
My cat has a tsundere personality, does not like to be held, as soon as it goes to its side, it feels that you want to hold it, it will turn around and run, but if I block it in a corner, it feels like it is no matter what

author:Phineas' hopes

My cat has a tsundere personality, does not like to be held, as soon as it goes to its side, it feels that you want to hold it, it will run when it turns around, but if I block it in a corner, it feels that no matter how it runs, it can't run out of the palm of my hand, and it will obediently lie down, looking like it is obedient.

Usually, if I just happened to pass by it, it would know that it was not coming to hold it, and it would not move, but its eyes would always pay attention to my movements, its tail raised and trembling, ready to run. So occasionally I will pretend that I am not going to hold it, look at other places, and then pretend to fiddle with the things next to me, and then quickly go to hold the cat, hahahahaha was really deceived by me, and the consequence of cheating several times is that every time she passes next to her, she doesn't care about three seven twenty-one and quickly runs away.

Occasionally feed it cans, as soon as I pick up the can, it immediately stares at me to see if I have opened the can, if I open the jar and hear the sound of opening the can, it will run to the table, and without rushing over, just squat to the side and stare at me, waiting for me to pour the can into its bowl, and then call its name, and then it will come and start eating.

When the litter box is dirty, she doesn't really want to go to the bathroom, so she will stand next to the litter box and meow and tell me to shovel. At first I didn't know what it meant, but then once she barked next to the litter box, I looked at it, and she peed directly in front of me next to the litter box, and that's when I realized that she was reminding me to shovel it....

It sometimes knows that what it does is wrong, what things to do will be scolded by me, but she just has to do it, for example, when it scratches the sofa, I will scold her every time, every time it scratches the sofa will pay attention to observe me, I look over, or call her name, it will immediately jump away, ghosts are not good, but next time dare.

It has its own bowl for canned snacks, and every time I pick up that bowl, it will stare after me and stare at me. Occasionally if I haven't fed it snacks for a long time, it will specially go to the basket where the snacks are placed and squat upright, its eyes keep looking at me, and when I see it, it will pull the edge of the basket with its paws, and then stare at me and meow twice, which is to suggest that it wants to eat snacks.

Since sterilization, it doesn't like to be touched on her stomach, my hands are cheap, always want to go to Rua's soft flesh, will encounter its intimidation, every time I touch, it will use its hind foot to pull my hand, and then open its mouth to expose her teeth to bite me, I was frightened by it at first, I stopped, and then once, I didn't stop in time, but found that it just knocked my hand with the tip of its teeth, and didn't dare to lower my mouth at all. Little kittens, and learn to be scary.

The people in the family, in its eyes, also have a status class, I should be the only person it recognizes, the person on its head, from its behavior, it can be roughly seen, for example, it is doing a trick-or-treating thing, my boyfriend stopped and reprimanded it, she is indifferent regardless of my own behavior. But if I shout it, it stops and runs away. He is keen to lick my boyfriend's head, and in the cat world, the one who is licked is the little brother, but she never comes to lick my head, and she won't lick it when I lean my head over. When I forcibly helped her apply medicine, wipe her tear stains, wipe her ears, and drop eye drops, I could see that although she didn't like it very much and was very impatient, she still let me toss with an unhappy face.

It is intimidating and responsible, a little mouse entered the kitchen at home, I carried it in, let it look at the mouse, and faintly hoped that it could catch it, but the good guy was scared to hide behind my back more afraid than the mouse. Later, my boyfriend and I drove the mouse out of the window in the kitchen, and then when I came out, I found that it had been squatting at the kitchen door, and for a long time that night, it squatted at the kitchen door and stared at the kitchen motionless, looking at the posture, looking like as soon as the mouse came out I would immediately beat it away, but I didn't know that the mouse was no longer in the kitchen.

It always wants to sneak into the bedroom, but I don't want to let it in, for fear of getting a lot of cat hair, sometimes I enter the bedroom and go out immediately, so I cover the door directly, and as a result, it also knows to push the door with its paws, and if it finds that it can be pushed open, it will sneak in directly. This allowed her in several times, but she couldn't get under the bed. Later, several times I entered the room and deliberately did not close the door and guarded the door, and each time I found that it carefully pushed the door and was caught by me. Later, I didn't dare to cover the door anymore, and I closed it directly. #Record my 2023# #情感点评大赏 today #

My cat has a tsundere personality, does not like to be held, as soon as it goes to its side, it feels that you want to hold it, it will turn around and run, but if I block it in a corner, it feels like it is no matter what
My cat has a tsundere personality, does not like to be held, as soon as it goes to its side, it feels that you want to hold it, it will turn around and run, but if I block it in a corner, it feels like it is no matter what
My cat has a tsundere personality, does not like to be held, as soon as it goes to its side, it feels that you want to hold it, it will turn around and run, but if I block it in a corner, it feels like it is no matter what
My cat has a tsundere personality, does not like to be held, as soon as it goes to its side, it feels that you want to hold it, it will turn around and run, but if I block it in a corner, it feels like it is no matter what

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