
How many leaf types are there in the linden tree leaves of Usuthu?

author:Zhao Mili's homeland

#头条创作挑战赛 #

I haven't been to Usutu for three years. Today I spent half a day to see the Bodhi tree, but unfortunately the courtyard door of Faxi Temple was locked, and I did not see the Bodhi tree, which is said to be the only one in northern China.

Usutu, is a Mongolian word meaning "place with water".

乌‬素‬图‬召坐落在大青山南麓,是‬一‬所‬藏‬传‬佛教的召‬庙‬。 ‬菩提树‬就‬在‬法禧寺的院‬落‬里‬。 ‬

我‬觉‬得‬呼‬市‬的召‬庙‬建筑‬里‬,‬乌‬素‬图‬保‬留‬古意‬最‬好,‬也‬最‬值得一‬看‬。 ‬

There is a Buddhist saying that mentions the Bodhi tree. 据说这‬个‬佛‬教‬典‬故‬来‬自禅‬宗‬六‬祖‬慧‬能‬大‬师‬。 ‬



This coming and going seems to be an earthly process, and the mind with this epiphany must be really at ease and happy.

This linden tree in Usutu is nearly three hundred years old. It is recorded that it was transplanted from Tibet by a monastery lama in 1725.

Three hundred years later, the green mountains are still the same, and Bodhi is the same.

Did you know how many leaf types there are in the leaves of the linden tree in Usuthu?

这棵神奇的树树叶共‬有‬四种叶形,每‬种‬形状略有不同。 仔细看来,多数树‬叶‬是椭圆而且较大的心形叶,周围是锯齿状,前端有细长的尖; Some leaves have a natural fork on the left side; There is also a split on the right side; There is also a type of leaf with two forks on each side of the leaf, similar to the maple leaf. From a distance, the leaves swayed like a seated Buddha hanging upside down. 一‬树‬四‬种‬叶‬‬型‬,‬多么神奇! ‬

How many leaf types are there in the linden tree leaves of Usuthu?

Ancient linden tree (picture from the Internet)

How many leaf types are there in the linden tree leaves of Usuthu?

Sprouting in spring (picture from the Internet)

Today, I met a Red Lama in Usutu and went halfway up the mountain to turn the White Pagoda, and under the pagoda he chanted the sutra first, and then stepped forward to clean up the debris in front of the pagoda, and I appreciated his words and deeds. When we can't control what others say and do, we do our best.

I remember the two red teachers I met in Wutaishan a few years ago, and the photos I took for them are still kept in the album, hoping to see them again next time I go to Wutaishan.

How many leaf types are there in the linden tree leaves of Usuthu?

The apricot blossoms in the Usutu ditch were blooming, separated by a fence without taking pictures.

The nearby ruins of the Great Wall of Zhao stand alone, telling the story of 2,000 years ago.

Baidu knows:

The Great Wall of Zhao is the oldest surviving Great Wall in mainland China, with a history of more than 2,000 years, and a relatively well-preserved section is 10 kilometers from Baotou to Shiqiu Highway. The Great Wall of Zhao, located in the middle of Baotou City, is located in Damiao Village in Guyang County, and was built around the 20th to 26th year of King Wuling of Zhao (306-300 BC). It is nestled among the peaks and hills at the southern foot of the Yin Mountains, a narrow and long Tumochuan plain with fertile water and grass, and in ancient times it was a place where soldiers had to fight. ‬

How many leaf types are there in the linden tree leaves of Usuthu?
How many leaf types are there in the linden tree leaves of Usuthu?
How many leaf types are there in the linden tree leaves of Usuthu?
How many leaf types are there in the linden tree leaves of Usuthu?

Riding and shooting Hufu to expand the northern frontier, why is the Zen position too hurried?

If he did not encounter the calamity of sand dunes back then, he may not have swept the six kings of Western Qin.

Spring and autumn wind and rain are desolate, and the leaves fall flat and frost all over the ground.

If the martial spirit was arrogant, how dare Qin Er try the wind?

This poem written by Zheng Guoming "Seven Absolutes. Yong Zhao Wuling King seems to be arrogant.

历史学家翦伯赞先生也写过一首巜登大青山访赵长城遗址》,‬先生登上‬的应当‬就是这‬段‬长‬城‬。 ‬

My hometown Hohhot has a long history, ancient buildings, and is indeed a beautiful city.

I soothe myself with words, and today is my 43rd day of writing in the headlines. Cheer yourself on and thanks for reading.

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