
Ancient Chinese literati Moke, kapok in their poems

author:Rustle Garden

The slight spring breeze gradually warms up, spring comes, flowers bloom, competition is gorgeous, and kapok flowers are also blooming excitedly. Kapok has a peculiar natural phenomenon, the flowers are not blooming, the red leaves are not green, and the leaves are drifting away with the wind when the flowers are on the branches. Speaking of kapok, I immediately think of "kapok blooms, flowers bloom for a thousand years, leaves fall for thousands of years, flowers and leaves grow wrong". The meaning of kapok in ancient China is very beautiful, kapok is also called hero flower, has always been regarded as a symbol of heroes; If it is given to the elder kapok by the junior, it expresses the respect and love of the junior to the elder; Kapok has cherished the affection of the people in front of him since ancient times. How does Kapok make you feel when it is popular, and reading a few ancient Chinese poems that praise it?

Ancient Chinese literati Moke, kapok in their poems

"March 10 Rain and Cold" Song Dynasty. Yang Wanli

"Yao Huang Wei Zi to whom to credit, Yu Li cherry is also nothing. But it was a south-middle spring color, and the city was full of kapok. ”

When the poet first saw kapok in Lingnan, he had a poetic heart and wrote small poems lyrically. The spring scenery of Lingnan is characterized by the fact that kapok is full of mountains and wilderness, and although kapok is short and beautiful, it is also inferior to peach and plum Fangfei. But the fiery red Lingnan, with the fiery vitality of life, makes people's hearts like fire and love like songs.

Ancient Chinese literati Moke, kapok in their poems

"Yong Kapok" Ming Dynasty: Wang Banggi

"In the middle of the strange flowers, the clouds in the sky reflect each other. Since it is a Moon Palace Dangui species, Chang'e transplanted Haimen Dong. ”

The poet's eyes opened kapok, and the clouds in the sky were dyed red. He thought of the red laurel in the Moon Palace, which was transplanted to the ground by the Chang'e Fairy from the Moon Palace in heaven to beautify the world. The poet's imagination is so rich and lofty.

Ancient Chinese literati Moke, kapok in their poems

"Haiyun Temple Kapok"

Ming Dynasty: Wang Banggi

"The water vapor is cool in the middle of the day, and the wind is in front of the rain temple. Sitting and forgetting a tree without greenery, it is suspected that the leaves of the frost forest are red. ”

The poet looks at the kapok in the temple, it is after the spring rain, the sun seems to rise in the water vapor, and the kapok often falls after the wind and rain. The poet sat under the tree and sighed, for the leaves of the woods were red. Is he lamenting that spring flies so fast, the kapok bloom time is short, and after a spring rain, the flowers are falling?

Ancient Chinese literati Moke, kapok in their poems

"Kapok Song One" Ming Dynasty: Li Yunlong

"A thousand lamps sit and shine brightly, and the emperor net is indisputable to each other. Who with the spring breeze dew news, coral branches on the call of warblers. ”

In the poet's eyes, when the fiery red kapok blooms, it is as if many candles are shining on the ground, and they are skillfully intertwined without contending with each other. The poet's mood came, and he asked in the language of poetry who had leaked information to the warm spring breeze, and on the branches of the red mahogok, beckoned the warblers to return and sing spring. ”

Ancient Chinese literati Moke, kapok in their poems

"Li Weigong" Tang Dynasty. Li Shangyin

The sound of the disciples of the silk is dusty, and the beautiful people of the mirror will be rare. Today, to the singing and dancing place, kapok warms partridges flying. ”

At that time, Li Weigong, that is, Li Deyu, was degraded to Lingnan, and Li Shangyin wrote a poem lamenting. And kapok and partridge are all southern things, kapok red and large and warm, but there are partridges flying, the poet alludes to Li Deyu's experience is sad.

Ancient Chinese literati Moke, kapok in their poems

When kapok blooms, the green leaves of the kapok tree no longer drift with the wind early, and the kapok blooms red and beautiful and vibrant, but its flowers bloom for less than half a month, and it will flower. When you go to see kapok in the spring, you can let go of your mood and appreciate its beauty and redness, do you also think of loving spring, cherishing short lives, and cherishing happiness!

Ancient Chinese literati Moke, kapok in their poems

Shasha Small View Garden, thank you for reading friends.

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