
Is chili pepper the "hair thing" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to protect the islets, eat less of these 4 things

author:Dr. Peng Yu popular science

Diabetes is a common chronic metabolic disease in life, because the body's metabolism of glucose is abnormal, causing blood sugar instability, diabetes mainly has two types: type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is relatively uncommon and unpreventable, most diabetics belong to type 2 diabetes, the occurrence of type 2 diabetes is mainly because of insulin resistance, and the patient's lifestyle has a lot to do with it.

Most type 2 diabetes is preventable, islets are spherical cell circles made up of endocrine cells, and diet is very important to protect islets and reduce the chance of diabetes.

Is chili pepper the "hair thing" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to protect the islets, eat less of these 4 things


When diabetes comes, the body usually appears these three conditions first

Dry mouth and drink plenty of water

Because of the excretion of urine sugar, bringing a large amount of water, resulting in blood concentration, dry mouth and polydipsia, diabetic patients after the increase in water intake, the frequency of urination will also increase, and then enter the process of continuous cycle consumption.

Urine is more foamy

Because glucose cannot be completely transported into cells, a large amount of glucose in the body will enter the kidneys, resulting in increased osmotic pressure of the glomerulus and an increase in the frequency of urination.

And the urine contains a lot of glucose, the excreted urine will appear frothy, when foamy urine appears, remember to check blood sugar.

Is chili pepper the "hair thing" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to protect the islets, eat less of these 4 things

Eat a lot but be emaciated

The food ingested into the body must be converted into glucose to be used by the body, and the glucose in the blood of diabetics cannot be fully utilized, so it cannot provide sufficient energy for cells.

Therefore, diabetics often feel hungry, resulting in increased food intake, in the state of hunger, will decompose the body, stored glycogen and fat, protein and other energy substances in advance, so that diabetic patients are emaciated and lose weight.


Is chili pepper the "hair thing" of diabetes?

Many people in life like to eat chili peppers, and they will put some chili peppers on hold every day in stir-frying, but there are also some people who are worried that eating chili peppers will be irritating and detrimental to their condition.

Is chili pepper the "hair thing" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to protect the islets, eat less of these 4 things

Fresh chili peppers contain capsaicin, and studies have found that diabetics who often eat fresh chili peppers have a lower risk of death because capsaicin helps to increase metabolic levels.

Therefore, diabetics can eat chili peppers, but also can help supplement vitamins, we must correctly understand the meaning of hair, to look dialectically, peppers for diabetics are not considered hair.

The scope of the release is very wide, not only refers to a certain food, but according to your own constitution, if you eat a certain food and feel uncomfortable, then it belongs to the hair, try not to eat it in the future.

Is chili pepper the "hair thing" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to protect the islets, eat less of these 4 things


Doctor: If you want to protect the islets, eat less of these 4 things

High-starch foods

Ham sausages and pasta are high-starch foods, starch will be broken down into glucose into the bloodstream in the intestines, and people with high blood sugar try to eat less high-starch foods.

This is because the digestion rate of high-starch foods is relatively fast, and patients with high blood sugar, consuming too much high-starch foods will cause blood sugar to rise sharply, so if you want to protect the islets, try to touch such foods as little as possible.

Foods with relatively high sugar content

Cakes and milk tea are foods with high sugar content, which can promote the secretion of dopamine in the human body after eating, making people feel happy, but they are not suitable for patients with high blood sugar.

Is chili pepper the "hair thing" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to protect the islets, eat less of these 4 things

Long-term intake of high-sugar foods will destroy the secretion of islets and damage the health of islets, and excessive sugar intake in the body will accelerate skin aging, make the skin dull and yellow, and also lead to obesity, so usually eat less foods with high sugar content.

High sugar fruit

Fruits contain fructose, sucrose, glucose and other sugars, long-term intake of high-sugar fruits will increase the burden of islets, resulting in disorders of islet secretion, so hyperglycemic patients try to eat less high-sugar fruits, such as lychee, durian, etc.

The sugar content of fruits is not proportional to the sweetness of fruits, some fruits taste very sweet, but the sugar content is not high, so patients with high blood sugar should check the glycemic index and sugar content of fruits before eating fruits.

Is chili pepper the "hair thing" of diabetes? Doctor: If you want to protect the islets, eat less of these 4 things

High oil food

Fried foods such as fried chicken and fries also taste very good, but after the food is fried at high temperature, the nutrients are basically lost, which may also produce some substances harmful to the body, and long-term use is very harmful to the islets.

Often eating high-oil foods is likely to cause high blood lipids, high blood sugar, etc., and will also lead to obesity, increase the burden of pancreatic islets, lead to increased fat content in the blood, and easily induce cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction.