
23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious


Lily potted pork lung

Ingredients: 1 pork lung, 15 grams of lilies, 10 grams of almonds, 5 grams of sliced ginger.

Seasoning: 1/2 tbsp cooking wine, chicken broth, salt, a little monosodium glutamate, 1 tsp sugar.

Method: 1. Pig lung is poured from the tracheal mouth to remove blood and debris in the lung, then cut into pieces and repeatedly cleaned with water; lilies and almonds are washed with clean water.

2. Put water in the pot, bring to a boil, and blanch the washed pork lungs.

3. Put the blanched pork lungs, lilies, almonds and ginger slices into a casserole, add chicken broth, and put on the fire and bring to a boil.

4. After boiling, skim off the surface foam, cover the lid, simmer for about 2 hours, and add salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, and white sugar to adjust the taste.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Braised pork

Ingredients: 600 grams of pork belly.

Seasoning: 75g soy sauce, 20g cooking wine, 30g sugar, 1 small slice of cinnamon, 3 star anise, 3g salt, 1 small piece of ginger, 1/2 head of garlic, 1 green onion, a pinch of minced chives.

Method: 1. Wash the pork belly, cut into 2~3 cm cubes, slice the ginger and garlic, and cut the green onion into sections.

2. Sit in a pot and heat oil, first add green onion, ginger and garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, pour in the meat pieces and stir-fry for about 2 minutes, wait for the meat to turn white, add soy sauce, cooking wine, sugar, cinnamon, star anise and salt and stir-fry well.

3. Add water to the pot (preferably less than 5 cm of meat), bring to a boil over high heat, turn to low heat, cover the pot and simmer for 40 minutes until the meat is crispy, then reduce the juice over medium heat. To avoid sautéing, gently turn the meat halfway until the soup is thick and fragrant, remove the cinnamon and star anise, and sprinkle with minced chives.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Stir-fried pork liver with cucumber fungus

Ingredients: 150g pork liver, 1 cucumber, 3 fungus, a little green onion, ginger and minced garlic.

Seasoning: 1 tbsp each of starch and water starch, 1/2 tbsp each of cooking wine and soy sauce, a little salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, and an appropriate amount of stock.

Method: 1. Wash the pork liver, cut it into slices, mix well with starch and a little salt; Wash the cucumber and cut into slices; After soaking the fungus, choose to wash it and tear it into small florets.

2. Heat the oil, put the pork liver in, gently stir it with chopsticks, and when it is ripe, pour it into a colander and drain the oil.

3. Heat the oil in another pan, add green onion, ginger, minced garlic, cucumber and fungus, and stir-fry a few times.

4. Return the pork liver to the pot, quickly sprinkle with cooking wine, soy sauce, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, stock, stir-fry with water starch and stir-fry evenly.

Recipe variation: Cucumbers can be replaced with shiitake mushrooms.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Phoenix claw goji berry boiled pig brain

Ingredients: a little tianma, 150 grams of chicken feet, 1 pig brain, a little goji berry, 1 green onion, 1 piece of ginger.

Seasoning: appropriate amount of stock, appropriate amount of salt, a little cooking wine and pepper.

Method: 1. Cut off the tip of the chicken feet, remove the blood of the pig brain, wash the goji berries, cut the green onion into sections, peel and slice the ginger.

2. Boil water in a pot, and when the water is boiling, put in chicken feet and pig brains respectively, blanch the blood water over medium heat, and pour out.

3. Add chicken feet, pork brain, tianma, goji berries, ginger and green onion to the clay pot, and add stock, cooking wine and pepper.

4. After simmering for 1 hour, add salt and continue to simmer for 30 minutes.

The recipe is cleverly changed: remove the tianma, replace chicken feet and goji berries with yam and walnuts, and it becomes another nutritious recipe that nourishes qi and kidneys and strengthens the brain.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Stuffed tomatoes with minced meat

Ingredients: 200 g tomato, 25 g minced pork.

Seasoning: salt, monosodium glutamate, green onion, ginger.

Method: 1. Wash and chop green onion and ginger.

