
Zheng Yao, director of the Provincial Sports Bureau, decoded the mystery of Zhejiang's batch "manufacturing" of Olympic and National Games champions

author:Zhejiang Provincial Sports Bureau

Editor's Note

Why are the flowers so red? This is a soul torture from a philosophical point of view.

At the Tokyo Olympic Games held in July, of the 38 gold, 32 silver and 18 bronzes won by the Chinese sports delegation, Zhejiang sports athletes contributed 7 gold, 2 silver and 1 bronze, and the number of gold medals ranked first among all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities); at the Shaanxi National Games in September, the sports Zhejiang Army ranked 3rd in each province (autonomous region and city) with an impressive result of 44 gold, 35 silver and 37 bronze, and the gold medal list and medal list were ranked 3rd in each province (autonomous region, city).

What is the mystery of the amazing performance of the zhejiang army in sports at the Tokyo Olympic Games and the Shaanxi National Games for Zhejiang, which is not a traditional sports powerhouse? From October 19th to 23rd, more than a dozen central media organized by the Publicity Department of the General Administration of Sports, together with the mainstream media of Zhejiang Province, opened the theme of "Olympic Champions Starting from 'Zhejiang'", from Ningbo, which discovered and delivered the "City of Hardware", to the Zhejiang Sports Vocational and Technical College, which cultivated and gave birth to the "School of Hardware", to the Provincial Shooting archery bicycle management center where Yang Qian, the winner of the "Tokyo Olympic First Gold", and the footprints of the interview also covered Chun'an Qiandao Lake and the small city of Jiangshan in western Zhejiang. Decode why Zhejiang Sports "produced" Olympic gold medals and National Games gold medals in batches.

From now on, this newspaper has opened a special column and a special edition of "Olympic Champions Start from 'Zhejiang'", and successively launched this set of news collections, which echoes the upcoming Olympic National Games Zhejiang Sports Athletes Summary and Commendation Conference and the Provincial Sports Work Conference.

From Zhejiang sports "5 focus"

To sports Zhejiang Army has become the focus of society

In July, zheng yao, director of the Zhejiang Provincial Sports Bureau, flew to Tokyo as deputy secretary-general of the Chinese sports delegation to the Tokyo Olympic Games. He witnessed the birth of 7 gold medals in the Zhejiang Army. In September, as the deputy head of the Zhejiang sports delegation of the 14th National Games, he commanded and supervised the whole process in the front line of the National Games.

Zheng Yao, director of the Provincial Sports Bureau, decoded the mystery of Zhejiang's batch "manufacturing" of Olympic and National Games champions

Why did Zhejiang "manufacture" gold medals in batches during the Olympic Games and the National Games? In the face of this problem, Zheng Yao, as the "leader" of Zhejiang sports, is undoubtedly the most authoritative "respondent". In this theme news gathering of "Olympic champions starting from 'Zhejiang'", Zheng Yao accepted a collective interview with the media and answered questions one by one.

Plot: The meaning of the "1357" strategy

Zheng Yao believes that the decisive victory in the Tokyo Olympic Games and the Shaanxi National Games are only two victories in the "three major battles" of Zhejiang sports. "Now that it is less than a year before the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games, the third battle at the 'doorstep' must go all out."

Zheng Yao, director of the Provincial Sports Bureau, decoded the mystery of Zhejiang's batch "manufacturing" of Olympic and National Games champions

The "three major battles" are the general plan. "1357" is a specific goal. Zheng Yao revealed that as early as two years ago, at the 2019 Provincial Winter Training Mobilization Conference, this strategic plan was proposed: the Tokyo Olympic Games "guarantee 1 to compete for 3 to rush 5 wang 7", that is, to ensure 1 gold medal and continue the honor of "there is a gold medal in the Olympic Games"; to strive for 3 gold medals, compared with the last Rio Olympic Games Zhejiang won 2 gold medals to achieve a breakthrough; to impact 5 gold medals, surpassing the Athens Olympic Games, London Olympic Games Zhejiang won the best record of 4 gold; looking forward to 7 gold medals, creating a greater glory in the history of Zhejiang Sports Olympic Games. "Zhejiang athletes have played steadily, dared to fight hard, played well, and reached the expected goal of the highest requirements. Zheng Yao was deeply pleased with this.

