
"Fish head tofu soup" How to make children love to drink? 2 minutes to teach you, from a white second to a chef

author:Donggo food recommendation

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"Fish head tofu soup" How to make children love to drink? 2 minutes to teach you, from a white second to a chef
"Fish head tofu soup" How to make children love to drink? 2 minutes to teach you, from a white second to a chef

Ingredients: Fresh carp head (grass carp head or silver carp head), tender tofu, sliced green onion, sliced ginger, minced spring onion.

(1) Slaughter fresh fish heads.

(2) Wash fresh tofu and cut into small pieces for later use.

After all the ingredients are processed, let's start cooking.

(1) Heat the pan with cold oil, sprinkle a little salt in the pot, and slowly slide the large fish head from the side of the pot and fry until slightly yellow on both sides.

(2) Pour in enough boiling water, add water tofu, add green onion slices, ginger slices, water boil, skim off the upper foam, and simmer for 15 minutes.

"Fish head tofu soup" How to make children love to drink? 2 minutes to teach you, from a white second to a chef

(3) Then add an appropriate amount of salt, pepper, monosodium glutamate, and chicken essence according to personal taste to get out of the pot.

Such a bowl of delicious soup "fish head tofu soup" is complete, have you learned?

"Fish head tofu soup" How to make children love to drink? 2 minutes to teach you, from a white second to a chef

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