2. Put the minced meat in a bowl, add green onion, ginger, MSG and salt and mix well to make a filling.

3. After washing the tomatoes, cut off the peduncles, dig out the seeds from the pedicles, stuff the seasoned minced meat, and steam them in a steamer over high heat for about 15 minutes.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Black bean stewed hoof flowers

Ingredients: 1 pig's trotter about 500 grams, black beans 200 grams, 100 grams of chia.

Seasoning: green onion, ginger, salt, pepper noodles, MSG.

Method: 1. Wash the pig's trotters, put them in a pot of boiling water, take them out, rinse them; soak black beans and potatoes in warm water and wash them.

2. Put the pig's trotters, black beans and chia into a stew pot together, put in the broken green onion and ginger, mix with water, and simmer until the pig's trotters are soft, pick out the green onion and ginger without use, add salt, pepper noodles, MSG and stew until flavored, and put it in a pot.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Pumpkin pot with ribs

Ingredients: 200 g ribs, 100 g rice, 1 small pumpkin.

Seasoning: tea sauce, light soy sauce, sugar, a little salt.

Method: 1. Soak the ribs in water for half an hour, rinse the blood water, and marinate for half an hour with Gaza tea sauce, light soy sauce, white sugar, and a little salt; The pumpkin is carved off the top with a flower knife and the inner bowl is dug out.

2. Rinse the rice, mix with the ribs, add an appropriate amount of water, put it in the steamer and steam for 40~50 minutes until the rice is cooked through, then turn off the heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

3. Place the steamed rice and ribs in the pumpkin.

4. Place the pumpkin in the steamer and steam for 20 minutes.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Pan-fried pork liver with onions

Ingredients: 400g pork liver, 280g fried potato sticks, 50g onion, 250g cabbage heart, 10g ginger.

Seasoning: 5 g salt, 2 g monosodium glutamate, 3 g pepper, 10 g spicy soy sauce, 50 g old soup, 20 g butter.

Method: 1. Remove the old leaves and wash them with water; cut the onion into fine strips; cut the ginger into slices.

2. Wash the liver, remove the tendons and cut into thin slices.

3. Heat the oil in the pan, fry the pork liver until it changes color, and serve.

4. Add the onion to the pan and stir-fry yellow, add the spicy soy sauce, then add the fried pork liver and ginger slices, add butter and other seasonings, and heat for a while.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Stir-fry large intestines with pickled peppers

Ingredients: 300 grams of pork intestines, 1 green pepper, 50 grams of pickled peppers.

Seasoning: 6 slices of ginger, 3 cloves of garlic, flour and vegetable oil, 2 tbsp each of tempeh paste and vinegar, 1 tbsp cooking wine, 1/2 tsp each of sugar and sesame oil.

Method: 1. Scratch and wash both sides of the pig's large intestine with flour, rinse and cut into small pieces, blanch and rinse for later use.

2. Wash and shred the ginger; Wash and pat the garlic; Wash the peppers and cut into oblique slices.

3. Heat vegetable oil, stir-fry the large intestine, garlic and ginger over a high heat, then add tempeh paste, vinegar, cooking wine, sugar, chili flakes, pickled pepper, stir-fry over high heat until the juice opens, the vinegar aroma floats out and then drizzles sesame oil.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Barley lean meat pot

Ingredients: 150 grams of lean pork, 100 grams of barley, 40 grams of fresh lilies.

Seasoning: Rock sugar to taste.

Method: 1. Soak the barley in clean water for half a day; wash the lilies and break them one by one.

2. Wash the lean pork with warm water and cut into small pieces.

3. Put the barley and lean pork together in a crockpot, add enough water and cook until eight years old, then add rock sugar and lilies, and simmer until the pork is crispy, then eat.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Mung bean stew with large bones

Ingredients: 300 grams of pork bones, 150 grams of mung beans, goji berries, ginger, green onion.

Seasoning: stock, salt, sugar, chicken fat, cooking wine, pepper.

Method: 1. Wash and chop the pork bones, soak the mung beans and wash them, soak the goji berries thoroughly, peel and slice the ginger, and cut the green onion into long sections.

