
Crescent | The 12 signs come together to prepare for a new new moon wish

author:Alex is an uncle
Crescent | The 12 signs come together to prepare for a new new moon wish
Crescent | The 12 signs come together to prepare for a new new moon wish
Crescent | The 12 signs come together to prepare for a new new moon wish

We have a new new moon wish.

This new moon occurs in the wind and elephant house, but when this new moon occurs, Mercury is still in the retrograde stage, but the good thing is that the new moon will help us solve some of the problems caused by the water retrograde.

For example: interpersonal problems.

There will be many interpersonal problems in life: you are a little kinder to this person, and you also want the other person to give back to you. You don't like someone very much and want them to keep some distance from you. There are also people who are more extreme, because they don't like someone, or have a holiday with someone, so they don't want that person to have a better and smoother life than themselves.

All kinds of reasons revolve around interpersonal relations, and this new moon occurs in the wind elephant palace that controls interpersonal relations, so what can we do about this, and what can we get.

If you want to be nicer to someone and therefore want them to give back to them, then for you, you need to establish a kind of "rule". This kind of rule is more like doing business if it is rational, when you know "what makes you happy" and "what will cause you to disappoint", you have a judgment standard, sometimes you need to tell the other party these "points" directly, you know whether your efforts are meaningful.

If you want those who hate to stay away from you, it's easy to establish a safe social distancing, because it's just a matter of "rejecting" it.

For people who are a little more extreme, then at this time you need to calm down your mentality first, because no matter whether the other party is good or bad, in fact, there is no direct relationship with yourself, let alone indirect relationship, you just need to make yourself better - in fact, this is also simple, just need to let go of the obsession in your heart.

During the water retrograde, many people will also miss the old love and want to reunite, and some people will meet the old lover, the object of the past ambiguity, and many past thoughts will also come up, but remember that the new moon represents a new beginning. You need to move forward, you need to move forward, because you have many wonderful, interesting experiences waiting for you to unlock.

You can look back from time to time, but don't turn back and walk backwards.

I hope you can grasp this new moon and make a good wish, which is equivalent to signing a contract with the universe, placing an order, and then relying on your own efforts to match the power of the universe. Fulfill these beautiful and lovely wishes.

Wait for your good news.

Crescent | The 12 signs come together to prepare for a new new moon wish

The following is divided into two parts:

1. Questions about what you wish you need to know.

2, 12 constellations in Libra Crescent moon suitable for what field of wishes.

New Moon Start Time: October 6, 19:05 Beijing time

(People abroad can convert to Beijing time to make a wish, but please note that you must make a wish after the start of the new month, and making a wish in advance is considered invalid.) )

Moon death time: October 7, 10:08 Beijing time - October 7, 22:22 Beijing time

(Some astrologers believe that the moon death period needs to be avoided when making a wish, because the moon death represents the impropriety of opening important things and making important decisions, because the moon death is defined as "there will be no progress" or there will be "unexpected results", so it is more suitable for self-examination, meditation, and rest during the moon death period, but there are also astrologers who do not attach importance to the moon death in their astrological schools, so you can choose whether to avoid this time period according to your own habits.) )

Best time to make a wish: 19:05 Beijing time on October 6 - 03:04 on October 7

Valid wishing time: 19:05 Beijing time on October 6 - 19:04 on October 8

(Combined with the time of the moon's death, if you care about the time of the moon's death, then for you, the effective wish time is: October 6, 19:05 - October 7, 10:07 and October 7, 22:23 to October 8, 19:04)

(The best time to make a wish within 8 hours after the start of the new moon is the best time to make a wish, and the 48 hours after the start of the new moon is the effective time to make a wish, of course, if you personally care about the time of the moon's death, you need to take care to avoid it.) )

1. What is the specific operation mode of making a wish?

After the start of the new moon, according to the ascending sign as the main sign, supplemented by the sun sign (see below for the specific constellation wishing field) to make a wish (please combine your actual needs), write the wish in a book or on paper, and collect it after writing.

Some people asked if it could be written in Weibo and mobile phone memos, but according to the convention, it is best to write it down with a pen, which is a process of "making a contract".

Each person can make up to 10 wishes. (Don't care about the color of the pen, there is no requirement for orientation, location, and no need to do this to the moon).)

2. How long after the wish is fulfilled?

This is a contract with the universe, the new moon brings you "opportunity", so whether you can take advantage of this opportunity, you need to pay your practice and efforts.

