
The case of Zeng Dehong and 17 other people involved in organized crime was tried in Loudi

author:Xiaoxiang Morning News

From May 14 to 15, the case of Zeng Dehong and 17 other defendants, who were indicted by the Loudi Municipal People's Procuratorate, was heard in court on suspicion of organizing, leading, or participating in a mafia-type organization.

Li Fangfang, chief procurator of the Loudi Municipal People's Procuratorate, appeared in court in accordance with the law to support the public prosecution, and the case was jointly listed and supervised by the Hunan Provincial People's Procuratorate and the Hunan Provincial Public Security Department.

The case of Zeng Dehong and 17 other people involved in organized crime was tried in Loudi

Multimedia evidence so that the evidence can be seen

During the trial, the public prosecutor turned the previous "listening to evidence" into "looking at evidence", and demonstrated through multimedia, and the level of the mafia-type organization involved in the case, the relationship between the characters, and the relevant facts were intuitively displayed at the trial, and the defendant Zeng Dehong's status in the organization involved in the case and the illegal and criminal activities organized and implemented were clear at a glance, which greatly increased the intuitiveness of the evidence, enhanced the logic of the evidence, and laid a solid foundation for effectively accusing the crime.

The procuratorate alleged that since October 2016, defendant Zeng Dehong has continuously recruited people who have smoked and trafficked drugs and other illegal and criminal personnel, and gradually formed a mafia-type organization with him as the organizer and leader. In order to grab huge amounts of illegal economic benefits, the organization wantonly carried out criminal activities such as drug trafficking, opening casinos, and fraud in Xinhua County, and used the proceeds to support the organization's activities; at the same time, in order to safeguard its illegal interests, establish illegal authority, do evil for non-evil, bully and maim the masses, systematically carry out a series of illegal and criminal activities, and corrode and co-opt state functionaries to provide them with illegal protection, dominate one side, and have a major impact on the drug market in Xinhua County, thus forming illegal control and seriously damaging the local economy 2. In the order of social life, the relevant defendants shall be investigated for criminal responsibility for the crimes of organizing, leading, or participating in mafia-type organizations, the crimes of trafficking or transporting narcotics, the crimes of robbery, the crimes of illegal detention, the crimes of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, the crime of gathering crowds to fight, the crimes of intentional homicide, the crime of intentional injury, the crime of rape, the crime of illegal possession of firearms, the crime of fraud, the crime of opening a casino, the crime of accommodating others to take drugs, the crime of money laundering, the crime of harboring, and the crime of stealing identity documents.

Leniency in plea bargaining applies

In the review stage, Procurator General Li Fangfang reviewed the case file materials and interrogated the defendant, actively listened to the opinions of the defense lawyers, accurately and powerfully accused the crime during the trial, and the public prosecution opinion was compatible with the reasonable law.

Before the trial, the Loudi procuratorial organs made full use of the plea leniency system and made a lot of preparations, and before the trial of this case, five defendants voluntarily admitted guilt and accepted punishment and signed a plea affidavit. In court, after meticulous evidence presentation and cross-examination, the vast majority of defendants admitted guilt and accepted punishment in court, and all the facts and charges were recognized, and the trial was efficient and orderly, with good results.

Prosecutor General Plays the "Head Goose Effect"

The chief procurator took the lead in handling cases involving criminal syndicates and evil forces, giving full play to the "head goose effect." Since the special struggle against organized crime and evil forces, the Loudi procuratorial organs have always consciously stood on the high plane of politics and the overall situation, and have continued to exert efforts to promote the continuous deepening of the special struggle against organized crime and evil forces. The chief procurator took the lead in handling cases in the special struggle and stood on the public prosecution platform to appear in court to support the public prosecution, which not only implemented the provisions of the Supreme People's Procuratorate on leading the direct handling of cases, but also played a good exemplary role in launching the special struggle against organized crime and evil forces under the leadership of the people above, and demonstrated the strong determination of the Loudi procuratorial organs to win the special struggle against organized crime and evil forces.

At present, due to the large number of people involved in the case and the complexity of the case, the court will announce the verdict at a later date.

Xiaoxiang Morning Post reporter Zhou Lingru correspondent Liu Yong Xie Tebo

【Source: Xiaoxiang Morning News】

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