2. Put the pork bones in cold water, boil the blood water, scoop up and wash.

3. Heat oil pan, stir-fry ginger slices and green onion until fragrant, add pork bones, mung beans, goji berries, cooking wine, stock, and simmer over low heat.

4. Remove the green onion, add salt, sugar, pepper, drizzle chicken fat, and simmer for a while.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Spicy waist flower

Ingredients: 1 pair of pork loin.

Seasoning: 1 tbsp spicy bean paste, peppercorns and cooking wine.

Method: 1. Remove the fascia of the waist flower, soak it repeatedly in water, scoop it up, and cut it into a flower shape with a knife.

2. Blanch the waist flower in hot water, remove the blood, pick it up and drain.

3. Heat the oil and stir-fry peppercorns until fragrant.

4. Add waist flowers and stir-fry with a little cooking wine and spicy bean paste, and put on a plate after cooking.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Red bean pumpkin boiled ribs

Ingredients: 80g adzuki beans, 350g pumpkin, 400g pork ribs, 1 tangerine peel.

Seasoning: salt to taste.

Method: 1. Remove impurities from adzuki beans, soak them with clean water and wash them; wash the tangerine peel, remove the seeds of the pumpkin, wash them, and cut the skin into pieces.

2. Wash the pork ribs, put them in a pot first, add adzuki beans, tangerine peel and an appropriate amount of water, cook until the red adzuki beans are cooked through, then add pumpkin, continue to cook until the pumpkin is cooked through, add salt to taste.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Stir-fried pork belly with garlic seedlings

Ingredients: 50 grams of fresh garlic seedlings, 300 grams of pork belly, 1 green onion, 1 slice of ginger.

Seasoning: 1 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tsp water starch, salt and chicken essence.

Method: 1. Wash fresh garlic seedlings, control clean water, cut into 3 cm long pieces for later use; Wash the pork belly and cut into thin slices; Wash the green onion and cut it into segments; Wash the ginger and cut into shreds.

2. Put an appropriate amount of vegetable oil in the pot, cook until 70% hot, add green onion and ginger slices, stir-fry until fragrant, add meat slices, stir-fry until cooked, put in garlic seedlings, stir-fry for a while.

3. Add soy sauce, salt, chicken essence, and thicken with water starch, turn it upside down a few times.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Rotten cowpeas

Ingredients: 300 grams of pickled cowpeas, 100 grams of semi-fat lean minced meat.

Seasoning: 2g dried chili, 3 cloves of garlic, a pinch of salt.

Method: 1. Cut the pickled cowpeas into small pieces, mince the garlic, and cut the dried pepper into segments.

2. Heat an appropriate amount of vegetable oil in a wok, add dried chilies and minced garlic and stir-fry until fragrant, then pour in minced meat and stir-fry until discolored.

3. Pour in the chopped pickled peas and stir-fry together for 2 minutes, then add salt and stir-fry evenly.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Goji berries and shredded bamboo shoots

Ingredients: 200 grams of lean pork, 100 grams of green shoots, 50 grams of goji berries.

Seasoning: 6 grams of salt, 4 ml of sesame oil, 4 grams of sugar, 3 grams of monosodium glutamate, 5 grams of water starch, an appropriate amount of shoji wine and soy sauce.

Method: 1. Wash the goji berries and set aside.

2. Wash the lean pork, remove the fascia and cut it into fine strips.

3. Wash the green shoots and cut them into fine strips.

4. Heat a wok, slide the pan with oil, slide the shredded meat and bamboo shoots into the pan at the same time, cook in the sake, add sugar, soy sauce, salt and MSG and stir well.

5. Add the goji berries and stir-fry for a while, use starch to thin the potatoes, drizzle sesame oil, and push well.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Beef stew with celery

Ingredients: 400 g of beef, 150 g of celery.

Seasoning: 10g green onion, 5g ginger, 2 star anise, 1 tbsp sugar and starch, 2 tbsp each of cooking wine and soy sauce, 1 tsp each of salt and monosodium glutamate, vegetable oil.

