight.

Green has a very loud name in the "poisonous net" of Wuhan City - "Ge Zong". According to the investigation, he is 44 years old, and at the age of 20, he was sentenced to 8 years in prison by the Qingshan District Court in Wuhan for theft, and has since been caught and sentenced for theft several times. From the release of the theft to the "transformation" of drug trafficking, Green took less than two years, and the business was "prosperous".

Cunning drug lords have also been "pitted" by female drug dealers

Since Jing Ming was brought to the police's attention, Greene has never traded with a drug dealer in Huanggang. For a long time in the second half of 2015, Greene did not move, and the case fell into a bottleneck period.

In December 2015, Greene, who had been dormant for a long time, finally came out of the hole and made a big move. Over the next six months, he bought drugs from Lincang in Yunnan, Ji'an in Jiangxi, and Zhuhai in Guangdong, and sold them in Wuhan, Huangshi, Suizhou, and Huanggang.

Greene has not been smooth sailing in the drug trade, and has also had the experience of being "pitted". On December 28, 2015, Ge Lin traveled alone to Lincang, Yunnan Province, to buy 12,000 hemp fruits at a low price of 100,000 yuan from a female drug dealer. Half a month later, the other party told that there was still goods, just need to pay for it, and someone would arrange for someone to send the goods to Wuhan. Ge once called the other party for 650,000 yuan, the money was remitted in the past week, the female drug dealer said that the delivery of the person had an accident, not only did not deliver again, there was no refund, and most of the hemp fruit purchased before was too poor in quality and did not sell.

After nearly a year of investigation, the Yingshan police have a grasp of Greene's gang members. Since the Greene gang trading network is in Wuhan, the provincial public security department has set up a special case team for this purpose, and designated the Yingshan police to host the jurisdiction. In May 2016, the case was established by the Ministry of Public Security as a drug target case for the ministry of public security.

Perhaps it was Greene who lost a lot of cash and was bent on turning the page and committing "crazy" crimes in the first half of 2016. On the morning of July 24 last year, Yingshan police obtained important information: Ge Lin organized a batch of drugs from Jiangxi to be transported back to Wuhan at 6 p.m. At about 5 p.m. on the same day, Greene drove the "Gui A05 ×××" Cayenne out of the Gongjialing toll station, and the Yingshan police tracked it all the way, and at 10 o'clock that night, at the entrance of a restaurant at the intersection of Stadium Road and Miaoli Road in Jiang'an District, Greening and his girlfriend were arrested, and a large number of hemp fruits were seized from the shoulder bag and the car that Ge was carrying. Other members of the gang were also arrested.

More than 20 yuan of hemp fruit layer by layer to sell 80 yuan

The survey showed that the Green Gang mainly sold hemp fruits, and the pink hemp fruits weighed from 0.08 grams to 0.1 grams, because they were small and easy to carry, and they were very popular among drug addicts in Hubei, Jiangxi and other places.

According to Green, the goods he imported from Yunnan were less than 10 yuan each; the purchase price of goods from Jiangxi ranged from 22.5 yuan to 25 yuan, and each one would increase the price by 1 yuan to 1.5 yuan to gang members, and the gang members would wholesale to the downline at prices ranging from 27 yuan to 33 yuan per piece. After layers of rotation, each one reaches the smoker's hand and ranges from 60 to 80 yuan. At the same time, the Greene gang lent and recovered the drug money they earned to casinos and drug addicts in the form of usurious loans. Once the Green Gang does not supply "goods" to a certain region or county or city, the local "goods" will be "strange goods", and the price will rise rapidly.

After Ge Lin was arrested, the police in our province pursued and beat him fiercely, and with the cooperation of the Jiangxi police, at the end of last year and the beginning of this year, Ge Lin's upper line Hu Xiong and his accomplices and other people involved in the case were arrested in Jiangxi. According to the Jiangxi police, the Huxiong gang controlled the supply and price of drugs in six counties and cities in Xinyu, Ji'an and Yichun.

With the arrest of the two major drug lords, Ge Lin and Hu Xiong, the two major drug trafficking gangs in Hubei and Jiangxi have collapsed.

Reporter Zhou Shoujiang Correspondent Guo Zihua Wang Yuxin Wang Ru