Spirit: Race out of the high level, race out of the spirit

From the Tokyo Olympic Games to the Shaanxi National Games, two-front combat, less than two months later, including swimmer Wang Shun won 6 golds in 6 consecutive days to become the most "multi-gold king" in the national games, weightlifter Shi Zhiyong twice surpassed the world record and won the gold strongly, and 17-year-old shooting youngster Wang Zhilin won the championship with a super world record, all of which showed that Yu Yong could be jia and the future could be expected.

Zheng Yao, director of the Provincial Sports Bureau, decoded the mystery of Zhejiang's batch "manufacturing" of Olympic and National Games champions

Zheng Yao commented in one sentence that Zhejiang's sports soldiers demonstrated the spirit of endless struggle, played a high level, and raced out of spirit. He believes that the post-00 shooting young player Yang Qian, with firm faith, excellent technology, steady play, defeated the opponent at the last moment, successfully won the gold, and showed the spirit of courage to take responsibility and fight a hard battle; Wang Shun won the gold medal with a record-breaking Asian record in the men's 200-meter medley event, breaking the long history of monopoly and domination by European and American athletes, 16-year-old gymnastics player Guan Chenchen, in the face of various challenges and pressures, with a calm attitude, superb skills, bravely won the championship of the women's balance beam project. It embodies the spirit of daring to challenge and climb the peak; weightlifter Shi Zhiyong has demonstrated and interpreted China's strength and Zhejiang strength well in the form of sports, and won gold in two consecutive Olympic Games; badminton players Chen Yufei and Wang Yilu both won gold, carried the banner of the Chinese badminton team, created a new era of Zhejiang badminton winning olympic gold medals, and showed the spirit of courage to work hard and continue to be brilliant. At the same time, he was also moved that during the critical period of preparation for the Olympic Games, swimmer Xu Jiayu gritted his teeth and persevered, winning a heavy Olympic silver medal for the Chinese swimmers; sailing athlete Chen Shasha was a "mother-level" athlete, who resolutely returned to the training ground to fight with the sea when he was only six months after the birth of the child; swimming coach Zhu Zhigen, who was 64 years old and suffered from diabetes, still insisted day after day, bringing out gold medal athletes for three consecutive Olympic Games; gymnastics coach Xu Jinglei for more than ten years. Away from parents and children, giving up the small family, taking care of everyone to struggle on the road, these are the best portrayal of the spirit of adhering to the original intention and being willing to dedicate.

Password: "Five Focuses" bear fruit

From Wu Xiaoxuan winning Zhejiang's first Olympic gold medal in 1984, to Yang Qian's achievement of the youngest post-00s Olympic double gold king in 2021; from Lou Yun winning the men's vaulting championship in gymnastics in 1984 and 1988, to Guan Chenchen, who was only 16 years old, won the Balance Beam Championship at the Tokyo Olympic Games with high difficulty. In 37 years and 10 Olympic Games, Zhejiang competitive sports have achieved leapfrog development from scratch and from weak to strong, and Zheng Yao believes that this is the result of Zhejiang sports focusing on "five focuses" and having the courage to reform and innovate continuously.

Focus on high quality, focus on cultivating and creating a group of world-class athletes. Over the years, Zhejiang has carried out the exploration and practice of jointly building the China (Zhejiang) national swimming team, continuously deepened the mechanism of provincial and ministerial cooperation in jointly building a national sports team, and actively sent outstanding athletes and coaches to the national team. Innovate the establishment and implementation of the "one person, one case, one team" guarantee mechanism for key athletes, and focus on swimming, athletics and other projects, increase the intensity of "please come in, go out", cooperate and exchange with foreign high-level projects in various forms, and effectively improve the level of scientific training, so a number of world-class athletes such as Wang Shun, Xu Jiayu, and Xie Zhenye have emerged, daring to compete with European and American athletes.

