
Spring children's "surge period", 6-year-old children eat these 5 foods, can help supplement calcium and grow the body?

author:Exploding mother and baby classroom

Spring is the period of children's soaring, 6-year-old children eat these 5 foods, can help supplement calcium and grow the body!

Spring is a very important season, especially for the growth and development of small children, especially the growth and height of the body, is a very good time.

However, just by wanting to get taller but not working, you still need the choice of weekday diet plus seasonal changes.

Spring children's "surge period", 6-year-old children eat these 5 foods, can help supplement calcium and grow the body?

Let's introduce to you what foods 6-year-olds can eat in the spring, which can help children better supplement calcium and grow their bodies.

In fact, for most children, from the beginning of spring, you can find that they suddenly increase their appetite, because the spring weather is mild, gradually many foods begin to market, children will naturally eat happily.

Here are five foods for 6-year-olds:

1. Six-year-old children grow in height and can eat more: milk

For children, milk has many benefits, especially to help them grow taller.

Because milk is high in protein and calcium, both of which are essential nutrients for the child's body.

Calcium can help children with bone health, and at the same time, can prevent many bone diseases, such as osteoporosis and so on.

Drinking a glass of milk every day can not only exercise the child's gastrointestinal tract, but also cleanly bring the required nutrients into the child's body.

Spring children's "surge period", 6-year-old children eat these 5 foods, can help supplement calcium and grow the body?

2. Six-year-old children grow taller and can eat more: tofu and other soy products

Tofu and other soy products are also very good food choices. Many people think that tofu is just a simple calcium supplement, in fact, in addition to calcium supplementation, tofu can also supplement the phosphorus, iron, vitamin E and other nutrients needed by children.

Tofu is an indispensable part of children's daily table, and can be seen on the table for breakfast, late-night snacks, and dishes.

Spring children's "surge period", 6-year-old children eat these 5 foods, can help supplement calcium and grow the body?

3. Six-year-old children grow in height and can eat more: seafood

Seafood is also very nutrient-rich, and if you want to provide your child with high-quality protein, iron, and zinc, seafood is a great choice.

For example, salmon, shrimp, crab, sea crab, etc., these foods not only contain the nutrients mentioned above, but are also very healthy foods.

4. Six-year-old children grow taller and can eat more: green vegetables

All green vegetables are very nutritious, including spinach, leeks, lotus root, peas, green beans, and more, and the iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamins C and A contained in these vegetables can help keep your child's body nourished.

Green leafy vegetables are rich in chlorophyll and fiber, which can help reduce children's constipation, increase children's satiety, and allow children to grow better and healthier in daily life.

Spring children's "surge period", 6-year-old children eat these 5 foods, can help supplement calcium and grow the body?

5. Six-year-old children grow in height and can eat more: eggs

Eggs are not only delicious and nutritious, but the protein and lipids they contain can enhance children's brain power and enhance children's spirit.

Eating eggs can help children better use the calcium and vitamin D they need, while eggs can also help maintain your child's resistance and immunity, making your child's body healthier.

In short, in the spring, the child's body growth and development is faster, our diet choices are also very important, I hope to suggest parents to provide more high-quality food for their children to make meals, which will help children grow and develop better.

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