Method: 1. Put the beef into a pot of boiling water and boil, switch to low heat and simmer until the beef is crispy, take it out and let it cool and cut into pieces; wash and cut celery; cut the green onion into sections, and mince the ginger.

2. Heat vegetable oil in a wok, add green onion, minced ginger and star anise to stir-fry until fragrant; Push the beef cubes into the pan, add soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine and beef broth, cover and bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes until flavored.

3. Heat vegetable oil in another pot, stir-fry the celery segments until fragrant, slide the beef into the pot, sprinkle with MSG, thicken with water starch, cover the pot and boil.

Recipe variations: celery can be replaced with carrots, angelica and astragalus for a nourishing recipe.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Carrot roast meat

Ingredients: 200 g pork belly, 150 g carrot.

Seasoning: 1 tsp each of cooking wine, light soy sauce and dark soy sauce, 3 star anise, 3 dried chilies, ginger slices and green onion, 5 rock sugar, a little salt and vegetable oil.

Method: 1. Cut the pork belly and carrots separately, boil an appropriate amount of water in a pot, put the pork belly into boiling water to change color, take it out, wash and drain it.

2. Heat a wok, put vegetable oil, turn to low heat and put rock sugar to boil, pour in blanched meat pieces, stir-fry evenly, add cooking wine, light soy sauce, old soy sauce and stir-fry evenly, add boiling water, not over the meat, boil.

3. Add sliced ginger, green onion, star anise, dried chili, cover and reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes.

4. Add the carrot cubes, stir-fry evenly, cover and simmer the carrots over low heat until soft, and finally add salt to taste.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Fried sausage with bitter melon

Ingredients: 300 g of sausage, 1 bitter melon.

Seasoning: red pepper flakes, 1 tsp each of minced ginger and garlic, 1 tsp cooking wine, 1/2 tsp each of monosodium glutamate and sugar, a little stock, salt and starch.

Method: 1. Slice the sausage, steam for 20 minutes, put it in a pan and fry slightly.

2. Wash and slice the bitter melon, blanch it in boiling water, drain it and set aside.

3. Heat the oil, sauté the minced ginger and garlic, cook the cooking wine, add sausage, bitter melon, red pepper flakes, and add stock.

4. Add salt, monosodium glutamate, white sugar and stir-fry, and finally use water starch to thin the potato.

Recipe variation: Sausage can be replaced with beef.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Mouth mushroom chicken slices

Ingredients: 150 grams of chicken, 50 grams of mushrooms, 1 egg (about 60 grams), 15 grams each of rape heart and asparagus segment.

Seasoning: dry and water starch, 10 ml cooking wine, 2 g salt, a little sesame oil, 50 ml chicken broth, vegetable oil.

Method: 1. Wash the chicken, cut it thinly, add egg white, dry starch and mix well; rape hearts washed and blanched; Wash the mushrooms, slice them and set aside.

2. Put the pot on the fire, pour vegetable oil and heat it, put in the chicken slices to smooth and cook, remove and set aside.

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add chicken broth, asparagus segments, salt, cooking wine and boil, add mushroom slices, chicken slices, rape hearts and cook until flavorful, thicken with water starch, and pour sesame oil.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Stir-fried shredded chicken with celery

Ingredients: 300g chicken breast, 1 celery.

Seasoning: 1 tbsp chicken broth, 1/2 tbsp cooking wine, 1 tsp each of salt, monosodium glutamate, water starch, a little sesame oil and vegetable oil.

Method: 1. Wash the chicken breast, cut it into fine strips, stick it with starch and wrap it well; wash the celery and cut it into shreds.

2. Stir cooking wine, chicken broth, salt, monosodium glutamate and water starch well to make a sauce.

3. Heat vegetable oil, add shredded chicken, quickly slide it off with chopsticks, fry until the shredded chicken turns white, and drain the oil.

4. Leave an appropriate amount of oil at the bottom of the pot, stir-fry shredded celery, return the shredded chicken to the pot, put in the sauce and mix evenly, and finally pour in sesame oil.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Asparagus chicken tenders

Ingredients: 200 grams each of chicken breast and asparagus, 100 grams of carrots.