Zheng Yao, director of the Provincial Sports Bureau, decoded the mystery of Zhejiang's batch "manufacturing" of Olympic and National Games champions

Focus on competitiveness, highlight the key to plant a strong talent base, and strengthen and expand advantageous projects. It does not pursue "all aspects" or advocates "all-round blossoming", but focuses on traditional advantageous projects such as swimming, shooting, badminton, kayaking, sailing and windsurfing, etc., thickens the talent base, and improves the overall competitiveness of the project. At the Shaanxi National Games, swimming won 16 gold medals, accounting for 43.24% of the total number of gold medals in the project, of which 9 relay events in Zhejiang alone accounted for 8 gold medals; sailing windsurfing won 6 gold medals, accounting for 35.29% of the number of gold medals (17 pieces) in the project; badminton project continued the glory of the Tokyo Olympic Games, including 3 gold medals in women's singles, men's doubles and mixed doubles, accounting for 42.86% of the number of gold medals (7 pieces) in the project. Zheng Yao believes that the support of high quality and competitiveness is the fruit of Zhejiang's amateur training system model with sports schools at all levels as the leader, supplemented by the integration of sports and education, and social forces running sports.

Zheng Yao, director of the Provincial Sports Bureau, decoded the mystery of Zhejiang's batch "manufacturing" of Olympic and National Games champions

Focus on modernization, and strive to improve the scientific level of training and competition. Zheng Yao introduced that he always adheres to the principle of "three from one" scientific training, gives full play to the role of scientific and technological assistance and digital empowerment, strengthens scientific training, and continuously improves the level of scientific training. For example, we will learn from international advanced training experience, actively carry out training methods and technological innovation, strengthen the analysis and application of training data, and continuously enhance the competitiveness of competitions. Persist in proceeding from actual combat, combine competition and training, lead training with competition, and promote competition with training, so as to realize the integrated development of competition and training. Actively integrate training, scientific research and medical resources, build a comprehensive support base for integrated competitive sports of "training, discipline, medicine, medicine, teaching and service", and create a composite training team that integrates training and medicine. Focusing on the digital reform of sports, we will open up the data of the competitive sports system, use digital and intelligent means, scientifically analyze and judge the training results of athletes, and greatly improve the level of scientific training.

Zheng Yao, director of the Provincial Sports Bureau, decoded the mystery of Zhejiang's batch "manufacturing" of Olympic and National Games champions

In 2020, Ningbo Sports School, Fenghua District Sports Management Center and Jishi Street Dance Club signed an agreement to establish a street dance team and select outstanding team members to represent the municipal and provincial teams to participate in various events. Ningbo Fenghua's Zeng Yingying won the bronze medal in breakdancing at the 14th National Games on behalf of the Zhejiang team.

Focus on socialization, unite all parties in society to work together, and achieve the purpose of cultivating sports talents in diversity. Zhejiang is the forefront of reform and opening up, the concept is ahead, the market is active, with this advantage to actively mobilize social forces to participate in competitive sports, promote the provincial team joint office, the provincial team social force office, explore management reform, enhance internal vitality. Zheng Yao introduced that at present, including football, wrestling, rock climbing, equestrianism, women's boxing, golf, karate, surfing and other 8 projects to implement the provincial team joint office and social force office, in this National Games to harvest 2 gold, 3 silver and 7 bronze. In particular, in cooperation with Greentown Football Club, the men's football U20 team won the first national games football gold medal for Zhejiang.

Focusing on the leadership of the party, giving play to the role of party building and party members taking the lead, ideological and political work is an important magic weapon for the growth of athletes. Zheng Yao introduced that in the process of education on the ideal and belief of sports soldiers "the mission is on the shoulders, the struggle has me", Zhejiang has always paid attention to planting patriotic feelings, in order to continuously stimulate athletes and coaches to add glory to the party banner, win glory for the country, and add reputation to the province. Yang Qian said that "winning the first gold medal of the Tokyo Olympic Games is the best gift to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party"; during the National Games, the Zhejiang sports delegation set up a provisional party committee with 16 temporary party branches, each of which is a strong fighting fortress.

Zheng Yao, director of the Provincial Sports Bureau, decoded the mystery of Zhejiang's batch "manufacturing" of Olympic and National Games champions

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Zheng Yao, director of the Provincial Sports Bureau, decoded the mystery of Zhejiang's batch "manufacturing" of Olympic and National Games champions

Reporter: What is the unique significance of the Zhejiang legion competing for gold and silver at the Olympic Games and the National Games for the construction of Zhejiang's "important window" and the construction of the "common prosperity demonstration zone"?

