
The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

author:Food and gastronomy

The liver is the detoxification and metabolism organ in the human body, the liver is like a processing plant, the human body has a variety of important roles, such as one of the most important functions of the liver is detoxification, it can be said that if a person's liver has a problem, the toxins in the body will be decomposed slowly, over time, those harmful substances that cannot be discharged will accumulate in the human body.

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

When it accumulates to a critical point, it will be too late to regret, therefore, in daily life, we should pay more attention to some bad eating habits and living habits, so we should pay attention to liver protection, try not to drink or drink less, and adhere to appropriate exercise. Of course, we should pay more attention to the diet, and try not to eat foods that hurt the liver. Let's take a look at what kind of food it is.

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

The "big liver hurter" was caught, the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, reminding everyone: no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it, don't reach the point of irreparability, only to know regret.

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

The first: moldy food

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

Mildew food food after mildew, which will breed a large number of carcinogens aflatoxin, this toxin has long been listed by WHO as a first-class carcinogen, if you often eat moldy food, such as moldy nuts, grains, etc., then it will greatly increase the risk of cancer.

Second: pickled food

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

Many friends like to eat pickled food, breakfast to a plate of pickled side dishes, just drink porridge and eat fritters are very cooked. Although the pickled food is cooked, because it will add various preservatives, color enhancers and other additives during the pickling process, often eating will increase the burden on the liver.

Moreover, pickled foods may produce nitrite, which can damage liver cells and induce liver lesions. So control yourself no matter how much you like it.

The third: high-fat foods

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

Eating too much greasy food can easily lead to fat metabolism disorders, and in the process of accumulation, fatty liver will be formed in the liver.

Over time, the liver will slowly undergo lesions, and even accelerate the necrosis of liver cells, so please be sure to control your mouth.

2 things to do most about the liver:

First, adhere to exercise, proper exercise can accelerate fat metabolism, which is conducive to preventing fatty liver.

The second is to stay up less late, we all know that staying up late hurts the body, but we don't know that staying up late hurts the liver even more.

In daily life, you should protect your liver, stay up less late, get less angry, drink less, eat more food that nourishes the liver and protects the liver, and today the chef shares with you 2 kinds of food recipes to nourish the liver. Let's take a look.

The first type: kelp

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

Kelp juice is rich in iodine and calcium substances, especially calcium substances, even ten times that of milk, eating some kelp properly can help protect the liver, and it is also effective in preventing liver diseases

Recommended recipe 1: Cold mixed with shredded kelp

1. Hello everyone, I am a chef, and I will make a delicious meal with kelp today. The kelp is washed, cut into chunks, and rolled together. Cut into even filaments.

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

2. Put the kelp into the pot, add an appropriate amount of aged vinegar, add aged vinegar to make the kelp cook faster, and secondly, you can remove the fishy smell in the kelp, cook for about five minutes, and the kombu is already cooked. Turn off the heat and drain. Strain it in a cool white open, which will make the taste of the kombu better. Remove again and drain.

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

3. Put it in a basin, add shredded bell pepper, an appropriate amount of minced garlic, a spoonful of salt, a little sugar, a spoonful of chili noodles, and pour it on it with hot oil, which can stimulate the aroma of the material. Add another spoonful of light soy sauce, a spoonful of balsamic vinegar, a spoonful of ginger juice, stir all the ingredients well and place on a plate.

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

4. A delicious cold mixed kelp silk is ready, so spicy and refreshing, delicious and cooking, it is highly recommended that you try it.

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

The second type: oats

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

Oat food is good for liver health, rich in linoleic acid and dietary fiber, can help reduce serum cholesterol, but also help lose weight and lose weight, so as to avoid dryness, can help lower blood sugar, supplement calcium and blood, moisturize the intestines and laxative.

Recommended recipe: Oatmeal sesame cake

1. Hello everyone, I am a chef, there are oats at home, you can come with me to learn this practice, strong satiety, low fat and healthy. First add 120 grams of instant oats to a large bowl, add 20 grams of black sesame seeds and add two grams of salt.

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

2. Then add 60g of whole wheat flour and stir them with chopsticks to mix well. Add 30 grams of honey, 30 grams of corn oil, about 30 grams of water, and stir them well with a spatula.

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

3. Because the water absorption is not the same, you can reserve ten grams of water next to it, and finally mix it into this loose dough, knead it with your hands, and it can be easily formed into a ball, so that you can.

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

4. Take another piece of dough and knead it back and forth in the palm of your hand, then knead it round and press flat. Then place in a baking sheet lined with grease paper and place in the oven, which preheats it at 175 degrees in advance for 20 minutes.

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

5. Oats belong to coarse grains, and then they are added with whole wheat flour, which is delicious and not easy to gain weight, low oil and low sugar, and the satiety is particularly strong, the more chewed the more fragrant. Interested friends hurry up to try it,

The "big liver hurter" found out that the damage may be 10 times that of tobacco and alcohol, and no matter how much you love to eat, you must control it

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