
Xi Jinping spoke by phone with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan


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  President Xi Jinping had a telephone conversation with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan on October 26.

  Xi Jinping pointed out that in the 70 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan, no matter how the international situation has changed, the two sides have always treated each other with all their hearts and guts and shared hardships and hardships. China and Pakistan have joined hands to address risks and challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic, consolidating strategic mutual trust and deepening strategic cooperation. History has fully proved that China and Pakistan are each other's most reliable hardcore brothers. Today's world is experiencing major changes unprecedented in a century, and the sources of global turmoil and risk points are increasing. Under the new situation, China and Pakistan should stand together more firmly, promote the all-weather strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries, and build a closer China-Pakistan community of common destiny in the new era.

  Xi Jinping stressed that China supports Pakistan in exploring a development path that suits its own national conditions and is willing to share with Pakistan new opportunities for China's high-quality development. The two sides should closely communicate strategically, deepen the docking of development strategies, and strengthen the exchange of experience in governing the country. China will continue to provide support to Pakistan in its fight against COVID-19, jointly build the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor with high quality, promote cooperation in agriculture, digital economy, social and people's livelihood, and continuously release the positive effects of the corridor in promoting growth and benefiting people's livelihood. The two sides should strengthen counter-terrorism and security cooperation. China is willing to closely coordinate multilaterally with Pakistan, practice genuine multilateralism, promote international fairness and justice, safeguard the common interests of both sides and safeguard world peace and stability.

  Imran Khan said: I once again congratulate the CPC on its centenary birthday and the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China, and congratulate China on successfully holding activities to commemorate the 50th anniversary of The restoration of the legitimate seat of the United Nations in New China. I fully agree with President Xi Jinping's views. At present, the world is facing many major problems, which require closer communication and cooperation between Pakistan and China. Pakistan-China relations have been tested and have always shared weal and woe and watched over each other. China has supported Pakistan in fighting the COVID-19 epidemic and safeguarding the safety of the Pakistani people, which can be called a model of big countries selflessly helping small countries. The Pakistani side firmly pursues the one-China policy, firmly supports China's position on core interest issues such as Taiwan-related, Hong Kong-related, Xinjiang-related and human rights, and firmly supports the global development initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping. Pakistan is willing to work with China to promote the construction of the Pakistan-China Economic Corridor and pragmatic cooperation in various fields. The Pakistani side attaches great importance to and will continue to take practical measures to protect the security of Chinese personnel and institutions in Pakistan.

  The two sides also exchanged views on Afghanistan and other issues.

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