
This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

author:Little orange looking for food

Hello everyone, I'm Little Tachibana! Every time around the Qingming Festival, my grandmother would take me to the field to pick a kind of wild vegetable unique to spring, the shape is a bit like a duck paw, it smells like a clear fragrance, in addition to being used to eat, but also to repel mosquitoes.

This kind of wild vegetable is "wormwood", also known as mugwort, mugwort leaves, the older generation of people especially prefer this bite, when I was a child, I didn't understand things, I felt that the taste was too bad to eat, and then I mixed with the food circle for a long time, only to know that its nutritional value is very high.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

Don't underestimate wormwood, it is a medicinal and food ingredient, it has 3 major benefits for the human body, I will give you a detailed introduction below.

1. Make up the liver

Traditional Chinese medicine has the saying of cyan into the liver, wormwood is warm, bitter, hard, proper eating can promote liver detoxification, but also can protect the liver from damage, for patients with liver disease, has the effect of thinning the liver and regulating qi, activating blood circulation and removing stasis, but can not be overeaten, otherwise the liver will be damaged again, eat some appropriately.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

2. Drive away moisture

Wormwood is a "warm" ingredient, has the effect of dispersing cold, dispelling moisture, there is an area in Guangxi, perennial cold and humidity is relatively heavy, the local elderly love to eat wormwood, can regulate the cold physique, so they rarely get rheumatoid arthritis, for cold headache, wind and cold also have a certain relief effect.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

3. Warm menstrual cough

Wormwood is warm, bitter taste, female friends because of menstrual irregularities caused by uterine cold, you can eat some wormwood appropriately to regulate, if there is miscarriage bleeding, you can also eat some wormwood to achieve hemostasis, in addition, wormwood also has the effect of calming asthma and cough, of course, can not be overeaten, everything must be done.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

In spring, while the wormwood is tender enough, you may wish to pick it home to make a delicacy, share it with friends and relatives, here are 2 ways to introduce you, don't be soft when you encounter it in spring.

The first type: wormwood youth group

Ingredients: wormwood, wheat starch, glutinous rice flour, sugar, bean paste filling, baking soda, cooking oil, boiling water

Detailed steps:

1. Prepare an appropriate amount of wormwood, clean it with clean water, then add water to boil in the pot, add some salt, cooking oil, and then put in wormwood to blanch water, about 2 minutes can be blanched.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

2. Then put it directly into the blender, add a little water, water does not need to add too much, and then beat it into wormwood paste, try to beat it as many times as possible, the more delicate the better, after beating, put it aside for later.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

3. Prepare 90 grams of wheat starch, add 150ml of freshly boiled water, stir while pouring, and then knead into a smooth dough to become like this, set aside for later.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

4. Prepare another 400 grams of glutinous rice flour, 30 grams of sugar, 2 spoons of cooking oil, add another spoonful of baking soda, stir well, pour in wormwood paste, stir while adding, stir it into this dough flocculent.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

5. Then knead the dough, at this time, the dough is not very smooth, so it has not been done successfully, and you need to put in the freshly made starch dough and knead them together.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

6. Kneading the two kinds of dough together can make the taste of the green dough better, just knead it vigorously for a few minutes until it is kneaded into a soft and hard and smooth dough.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

7. Then grab a small handful of dough, put it in your hand and knead, knead it evenly, and then press it into a thinner dough cake, and then put the favorite filling and wrap it in the filling.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

8. And so on, make the remaining dough into green balls, put oil paper in the steaming drawer in advance, directly put the finished green balls, after all are done, boil the water on the pot, turn on high heat and steam for 15 minutes.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

9. When the time is up, open the lid to see, it is really very fragrant, the color is also very beautiful, brush a layer of cooked cooking oil while it is hot, lock in the internal moisture, and prevent the skin from drying out and hardening.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

10, finally take out a little cool, you can enjoy beautifully, eat soft and sticky, especially sweet, according to this practice, emerald green not hard, put 3 too greasy still soft and sweet, very delicious.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

The second: wormwood jelly

Ingredients: wormwood, water, straw, chili oil, yogurt

Detailed steps:

1. First clean the wormwood, then add water to the pot to boil, put the wormwood into the pot, add salt, baking soda, cooking oil, about 2 minutes on the line, blanching time can not be too long.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

2. Then take out the wormwood, cool the water, and then put it into the wall breaker, add 1200ml of water, beat the wormwood into a paste, beat it for a while, and beat it to a very delicate state.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

3. Prepare a large basin, spread a layer of gauze, pour the mugwort juice into it and filter it, then put the gauze away and hold it tightly, squeeze out all the wormwood juice for it, and set it aside for later.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

4. Prepare a pot, prepare an appropriate amount of fresh straw, use a lighter to light it, to burn some grass and wood ash, when burning grass and wood ash, straw should be added in small amounts and many times, do not add too much at one time.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

5. After the straw is burned through, put it directly into a large pot, and then add water, you don't need too much, grass ash is rich in minerals and trace elements, and it also contains alkaline.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

6. After stirring well, prepare a large basin, spread the gauze on it, pour all the stirred grass and wood ash water in, and then filter it to filter out the residue inside.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

7. Then pour all the wormwood juice into the pot, and then add an appropriate amount of water, do not need too much, turn on low heat and cook slowly, heat the wormwood juice, stir it with a spatula constantly, and bring it to a boil.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

8. After the wormwood juice is boiled, pour all the grass and wood ash water into the pot, boil it again, continue to stir with a spatula, and boil it again.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

9. Then prepare a large pot, put all the boiled wormwood juice into the large basin, if there are bubbles on it, break it, otherwise the surface is not good after molding, and set aside to stand for 24 hours.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

10. When the time is up, a wormwood jelly is ready, cut from the middle to see, the bottom layer of thick wormwood juice, the middle is translucent, touch in the hand slippery, especially comfortable.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

11. There are many ways to eat this wormwood jelly, if you like to eat spicy, you can add some chili oil, with chopped green onion and minced garlic, stir well and you can eat.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

12. If you like to eat sweet, you can pour yogurt, milk tea, honey are all okay, stir well and you can eat it, put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate and eat better.

This "wild vegetable" is a treasure, replenish the liver, drive away moisture, and don't be soft when you touch it in spring

This issue of the article will be shared with you here, like friends remember to like, collect, by the way to share with more friends around, pay attention to "Little Orange Food" to enjoy food without getting lost, let's see you in the next issue!

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