The reason why I mentioned earlier that you can keep your wish slips is so that when you look back in the next few months or even a year, you will find your gains.

3. Can I make a wish for someone else?

No, you can only make a wish for yourself, and the content of the wish cannot change the will of others, such as making others fall in love with themselves, changing their minds, or making wishes that are out of touch.

It is advisable to make a wish to change oneself.

Wishes that are based on malice do not allow, and in the end they are not beneficial to themselves.

Do not make curses and slanderous wishes.

4. Can I make the same wish every new moon?

If the wish guidance explains that the field suitable for your constellation wish does not have the same type and field of content, it is generally not recommended to make a wish.

5. I don't know my ascending sign (or astrolabe), how do I determine it?

You can search for the arrangement of the astrolabe on your own network, or follow my Weibo: @Alex is the uncle (the menu bar in the private message function has a scheduling tutorial or replies in the Weibo private message: astrolabe), you can also in my WeChat subscription account: astro_alex (also in the function list there is a scheduling tutorial).

6. How to repay the wish when the wish is realized?

If you have promised how to repay the wish, do it according to what you say, and if not, do good deeds.

Crescent | The 12 signs come together to prepare for a new new moon wish
Crescent | The 12 signs come together to prepare for a new new moon wish
Crescent | The 12 signs come together to prepare for a new new moon wish

12What wishes are the zodiac signs for the new moon in Libra?

Crescent | The 12 signs come together to prepare for a new new moon wish

Reference: Mainly the ascending sign, supplemented by the sun sign

Note: The following is written in the field of wishing, and you can make words and sentences according to your own writing and sentence style.

The following are examples of each constellation wishing field:


I hope to sign a smooth contract

I hope to pass the interview

I want to fulfill the order

I hope to expand my customers

I hope to be promoted smoothly

I hope the game goes well

I hope to be able to complete the manuscript

I hope to relocate smoothly

I hope to do charity

I hope to be successful in defending my rights


I hope to improve my health

I wish I could have a pet

I hope to be able to apply for documents smoothly

I hope the transfer will be successful

I hope to solve the marriage problem

I hope to be able to take a vacation

I hope to get subsidies

I hope to join a new group

I hope that the debt problem can be solved


I want to be appreciated for my talent

I hope to enhance my charm and get peach blossoms

I hope to get a return on my investment

I hope to win the lottery

I hope to be able to become a parent smoothly

I hope to meet new people

I hope to be able to travel

I hope to start a business

I hope to be able to attend a party event


I hope to be able to trade houses

I hope it can be renovated smoothly

I hope to be appreciated by your people

I wanted to be inspired to create

I hope to receive a gift

I hope to dispel interpersonal misunderstandings

I hope to be able to sign the project smoothly


I would like to be able to attend the training

I hope to be able to bid successfully

I wish I could rent what I wanted

I hope to be able to fulfill the order

I hope to sign a smooth contract

I hope to be able to jump ship smoothly

I wish I could travel on vacation

I hope to work part-time to earn extra money

I hope to have the courage to confess


I hope to improve my fortunes

I hope to increase the appeal

I hope to have more orders to cooperate

I hope to expand new customer resources

I hope to get a promotion and a raise

I hope that the issue of documentation can be dealt with


I hope to enhance the charm and attract peach blossoms

I hope to be successful in the race

I hope to have your help

I hope that the question of legal right and wrong can be resolved

I hope to finish the manuscript

I hope that the copyright issue can be dealt with smoothly

I hope to be able to participate in the training

I hope to be transferred to a foreign assignment


I hope to solve interpersonal problems

I hope to be able to deal with financial disputes

I hope to join a new organization

I hope to succeed in the lawsuit

I hope to improve my fortunes


I want to be more famous and more influential

I hope to be promoted smoothly to parenthood

I hope to be able to transfer the property smoothly

I hope to have your help

I hope to be able to bid smoothly

I hope to pass the exam


I hope to raise awareness

I hope to alleviate interpersonal problems in the workplace

I hope to have your help

I hope to have a smooth blind date

I hope to grow across industries


I hope to be able to publish and publish my work smoothly

I hope that copyright issues can be dealt with

I hope that the legal issues can be resolved

I hope to be able to get started smoothly


I hope to have insurance

I hope to get the arrears

I hope to pass the training, the assessment

I hope to be able to travel on vacation

I hope that the project can be successfully concluded

I hope to be transferred, expatriate

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