Seasoning: 1 tbsp water starch, 2 tsp each of cooking wine and soy sauce, 1 tsp each of salt, minced green onion and ginger, vegetable oil and sesame oil.

Method: 1. Wash and cut the chicken breast into strips and marinate with 1 tsp cooking wine and 1 tsp soy sauce for 5 minutes; Wash the asparagus and cut it into small pieces; Wash the carrots and cut them into strips and set aside.

2. Heat vegetable oil in a pot, add minced green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, pour chicken, carrot and asparagus in turn, add cooking wine and salt and stir-fry until broken.

3. Thicken with water starch and pour sesame oil.

Sausage omelettes

Ingredients: 1 sausage (about 40 g), 2 eggs (about 120 g).

Seasoning: 1 tsp light soy sauce.

Method: 1. Remove the sausage and cut it into thin slices; beat the eggs in a bowl and stir the egg mixture well.

2. After the pan is hot, add the sausage and stir-fry a few times to remove the oil, pour in the egg liquid, fry until golden brown on both sides, and drip in light soy sauce.

Mouth mushroom chicken slices

Ingredients: 150 grams of chicken, 50 grams of mushrooms, 1 egg (about 60 grams), 15 grams each of rape heart and asparagus segment.

Seasoning: dry and water starch, 10 ml cooking wine, 2 g salt, a little sesame oil, 50 ml chicken broth, vegetable oil.

Method: 1. Wash the chicken, cut it thinly, add egg white, dry starch and mix well; rape hearts washed and blanched; Wash the mushrooms, slice them and set aside.

2. Put the pot on the fire, pour vegetable oil and heat it, put in the chicken slices to smooth and cook, remove and set aside.

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add chicken broth, asparagus segments, salt, cooking wine and boil, add mushroom slices, chicken slices, rape hearts and cook until flavorful, thicken with water starch, and pour sesame oil.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Stir-fried shredded chicken with celery

Ingredients: 300g chicken breast, 1 celery.

Seasoning: 1 tbsp chicken broth, 1/2 tbsp cooking wine, 1 tsp each of salt, monosodium glutamate, water starch, a little sesame oil and vegetable oil.

Method: 1. Wash the chicken breast, cut it into fine strips, stick it with starch and wrap it well; wash the celery and cut it into shreds.

2. Stir cooking wine, chicken broth, salt, monosodium glutamate and water starch well to make a sauce.

3. Heat vegetable oil, add shredded chicken, quickly slide it off with chopsticks, fry until the shredded chicken turns white, and drain the oil.

4. Leave an appropriate amount of oil at the bottom of the pot, stir-fry shredded celery, return the shredded chicken to the pot, put in the sauce and mix evenly, and finally pour in sesame oil.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Asparagus chicken tenders

Ingredients: 200 grams each of chicken breast and asparagus, 100 grams of carrots.

Seasoning: 1 tbsp water starch, 2 tsp each of cooking wine and soy sauce, 1 tsp each of salt, minced green onion and ginger, vegetable oil and sesame oil.

Method: 1. Wash and cut the chicken breast into strips and marinate with 1 tsp cooking wine and 1 tsp soy sauce for 5 minutes; Wash the asparagus and cut it into small pieces; Wash the carrots and cut them into strips and set aside.

2. Heat vegetable oil in a pot, add minced green onion and ginger and stir-fry until fragrant, pour chicken, carrot and asparagus in turn, add cooking wine and salt and stir-fry until broken.

3. Thicken with water starch and pour sesame oil.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

Sausage omelettes

Ingredients: 1 sausage (about 40 g), 2 eggs (about 120 g).

Seasoning: 1 tsp light soy sauce.

Method: 1. Remove the sausage and cut it into thin slices; beat the eggs in a bowl and stir the egg mixture well.

2. After the pan is hot, add the sausage and stir-fry a few times to remove the oil, pour in the egg liquid, fry until golden brown on both sides, and drip in light soy sauce.

23 dishes that chefs don't tell you about home-cooked food, simple and delicious

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