
What is the matter with children always making mistakes and missing words is not as simple as parents think

author:Pediatrician Huang Xiang

Children always skip lines when reading and writing, miss words, do not like to read, write slowly, often look at words backwards or upside down...

Is it really just because of carelessness?

What is the matter with children always making mistakes and missing words is not as simple as parents think

Source: Self-made draft design

The child always makes typos and misses what is going on

Children appear occasionally, probably due to carelessness, but if these conditions persist, it is likely to be dyslexia, a type of dysplasia caused by the brain's uncoordinated comprehensive processing of visual and auditory information.

Children with dyslexia are prone to confused homophones, close words, skipping lines and missing words, difficulty writing, poor concentration and other manifestations.

As a key way for children to learn knowledge, reading needs to achieve brain development and acquire cognition through reading.

What is the matter with children always making mistakes and missing words is not as simple as parents think

Source: Photogram 401801545

It usually includes dyslexia, dyslexia and behavioral disorders, which are mostly manifested as: difficulty in literacy and literacy, slow reading speed, easy to skip lines, difficulty in grasping spatial distance in writing, etc.

These problems will not only affect the child's academic performance, because they mostly appear in the individual's developmental stage, but also seriously affect the individual's normal learning life, future development, and bring serious mental and psychological burden, it is recommended to treat and intervene in time.

Dyslexia does not mean mental retardation

Some people will mistakenly think that this is an intellectual disability, and even some children will be seen as hyperactive and inattentive, but in fact, it is very wrong!

Dyslexia does not mean that there is a problem with intelligence, and the intelligence of children with dysregulation in general is usually no different from that of normal people.

Children cannot concentrate because most school curricula require a lot of contact with words.

However, due to dyslexia, these learnings are very difficult for children, and over time they naturally do not want to study or concentrate anymore.

What is the matter with children always making mistakes and missing words is not as simple as parents think

Source: Photogram 401190376

Common presentation of dyslexia in children

The third grade of primary school is the peak of discovering dyslexia, at which children usually start learning more difficult texts, so they are more likely to show dyslexia!

However, preschoolers are not easy to spot because they have not yet begun to learn words, but parents can still observe in the following way:

1. Preschoolers

01. The vocabulary used in daily life is very small, and different age groups have different vocabulary, such as: the common words of 4~5-year-old children are generally about 1500~2000 words, if it is far lower than this number, parents should pay attention;

02. Use only single words;

03. Difficulty in learning concepts such as colors and numbers;

04. It is difficult to associate nouns with pronunciation.

2. School-age children

01. Difficulty in literacy and literacy;

02. After typos, often one more stroke or one less draw;

03. Upside down the order of writing;

04. Confusing close characters, such as: 'he' as 'river';

05. Engage in mixing close words;

06. Inability to express ideas through writing;

07. It is difficult to understand what the article really wants to convey;

08. Unable to read fluently, easy to skip lines, add or subtract words, or even follow their own meaning.

What is the matter with children always making mistakes and missing words is not as simple as parents think

Source: Photogram 400077240

How to help your child overcome dyslexia

Dyslexia will not only affect children's learning, but also affect their future daily life, such as not being able to read water outages, power outage notices, etc.

It can now be improved through different learning skills such as auditory and visual stimulation, or through repeated practice to improve a child's reading ability.

As long as parents give appropriate help, support and patient companionship, I believe that children can avoid losing self-confidence due to dyslexia, which will affect their lives.

The above is some knowledge about children's dyslexia, hoping to help some confused parents.