
The rise of ChatGPT: Will insurance agents lose their jobs & how to maintain customer privacy for insurance companies

author:Prince Family Asset Research Institute
The rise of ChatGPT: Will insurance agents lose their jobs & how to maintain customer privacy for insurance companies

Text|Ye Zheng Editor|TFI

The rise of ChatGPT: Will insurance agents lose their jobs & how to maintain customer privacy for insurance companies

AIGC is advancing the process of human civilization at a speed beyond people's imagination, and network regulation and data security have been thrown off several dimensions, so that thousands of scientific and technological experts have signed an open letter launched by the Future of Life Institute to "suspend giant artificial intelligence experiments", including Musk (CEO of Tesla and Twitter), Stephen Wozniak (co-founder of Apple) and others.

At the practical level, ChatPGT has basically realized commercial painting with the help of the Midjourney plugin: short video copywriting and storyboard scripts can be separated from manual participation;

Microsoft released Dynamics 365 Copilot, Microsoft 365 Copilot and Microsoft Security Copilot plug-ins, covering but not limited to Office Family Bucket, e-commerce sales and customer data management, network security and other fields.

Adobe announces new Sensei GenAI to boost productivity, including but not limited to applications such as Adobe Experience Manager, Adobe Journey Optimizer, Adobe Real Time Customer Data Platform, and more.

So, back to the topic of this article: Will traditional insurance agents, especially property and casualty insurance departments, lose their jobs in the short term?

According to OpenAI's latest study, GPT is GPT: An Early Look at the Potential Impact of Large Language Models on the Labor Market, translators, poets, public relations specialists, writers, mathematicians, tax preparers, blockchain engineers, accountants, auditors, and journalists will bear the brunt.

The rise of ChatGPT: Will insurance agents lose their jobs & how to maintain customer privacy for insurance companies

Property insurance sales, due to its almost formulaic algorithm and large customer base, as well as training costs and future earnings have large leverage, ChatGPT+ voice to replace traditional agents, it is only a matter of time;

After the sale of property insurance, due to the on-site investigation and loss assessment, the probability of replacement is very low;

A considerable part of the health insurance customer service system can also be replaced by ChatGPT+ voice;

Health insurance sales, for a long time, to a large extent, is a seller's active sales buyer passive acceptance of the communication process, the probability of all replacement in the short term is very low, but improving efficiency, reducing costs and reducing scale is an inevitable trend.

The regulatory system under the "era of customer sovereignty", such as the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (now Tige as the Financial Regulatory Bureau), which previously issued and implemented: policy sales must be "double-recorded", short-term health insurance renewal must be newly issued and connected to insurance, which determines that AI cannot replace labor;

The AI financial supervision regulatory system, at present, is almost in a vacuum in China, which is another core factor. Blindly introducing AIGC, customer privacy leakage, caused economic losses, who is the first responsible person? .AI? AI Agent? Or an insurance company? All these pose new challenges to the FSA;

The benefit distribution structure with Chinese characteristics will also reduce the probability of AI replacing artificial labor;

Finally, health insurance sales involve a complex training model, and the huge training cost is also an important consideration for major insurance companies.

The rise of ChatGPT: Will insurance agents lose their jobs & how to maintain customer privacy for insurance companies

However, with the opening of online claims channels and the expansion and deepening of insurance formats, AIGC empowers insurance companies and shapes high-quality agents in the new era to meet customers' deeper and more personalized insurance demands.

The rise of ChatGPT: Will insurance agents lose their jobs & how to maintain customer privacy for insurance companies
The rise of ChatGPT: Will insurance agents lose their jobs & how to maintain customer privacy for insurance companies
The rise of ChatGPT: Will insurance agents lose their jobs & how to maintain customer privacy for insurance companies