
The only city in China where Japanese people are forbidden to set foot in it

author:LAN excellent

In fact, with the decline of the Qing Dynasty, China was targeted by the great powers and strong neighbors at this time, especially in Japan during World War II, which had begun to brazenly invade the mainland, of course, Japan committed many cruel and inhuman crimes on the mainland and killed many people on the mainland, so many people on the mainland did not like it. Today, the editor shares with you that it is the only city in China that is forbidden to set foot in, let's find out together.

  The only city in China where you are banned

  The Lushunkou in Dalian, Liaoning Province is the southernmost part of the Liaodong Peninsula, and there are countless tourists who visit here every day, but no one has ever been able to set foot here.

  It turned out that it was forbidden to enter Lushun, because in the last century, there was a war here, and after Japan captured Lushun, it killed people when they saw it, and even civilians hiding at home were not spared. For four days and three nights, none of the more than 20,000 soldiers and civilians in the city were spared. And now it refuses to recognize this history, so no entry is allowed here.

  In order to commemorate the dead soldiers in China, Lushun has a cemetery called the Tomb of Wan Zhong, and always reminds Chinese not to forget this painful history and not forget the various crimes.

  Children born in Lushun receive a patriotic education from an early age, and their environment provides them with a good educational background, and they can witness the tragedy of the tombstone. The children here are the children who are most relevant to history, and I believe that under the influence of this environment, they will surely inspire to become the strongest force in China's new era, for China

The only city in China where Japanese people are forbidden to set foot in it

of the great revival and angry and strong.

  Although there is not a single one here, there are countless Chinese who cannot forget their crimes and foreign friends who love peace. Friends have the opportunity to come to Lushun to see, there are the purest patriotic feelings and the most profound historical souvenirs. I hope that everyone will always remember this humiliating history.

  China's most spineless city is still not allowed to set foot in it, and it will be repatriated as soon as it is discovered!

  With the rapid development of tourism in the mainland, more and more attractions have been brought out, bringing convenience to the Chinese people, more and more foreign countries have come to China to travel, in many cities in the mainland attractions can see foreigners, but only this place is an exception, clear rules prohibit all entry, here is located in Liaoning Lushunkou.

  Lushunkou is strategically located with the Yellow Sea in the east and the Bohai Sea in the west, and across the sea from the Shandong Peninsula. The beautiful natural environment of Lushunkou attracts tourists from all over the world, but it is also the beginning of China's modern history, and it was used as a military stronghold during the Sino-Japanese War, and after it was occupied, it was invaded and brought painful memories to China.

  Locally, everyone in Lushun knows that there is a special rule here, that is, everyone is not allowed to enter the city, and it is the only place in the country that explicitly prohibits entry. Many people may be thinking that a place is so big, it is impossible for everyone who goes to play to check a certificate. Although no one here specifically checks the identity of tourists, every Lushun person will be conscious, as long as they are found, until now many Lushun people are

The only city in China where Japanese people are forbidden to set foot in it

Still this habit.

  There were once two Japanese students who entered these places with impunity, and they also made wild statements, refusing to recognize what Japan had committed in China, and forcibly broke into places with "no entry" signs. Faced with their arrogant attitude, they were eventually expelled from China, repatriated to Japan, and forbidden to never set foot on the land of Lushunkou.

  Therefore, in the local area of Lushun, everyone is spontaneous, and once discovered, as long as it is verified, it will be immediately repatriated! The local tour guide will also warn tourists that Lushun is forbidden to enter, and that unforgettable history of blood and tears will always be in the hearts of every Lushun person, and in the hearts of every Chinese, don't forget the national shame and praise this domineering city!

  Traveling to some of our tourist destinations, we meet foreign tourists from all over the world

  But in one place we have a clear rule that does not allow you to step on half a step

  Today I will take you to see this most backbone place, Lushunkou District is a first-class scenic spot

  The forest park is located in the southernmost part of the Liaodong Peninsula and is a municipal district

  It is bordered by the Yellow Sea in the east and the Bohai Sea in the west, with a total area of 512.15 kilometers

  Lusu is an authentic coastal area, and its fishing industry is also developing quite well

  However, there is a special rule in the city, that is, everything is not allowed to enter the city

  Tosukou is also the only place where entry is expressly prohibited

  So why does the city have such rules?

  In 1894 China and Japan

The only city in China where Japanese people are forbidden to set foot in it

Still this habit.

  There were once two Japanese students who entered these places with impunity, and they also made wild statements, refusing to recognize what Japan had committed in China, and forcibly broke into places with "no entry" signs. Faced with their arrogant attitude, they were eventually expelled from China, repatriated to Japan, and forbidden to never set foot on the land of Lushunkou.

  Therefore, in the local area of Lushun, everyone is spontaneous, and once discovered, as long as it is verified, it will be immediately repatriated! The local tour guide will also warn tourists that Lushun is forbidden to enter, and that unforgettable history of blood and tears will always be in the hearts of every Lushun person, and in the hearts of every Chinese, don't forget the national shame and praise this domineering city!

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