Zheng Yao: This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and it is also the year when Zhejiang's high-quality development and common prosperity demonstration zone were launched, and Zhejiang should have more missions to undertake and strive for first-class in more fields. The Olympic Games and the National Games are not only an important platform for comprehensively testing the competitive sports strength of various provinces (cities), but also an important platform for reflecting the level of economic and social development, governance system and governance capacity modernization of various localities. Therefore, the decisive victory in the Olympic Games and the National Games is one of the important missions of the sports front to help build an "important window" and build a "common prosperity demonstration area". "Common prosperity" includes not only material wealth, but also spiritual wealth. Zhejiang athletes frequently compete for gold and silver in the Olympic Games, forming a strong atmosphere of advocating heroes and paying tribute to champions in the whole society, greatly boosting the spirit and stimulating vitality, this power will be long-term and eternal, and will have an irreplaceable and indispensable huge impetus for the whole society and all walks of life.

Reporter: This time the "Olympic champions start from 'Zhejiang'" theme news style, the reporters also went to Chun'an Qiandao Lake, Quzhou Jiangshan and other places, how did Zhejiang Sports make greater contributions to the "Olympic Glory Plan"?

Zheng Yao: "Olympic champions start from 'Zhejiang'", not only Zhejiang will continue to produce more Olympic champions, but also Zhejiang will make greater contributions to China's cultivation of Olympic champions. In this regard, we have cooperated with the State General Administration of Sport to carry out useful exploration and practice, and Zhejiang is not only a participant, a contributor, but also a beneficiary.

The first is to explore the joint construction of the national team. For example, the China (Zhejiang) National Swimming Team, which is the first national team jointly established by the General Administration of Sport and the people's governments of provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government), jointly cultivates more high-level sports talents by giving policies, funds and other preferences. The second is to strive to create a sports gold business card for social forces. Wenzhou has become the only pilot city in the country for social forces to run sports, including competitive sports, so that social forces and private capital can participate, and useful explorations have been carried out and initial results have been achieved; the third is to jointly build a national-level training base. Establish or undertake more national team training tasks, such as the women's volleyball national team training base in Beilun, Ningbo, the national water training base in Chun'an Qiandao Lake, and the Jiangshan National Weightlifting Training Base under construction. Openness, inclusiveness and atmosphere are the rich connotations of Zhejiang's spirit, and it is the unshirkable duty of Zhejiang sports to make greater contributions to the cultivation of more Olympic champions for China. The fourth is to expand and build overseas training bases. Actively promote the construction of swimming, athletics, kayaking, rowing and other projects to the United States, Australia, Hungary to establish overseas training bases, strengthen international training exchanges, and continuously improve the level of international training.

Reporter: The end of the Olympic Games and the National Games means the beginning of preparations for the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games.

Zheng Yao: The 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games is the first comprehensive sports competition held at the doorstep of the family in history, and it is also a very important international sports event. To win the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games is to create the best results in history in front of the fathers and villagers in Zhejiang. To this end, we have studied and formulated the objectives and plans for the preparation of the Hangzhou Asian Games, and efficiently implemented and promoted the training and preparation work.

The first is to systematically carry out preparations for the competition and strive for more qualifications. Actively communicate with the Asian Organizing Committee and the General Administration of Sport, timely grasp the first-hand information of the Asian Games qualifiers and qualifications, scientifically implement the preparation strategy for the Hangzhou Asian Games, and strive to obtain more qualifications. The second is to optimize the training method and focus on improving the level of competition. By inviting the national team to "Zhejiang" for training and jointly building the national team, Zhejiang athletes and coaches can get more opportunities to train with the national team, learn from advanced experience, improve the level of competition, and win glory for the country. Of course, it is also very important to optimize the support service and consolidate the foundation for decisive victory. In accordance with the requirements of "one person, one policy and one team", we will formulate a comprehensive training support plan, refine the prevention and treatment of athletes' injuries and diseases, technical adjustment, etc., ensure that the Hangzhou Asian Games will be decisively won in the best state, and continue the brilliant achievements created by the Zhejiang Legion in the Tokyo Olympic Games and the Shaanxi National Games.

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