
Why do rats shout and beat, and what harm do they do to humans?

author:Super Marie Yan

  Speaking of mice, I believe everyone is familiar with it, since ancient times, there have been street rats, everyone shouts and beats. They often appear in the environment where humans live, such as in the home, and in the dead of night, mice are very active, and they will run around the house in search of food.

  Because the activity trajectory of mice is highly overlapping with the human living environment, it will have a serious impact on everyone's life, and even cause everyone to suffer serious losses. So next, the Pest Control Association CPCO China Insect Association will talk to you about what harm rats have caused to humans.

Why do rats shout and beat, and what harm do they do to humans?

  Spreading diseases and parasites

  Rats like to move and forage in dirty environments, such as garbage dumps, sewers, etc., which are the most prone to germs and parasites. This also leads to rats carrying many germs and parasites, and when they come to the home, they will pollute the home environment and lead to the spread of various diseases.

  Rat droppings contaminate food

  When mice are active at home, they will destroy all kinds of food stored at home, and when mice eat food, in order to occupy the territory, or leave safety information to their companions, they will excrete feces, which will lead to the food stored at home being contaminated by rat feces, resulting in a large amount of food waste.

Why do rats shout and beat, and what harm do they do to humans?

  Gnawing on all kinds of household items

  In order to keep their teeth sharp, mice will often grind their teeth, and wooden doors and windows, furniture, wires, etc. in the home will become the object of their bite. After the furniture is gnawed by rats, it will be completely damaged and lose its use value, while if the wire is gnawed, electrical damage will occur, easy to be electrocuted, and even cause fire risks.

  Gnawing damages the foundation of the building

  Rats are born to make holes, when they make holes in the ground, they will destroy the basic layer of the building, if the underground soil layer is hollowed out, it will cause the risk of local collapse of the building, thereby seriously endangering everyone's life and property safety, if the collapse has a chain reaction, the consequences will be more serious.

Why do rats shout and beat, and what harm do they do to humans?

  Destruction of agricultural, forestry cash crops

  Rats are also very harmful to agricultural and forestry cash crops, and they gnaw the plant root system when they make holes, causing plants to be unable to absorb enough nutrients, stop growing, and even die. When crops are harvested, they will directly eat, waste and destroy food, resulting in serious reductions in the yield of cash crops such as grain.

  Rats are super reproductive

  Rats themselves are more alert, control is more difficult, and their reproduction rate is also very fast, people often say, a male and a female, two hundred and five a year, such an amazing reproduction rate, if not timely control measures for mice, will soon cause rats to flood, and eventually will restrict the development of the entire human society.

Why do rats shout and beat, and what harm do they do to humans?

  The Pest Control Branch of the National Health Industry Enterprise Management Association (CPCO China Insect Association) is a professional national PCO industry social group established under the management and support of the National Health Industry Enterprise Management Association, under the unified guidance of the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and is a first-level association in the field of pest control, with more than 1,000 member units, and many leaders of national ministries and commissions have high hopes for the association, calling it "another important step towards achieving a healthy China".

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